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Darkness present a demo with no apparent name! Not A1200 compatable.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
122072 114730 6.0% 25-Sep-93 22:48:36 darkness.bin
356 287 19.3% 25-Sep-93 22:48:08 demo
1048 639 39.0% 25-Sep-93 22:47:58 devs/keymaps/fkeys
232 130 43.9% 25-Sep-93 22:47:58 devs/system-configuration
20 20 0.0% 25-Sep-93 22:49:30 s/startup-sequence
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
123728 115806 6.4% 18-Sep-94 08:11:04 5 files
Contents of demo/disk/dks_demo.lha PERMSSN UID GID PACKED SIZE RATIO CRC STAMP NAME
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 114730 122072 94.0% -lh5- b882 Sep 25 1993 darkness.bin
[generic] 287 356 80.6% -lh5- 7c6d Sep 25 1993 demo
[generic] 639 1048 61.0% -lh5- 2fd5 Sep 25 1993 devs/keymaps/fkeys
[generic] 130 232 56.0% -lh5- 6836 Sep 25 1993 devs/system-configuration
[generic] 20 20 100.0% -lh0- 546d Sep 25 1993 s/startup-sequence
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 115806 123728 93.6% Sep 18 1994
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