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Short:Application layer for pixel graphics
Author:"Timm S. Müller" tmueller at
Uploader:Andreas Falkenhahn <andreas airsoftsoftwair de>
Download:dev/misc/guigfxlib.lha - View contents


  - guigfx.library is an application layer for pixel graphics.

  - guigfx.library breaks the chains of all those nasty
    planar, chunky, 8/16/24bit, OS3.0, OS3.1, OCS, ECS, AGA,
    CybergraphX and Picasso96 considerations.

  - with guigfx.library you no longer have to take care about your
    application running on a OCS machine or on a high-end
    graphics-card system.

  - guigfx.library lets you freely choose truecolor graphics for
    your applications.

  - with guigfx.library your graphics will always look as fine as
    possible, on any screen, no matter if driven on 24 bit
    1024x768 CybergraphX/Picasso96, on HAM8, or 1 bit productivity

  - guigfx.library does quick color-reduction, rendering,
    remapping and dithering for you. only you don't know when,
    on which machine, under what circumstances.

  - guigfx.library treats scaling as a standard operation.
    it is available at any time, without extra consideration,
    without extra memory consumption, even without a true loss
    of performance.
  - guigfx.library handles screen pen allocation in an extremely
    effective way.

  - guigfx.library hides bugs, incompatibilities and insufficiencies
    of graphics.library, cybergraphics.library and Picasso96 from
    you. it is an attempt to render incompatibilities between
    different versions of CybergraphX and Picasso96 obsolete.
  - guigfx.library features picture.datatype import. standard and
    v43 (including Picasso96) picture datatypes are automatically
    recognized and used as available.

  - guigfx.library does not call SetFunction() and is hereby
    guaranteed to never do so in future versions.

  - guigfx.library puts all that stuff into a black-box,
    freeing your mind for the creative part.


  - full truecolor, OCS, ECS, AGA, HAM support
  - screen-pen management
  - color-reduction
  - dithering
  - picture.class datatype import
  - scaling
  - image processing methods 
    (crop, scale, render, tint, 
    alpha-channel, texture-mapping, ...)
  - fully documented
  - supplied with C includes for SAS/C, StormC and MaxonC
  - freeware


  - render.library v30
  - os3.x (v39)
  - higher OS, higher CPU, FPU
  - CyberGraphX or Picasso 96
  - MorphOS
  - AmigaOS4

recent changes

v20.1   [05-Nov-11]
        - for some reason the only build for 68k I included in the release on
          16-Mar-05 was a build for systems with an FPU. Even worse, I didn't
          mark it as such which caused lots of confusion with people trying to
          use it on non-FPU systems. I have now added 68k builds for all 
          architectures that were originally part of the guigfx distribution
          (020, 040, 060, FPU). Thanks to Niels Schapke for reporting this problem.
        - bumped the version because the 68k builds now also contain the
          WritePixelArray() fix from v20.0.2 (which should have been v20.1
          back then already instead of that awkward non-standard versioning,
        - removed the MorphOS build because guigfx.library is part of MorphOS    
v20.0.2 [16-Mar-05]
	- fixed wrong modulo value in two WritePixelArray() calls; fixed
	  only in the OS4 version as the wrong value is harmless under
	  MorphOS and OS3.x. Reported by Stephan Rupprecht.
v20.0   [03-Mar-05]
        - added AmigaOS 4 binary and includes

------ all releases after v20.0 made by Andreas Falkenhahn <> ------
	- added picture attributes PICATTR_NumPaletteEntries and
	  PICATTR_Palette to GetPictureAttrs(). This way you can
	  query a picture's palette. PICATTR_NumPaletteEntries will
	  currently always return 256 if a picture is palette-based,
	  and zero otherwise. PICATTR_Palette expects a buffer of
	  256 ULONG entries in (by default) the format PALFMT_RGB8.
	  Requested by Andreas Falkenhahn.
        - when a picture was read from a hicolor/truecolor rastport
          using ReadPicture(), a palette was incorporated to the picture.
          ClonePicture() created a copy of that palette but did not
          actually place it in the resulting picture. when the library
          was closed, the leak was indicated with a ILLEGAL exception.

	- fixed a LOOONG standing bug when adding pictures to
	  a pensharemap, when the picture was less than 7 lines
	  high. ouch!

Contents of dev/misc/guigfxlib.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                17593   94254  18.7% -lh5- 5c60 Apr 26  2003 doc/autodoc/guigfx
[generic]                16084   80835  19.9% -lh5- ab05 Apr 26  2003 doc/autodoc/guigfx.doc
[generic]                 1266    3893  32.5% -lh5- 89fc Feb 13  1999 doc/examples
[generic]                 8540   22209  38.5% -lh5- 5ad9 Nov  5 22:23 doc/history
[generic]                  763    1712  44.6% -lh5- c827 Jul 21  1998 doc/prefs
[generic]                  766    3166  24.2% -lh5- c12b May 23  1999 include/clib/guigfx_protos.h
[generic]                  484    1245  38.9% -lh5- 5b07 Dec 31  1997 include/fd/guigfx_lib.fd
[generic]                 1062    3368  31.5% -lh5- 7eec Apr 26  2003 include/guigfx/guigfx.h
[generic]                  543    2427  22.4% -lh5- f952 Jul 26  1998 include/pragmas/guigfx_pragmas.h
[generic]                  128     180  71.1% -lh5- 7b41 Jan  6  1998 include/proto/guigfx.h
[generic]                 1062    3367  31.5% -lh5- edc3 Feb 14  2003 include_os4/guigfx/guigfx.h
[generic]                  527    1102  47.8% -lh5- 39a0 Dec  6  2002 include_os4/guigfx/guigfx_internal.h
[generic]                 1092    7793  14.0% -lh5- 6361 Mar  3  2005 include_os4/inline4/guigfx.h
[generic]                  908    5411  16.8% -lh5- 5e1c Mar  3  2005 include_os4/interfaces/guigfx.h
[generic]                  494    1501  32.9% -lh5- 1ea4 Feb 25  2005 include_os4/proto/guigfx.h
[generic]                23974   43884  54.6% -lh5- a4ac Nov  5 21:36 libs/guigfx.library
[generic]                22967   42196  54.4% -lh5- ebdd Nov  5 21:37 libs/guigfx.library_68040
[generic]                22989   42196  54.5% -lh5- 42e0 Nov  5 21:37 libs/guigfx.library_68060
[generic]                22969   42168  54.5% -lh5- 113c Nov  5 21:37 libs/guigfx.library_FPU
[generic]                44481  105796  42.0% -lh5- eebd Nov  5 21:48 libs/guigfx.library_OS4
[generic]                    3       3 100.0% -lh0- 8bb6 Jan  6  1998 Prefs/Env-Archive/guigfx/AUTODITHERTHRESHOLD
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- 1400 Jun 29  1998 Prefs/Env-Archive/guigfx/USESCALEPIXELARRAY
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- 1400 Jan  6  1998 Prefs/Env-Archive/guigfx/USEWPA8
[generic]                  496     988  50.2% -lh5- a5dc Feb  9  2000 src/createyuvtab.c
[generic]                 3622   26643  13.6% -lh5- f801 Nov  5 21:23 src/guigfx_bitmap.c
[generic]                  335     990  33.8% -lh5- a4ff Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_bitmap.h
[generic]                 2160   15512  13.9% -lh5- 59b2 Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_colorhandle.c
[generic]                 1260    3969  31.7% -lh5- 9ace Jun  6  1999 src/guigfx_convolve.c
[generic]                  282     684  41.2% -lh5- f721 May 14  1999 src/guigfx_convolve.h
[generic]                 1181    3497  33.8% -lh5- ddeb Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_data.c
[generic]                  375    1195  31.4% -lh5- 40e8 Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_data.h
[generic]                11319  101810  11.1% -lh5- cfc2 Mar 16  2005 src/guigfx_draw.c
[generic]                 4382   36043  12.2% -lh5- f1cc Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_drawhandle.c
[generic]                 1019    3101  32.9% -lh5- 639a Nov  5 21:30 src/guigfx_global.h
[generic]                 1516    7607  19.9% -lh5- 644f Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_initexit.c
[generic]                 1985    5524  35.9% -lh5- ee9d Apr 29  2001 src/guigfx_internal.h
[generic]                 2469   11700  21.1% -lh5- 93b8 Nov  5 21:21 src/guigfx_lib.c
[generic]                 1179    4521  26.1% -lh5- 22e4 Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_libprotos.h
[generic]                 3423   19450  17.6% -lh5- 55ea Mar  3  2005 src/guigfx_lib_os4.c
[generic]                 1688   18433   9.2% -lh5- 0be0 Mar  3  2005 src/guigfx_lib_os4_68k.c
[generic]                 4687   34847  13.5% -lh5- e0c7 Nov  5 21:23 src/guigfx_loading.c
[generic]                  738    2923  25.2% -lh5- 03de Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_pensharemap.c
[generic]                 7182   50597  14.2% -lh5- 239c Nov  5 21:22 src/guigfx_picture.c
[generic]                  283     461  61.4% -lh5- b26f Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_picture.h
[generic]                11701  105674  11.1% -lh5- c690 Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_picturemethod.c
[generic]                  521    1696  30.7% -lh5- 4392 Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_picturemethod.h
[generic]                 1226    6293  19.5% -lh5- 8164 Mar  2  2005 src/guigfx_rasthandle.c
[generic]                  870    2175  40.0% -lh5- 2851 Feb  9  2000 src/guigfx_yuvtab.c
[generic]                  350     706  49.6% -lh5- a681 Mar  3  2005 src/makefile_amigaos4
[generic]                  420     780  53.8% -lh5- 181e Aug  7  2002 src/makefile_morphos
[generic]                  565    1107  51.0% -lh5- 058d May  2  2001 src/smakefile
[generic]                  564    1107  50.9% -lh5- ed57 May  2  2001 src/smakefile_68030FPU
[generic]                  564    1107  50.9% -lh5- 31b8 May  2  2001 src/smakefile_68040
[generic]                  565    1108  51.0% -lh5- 4209 May  2  2001 src/smakefile_68060
[generic]                  857    1661  51.6% -lh5- eddf Mar  4  2003 copying
[generic]                 2198    4848  45.3% -lh5- 50f1 Nov  5 22:26 readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        56 files  260679  987465  26.4%            Nov  6 04:04
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