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Short:Patch registered BancaBase family budget
Author:sdardari at (Stefano Dardari)
Uploader:sdardari rimini com (Stefano Dardari)
Version:1.3a (1.1)
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BancaBase3 1.3a patch (corrected)


1.3a (New relase Localized, BUGFIX and enhanced)

In  this  patch  I've  corrected  some errors found in the first patch
relase,  that  do  not  correctly copy the catalogs and documentations
files.   Also corrected documents version files.  I apologize for this


Stefano Dardari

E-Mail : sdardari at
FidoNet: 2:332/301.200


This  is  the  PATCH  for the REGISTERED 1.3 version of BancaBase.  To
apply  this  patch  you  need  the  full registered 1.3 version of the
program installed on your HardDisk.

The complete automatic standard installer procedure assure an easy and
fast installation of this upgrade.

This upgrade is completely FREE for all registered 1.3 users.

                     BancaBase3  Version 1.3a

This  is the 1.3a version of BancaBase, Family Budget, Current Account
and  Financial  Management  program  BancaBase.   This is a BUGFIX and
enhanced  version.   At  the  moment  the documentation is in Italian,
German  and  English  language  only, but I hope to add other language

A  Catalog  Description  is included to easly translate the program in
other  languages.   (if so please contact me by Email).  Author of the
translation will be mentioned on the language information requester.

To  install  BancaBase  on  HardDisk simply doubleclick on Install_ENG
icon   and   wait   until   the   installer   procedure   is   loaded.
During installation you can choose preferred language from available.

Some interesting features :

***************************** IMPORTANT ******************************

-  Amiga  GUIDE on-line manual that can be recalled by the HELP key or
by  menu.   There  are  AmigaGuide  manual  translation  in  Italiano,
English, Deutsch.

-   Localization.    At   the  moment  are  available  this  languages
translations  :   Italian,  English,  Deutsch, Français, Russian.
But  more  can  be  easily  created  thank  to the Catalog.description
furnished with the program.


-  Graphic  User  Interface  fully customizable through a built in GUI
editor.   Is  possible  to  set  SCREENS, FONTS, BACKDROPS, COLORS end
more.   It  doesn't  use MUI ad so it's not necessary to send money to
other  people  to  have  a  fully functional and customizable program.
Every  Archive  can be set to the preferred settings that program load
with the archive data automatically.

- Unlimited customizable List of object that user can recall in useful
POP-UP  buttons  placed  near  the  string  gadget  in all the program
windows.  Lists include Descriptions, Classes, amounts.

-   Possible   to  use  mouse/keyboard  only  or  both  thank  to  the
sophisticated graphic user interface.

-  There are available two kind of graph (like the older version) that
show balance, but now have a nice 3d look and can be also printed.

-  Import/Export  functions  in a customizable CSV format.  Ready some
settings  for  the most popular programs like TurboCalc, DataStore and

-  Records Browser with customizable record colors for Income, Expense
and other.

-  Real  time  display  of  actual  balance total and filtered with an
auto-recalculate  function.  The display can be disabled to avoid that
other peoples can know our balance !  ;)

-  An  useful tools menu were can be easily recalled the calculator or
other  available  utility.  One for calculate the days difference from
two  dates,  the  other  to  calculate the date resulting by adding or
removing a certain number of days from a desired starting date.

-  There  are  many kind of reports that can be displayed in a builtin
viewer,  so  can  be showed also to that users that haven't a printer.
Naturally can be also printed !  ;)

-  Collecting  function  to PACK more records in one only that contain
the total amount calculated.

-  All  the  program  is  been  rewritten and enhanced.  A special 020
version  (and  I think also an 030/040/060 version) will be available
early in Aminet.

- Functions to purge,restore deleted records, sorting by date.


Other  functions are under development.  I think to add many functions
to  this  program, and this depend on how is the users interest.  More
registrations and more development.


For any question, bug report or anything else, contact me to :

Email   : sdardari at  (preferred)
Fidonet : 2:332/301.200

Via Snail-Mail to :

Stefano Dardari
Via Romagna 15
47900 Rimini


Exuse me for my poor english ... :}

Please read the included .readme file for more info.

Contents of biz/misc/BBase13aPch1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]               157780  309340  51.0% -lh5- 8748 Oct 13  1997 BBase13a_pch/BancaBase.pch
[generic]                 9559   27232  35.1% -lh5- 995b Sep 24  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/
[generic]                 7297   17928  40.7% -lh5- c8d7 Jan 23  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/italiano/BancaBase.catalog
[generic]                 5060   12150  41.6% -lh5- 9958 May 20  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/italiano/SDbase.catalog
[generic]                 2109    5036  41.9% -lh5- 043f Dec 14  1997 BBase13a_pch/Readme.doc
[generic]                 9285   14636  63.4% -lh5- e89d Jan 20  1996 BBase13a_pch/spatch
[generic]                 4569   11162  40.9% -lh5- 90b7 Sep  2  1992 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/deutsch/SDbase.catalog
[generic]                 7401   18644  39.7% -lh5- e693 Aug 22  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/franíÂis/BancaBase.catalog
[generic]                 5098   12366  41.2% -lh5- 5d73 Sep 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/franíÂis/SDbase.catalog
[generic]                 6912   20070  34.4% -lh5- 85d3 Sep 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/
[generic]                 1220    2505  48.7% -lh5- 1631 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                 6347   15862  40.0% -lh5- 0a8e Oct  5  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/deutsch/BancaBase.catalog
[generic]                 7072   15762  44.9% -lh5- d77b Oct  5  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/russian/BancaBase.catalog
[generic]                 4988   11204  44.5% -lh5- 8275 Oct  5  1997 BBase13a_pch/Catalogs/russian/SDBase.catalog
[generic]                 1425    2616  54.5% -lh5- 1282 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/
[generic]                19616   60062  32.7% -lh5- b3dd Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/deutsch/
[generic]                 1421    2616  54.3% -lh5- ba48 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/deutsch/
[generic]                 1423    2616  54.4% -lh5- 7f6e Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/deutsch/
[generic]                 1423    2621  54.3% -lh5- 0080 Sep 15  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/
[generic]                 1243    2132  58.3% -lh5- d83a Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/
[generic]                11376   35474  32.1% -lh5- 77ad Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/deutsch/
[generic]                 1416    2616  54.1% -lh5- 8515 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/italiano/
[generic]                15330   48274  31.8% -lh5- 7207 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/italiano/
[generic]                 1421    2616  54.3% -lh5- 4107 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/italiano/
[generic]                 1422    2616  54.4% -lh5- 9fd6 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/english/
[generic]                13153   40366  32.6% -lh5- 5e51 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/english/
[generic]                 1421    2616  54.3% -lh5- 4dc0 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/english/
[generic]                 1241    2132  58.2% -lh5- f6b4 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/
[generic]                24460   75513  32.4% -lh5- 2916 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/italiano/
[generic]                 2301    5355  43.0% -lh5- df5f Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/BBase13aPch.lha.readme
[generic]                 1023    1945  52.6% -lh5- d812 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                 1243    2132  58.3% -lh5- 77a5 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/
[generic]                22012   66331  33.2% -lh5- 6441 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Docs/english/
[generic]                 3026   10364  29.2% -lh5- dc26 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Update_eng
[generic]                 3011   10588  28.4% -lh5- f3d4 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Update_ita
[generic]                  715    1352  52.9% -lh5- 9b76 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/
[generic]                 3361    5931  56.7% -lh5- 3673 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                 1003    1710  58.7% -lh5- 4038 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                 3356    5926  56.6% -lh5- 74a3 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                  934    1660  56.3% -lh5- 0ad2 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                 1218    2479  49.1% -lh5- 2ba1 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                 3356    5926  56.6% -lh5- e48c Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                 2204    3276  67.3% -lh5- a928 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Register/
[generic]                 2205    3276  67.3% -lh5- 77e8 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Register/
[generic]                 2205    3276  67.3% -lh5- 0773 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Register/
[generic]                 2203    3276  67.2% -lh5- f01b Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Register/
[generic]                 1102    1978  55.7% -lh5- f05c Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Register/
[generic]                  850    1313  64.7% -lh5- 9be4 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                 1633    2459  66.4% -lh5- b42f Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Docs/
[generic]                 1629    2459  66.2% -lh5- dfdd Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Docs/
[generic]                 1101    1978  55.7% -lh5- e322 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/Register/
[generic]                  909    1868  48.7% -lh5- 9e1b Jan 13  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                  756    1259  60.0% -lh5- 3795 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/MagicWB/
[generic]                  712    1352  52.7% -lh5- 3469 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/
[generic]                  612    1851  33.1% -lh5- ddfb Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  286     632  45.3% -lh5- 39d1 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  289     632  45.7% -lh5- 5f0b Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  287     632  45.4% -lh5- 0068 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                 1055    1648  64.0% -lh5- a435 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Register/
[generic]                 1055    1648  64.0% -lh5- e97c Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Register/
[generic]                 1055    1648  64.0% -lh5- f825 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Register/
[generic]                 1055    1648  64.0% -lh5- 096f Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Register/
[generic]                  513     849  60.4% -lh5- 8644 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Register/
[generic]                  611    1724  35.4% -lh5- a5d2 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  614    1851  33.2% -lh5- 8218 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  610    1851  33.0% -lh5- fd1a Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  515     849  60.7% -lh5- cbf7 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Register/
[generic]                 1195    2028  58.9% -lh5- 2dfb Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                  279     632  44.1% -lh5- 0b12 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/
[generic]                 1055    1648  64.0% -lh5- 9cd1 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Docs/
[generic]                 1055    1648  64.0% -lh5- debc Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/Standard/Docs/
[generic]                  717    1352  53.0% -lh5- 0e69 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/
[generic]                 2576    4884  52.7% -lh5- 0b67 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                  712    1352  52.7% -lh5- bd98 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                 1217    2505  48.6% -lh5- bfa3 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                 2579    4884  52.8% -lh5- 0738 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                 1023    1945  52.6% -lh5- a6c2 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                  904    1427  63.3% -lh5- a1f0 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Register/
[generic]                 1157    1832  63.2% -lh5- a7fd Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Register/
[generic]                  905    1427  63.4% -lh5- 0e1c Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Register/
[generic]                 1159    1832  63.3% -lh5- fb05 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Register/
[generic]                 1158    1832  63.2% -lh5- af7a Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Register/
[generic]                 1160    1832  63.3% -lh5- 41f2 Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Register/
[generic]                 1222    2762  44.2% -lh5- 5f3c Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                 1159    1832  63.3% -lh5- 528e Dec 27  1996 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Docs/
[generic]                 1161    1832  63.4% -lh5- e102 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/Docs/
[generic]                 2575    4884  52.7% -lh5- 9088 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                 1179    2003  58.9% -lh5- 3474 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                 1229    1846  66.6% -lh5- e927 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                 1027    1945  52.8% -lh5- 0aaf Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/Icons/NewIcon/
[generic]                13658   13658 100.0% -lh0- ef81 Oct  1  1997 BBase13a_pch/Register.lha
[generic]                 1170    2172  53.9% -lh5- da38 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                 1173    2172  54.0% -lh5- ddaf Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                 1848    4279  43.2% -lh5- 9295 Sep 18  1997 BBase13a_pch/Aggiornamenti.doc
[generic]                 2785    5336  52.2% -lh5- c00e Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                60617  109956  55.1% -lh5- 9576 Nov 11  1996 BBase13a_pch/Installer
[generic]                 2546    6235  40.8% -lh5- 60d2 Dec 14  1997 BBase13a_pch/Leggimi.doc
[generic]                 2683    5336  50.3% -lh5- ae6c Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                33095   53592  61.8% -lh5- d44a Nov 11  1996 BBase13a_pch/lha
[generic]                 2661    5336  49.9% -lh5- 65e4 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
[generic]                  858    1636  52.4% -lh5- 58d8 Dec 27  1997
[generic]                 1136    2196  51.7% -lh5- 2e20 Dec 27  1997 BBase13a_pch/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total       102 files  557746 1207783  46.2%            Dec 28  1997

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