Short: V2.1 EXTREMELY configurable bars on ALL screens Author: (Dick Whiting) Uploader: dwhiting europa com (Dick Whiting) Type: util/misc Version: V2.1 ARexx command set added Replaces: util/misc/URB* Architecture: m68k-amigaos Copyright ©1998 by Dick Whiting Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-) HOWEVER, if you do find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they would love a postcard from where EVER you live. My daughter just started Spanish lessons, so cards from Spanish speaking countries would especially be valued. Postcards: Dick Whiting 28590 S. Beavercreek Rd. Mulino, Oregon 97042 USA Email: Dick Whiting <> Home page: Mail List: To subscribe, email to Translations (available or in process) Danish Henrik Andreasen German Michael Lünse Italian Francesco Mancuso If you would like to provide a catalog for these, email them to me and I'll post it on my web page and include them in the next update. Changes in Version 2.1 ---------------------- An extensive ARexx command set was added to UrbConfig. This makes it easy to do mass updates on a configuration file, such as changing path names. It also makes it easy to create configuration files from a text input file. Sample scripts are included that I used in creating the UrbCedWWW configs. A couple commands were also added to URB. They make it possible to have fewer URB clones by allowing one to tell another to load a new configuration file. If you have several configs that are basically the same, this could be useful. Upgrading from V2.0 to V2.1 --------------------------- Copy the following from this archive OVER your existing ones: Catalogs/ Rexx/ Readme URB UrbConfig Replace any URB clones you have with the new URB using the old name. That's it:) Comment on Version 2.0 ---------------------- URB v2 is almost a complete rewrite. The URBs are much more configurable, the configuration program is now a separate program, and there are more options. It should be faster, smaller, fancier, and, unfortunately, not quite as intuitive due to the increased complexity. There are hours of fun built into it... a hidden gadget, "rubber-bandy thingies" for rearranging the layouts, and a "Randomize" function for the bored or non-creative. Enjoy :) Requirements ------------ These programs use MUI ©1992-98 by Stefan Stuntz. If you don't have it, get it from Aminet: mui38usr.lha util/libs Also get WBRun by Sylvain Rougier & Pierre Carrette from Aminet: util/cli/WBRun_fix.lha and install it for use with the WBRun option in URB. This allows running Workbench programs from a CLI and using their TOOLTYPES. FILES INCLUDED IN THIS ARCHIVE: Catalogs - directory containing localization pieces ReadMe - comments and requirements for URB v2 ReadMe.mui - information about Stefan Stuntz' MUI | rexx/ - directory with sample scripts URB - Urb the program - for running from an icon UrbConfig - Configuration program for URBs - its icon - this documentation - multiview guide UrbUpgrade - program for Upgrading V1 to V2 - its icon Models - directory of models for creating different URBs - its icon UrbGrabs - directory of screen grabs to give you ideas configuration files are in directory Models - its icon There may be versions of these with a suffix such as '.DK' this indicates a Danish version for that file. Over time support of additional languages will be added. Description ----------- This program allows you to put a button bar for executing ARexx scripts, CLI programs, WorkBench programs, and/or Amiga DOS scripts on any public screen (actually, you could put several on each screen). The button bars that you can create are only limited by your imagination. They can be as simple as a single button or as complex as an almost total Workbench replacement. You can have image buttons with and without text, colored buttons, buttons that show and hide other buttons, ones that open file requesters, and you can have areas with datatype pictures scattered as you wish. The physical arrangement of clusters of buttons is virtually unlimited. Shortcut keys, MUI control codes for colors and images are also supported. See the example screen grabs for a few of the possibilities. There is bubble help available for all gadgets, lists, etc. Place the pointer above the item and wait;) Future ------ That depends on what suggestions and responses I get. Dick Whiting October 04, 1998