84794 packages online
dev/misc/ProtoMakerf.lha |
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ProtoMaker is a small programming tool that makes use of the GENPROTO
option of SAS/C 6.00 or above. It opens an app-icon or app-window, where
you can drop proto files, and C files, and then prototype declarations
for the C file wil be generated and put into the proto file.
(The first upload of this used font helvetica size 24 for the MAIN node
of the guide document, and helvetica size 13 for the other nodes. This
worked fine as long as both fonts were loaded into memory. After
uploading and later rebooting my machine, I discovered that AmigaGude
only loads the first font found, which was the one of size 24. Reading
the rest of the document in font helvetica 24 is not that nice...
I have therefore switched to helvetica 13 for all nodes, and uploaded
again. This time calling the archive ProtoMakerf.lha to distinguish it
from the first. I have sent a mail to aminet@wuarchive.wustl.edu, so
hopefully the first version never left the new directory. This message
is here just in case it did.)
Contents of dev/misc/ProtoMakerf.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 556 1761 31.6% -lh5- a25c Jun 11 1995 ProtoMaker.info
[generic] 2818 7215 39.1% -lh5- a76d Dec 10 1994 ProtoMaker/AFD-COPYRIGHT
[generic] 1054 3675 28.7% -lh5- 5eee Jun 11 1995 ProtoMaker/AFD-COPYRIGHT.info
[generic] 18280 35160 52.0% -lh5- fb2b Jul 10 1993 ProtoMaker/ProtoMaker
[generic] 2427 6265 38.7% -lh5- c325 Jun 11 1995 ProtoMaker/ProtoMaker.guide
[generic] 1623 3922 41.4% -lh5- e386 Jun 11 1995 ProtoMaker/ProtoMaker.guide.info
[generic] 416 1071 38.8% -lh5- 44f8 Jun 11 1995 ProtoMaker/ProtoMaker.info
[generic] 268 439 61.0% -lh5- cc9e Jun 11 1995 ProtoMaker/ProtoMaker.readme
[generic] 1629 3930 41.5% -lh5- edaa Jun 11 1995 ProtoMaker/ProtoMaker.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 29071 63438 45.8% Jun 12 1995
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