84782 packages online


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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
AcidToxid.lha mods/demo 5121 66K 1994-10-23 generic icon Ads by Hallgreen, Christian 1:20 *** - (readme)
AcidPop.lha mods/demo 5204 108K 1995-04-11 generic icon Mod by Pink from Abyss \"1995\" - (readme)
AcidPanic.lha mods/demo 5269 85K 1994-08-07 generic icon Demo mod *** - (readme)
Acceleration.lha mods/demo 5365 121K 1994-08-07 generic icon Demo mod by Sir Henry ***+ - (readme)
ACallToday.lha mods/demo 5367 152K 1994-08-07 generic icon Demo mod by clawz *** - (readme)
AbsoluteMuzakI.lha mods/demo 5307 65K 1994-08-07 generic icon Demo mod by Hobbes **+ - (readme)
absintro.lha mods/demo 5351 12K 1997-10-15 generic icon Mod from ABS demo - (readme)
5Dollars.lha mods/demo 5415 65K 1996-10-05 generic icon Demo mod by Breeze.finland ***+ - (readme)
4Matmadness.lha mods/demo 5547 73K 1995-02-19 generic icon Mod by 4-Mat from Anarchy \"Madness\" - (readme)
3dparads.lha mods/demo 5419 77K 1996-03-15 generic icon By Scorpik/Absolute! - (readme)
3Disparition.lha mods/demo 5378 388K 1996-10-05 generic icon Demo mod by Absys **** - (readme)
3d-Demo-Theme.lha mods/demo 5882 155K 1993-07-10 generic icon PT-MOD by Mad Freak / Anarchy ***** - (readme)
2400nCounting.lha mods/demo 5353 13K 1996-10-05 generic icon Demo mod by 911 ***+ - (readme)
1Egypthemis.lha mods/demo 5595 489K 1996-10-05 generic icon Demo mod by Absys **** - (readme)
1991NotANumber.lha mods/demo 5581 136K 1996-10-05 generic icon Demo mod by Cosmiq ****+ - (readme)
10kblur.lha mods/demo 5768 5K 1993-03-24 generic icon Deathjester mod. Very good songs!! - (readme)
Found 816 matching packages
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