MagnifiCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) program, which
allows you to produce drawings in 2D with the help of a
variety of tools.
o Full Intuition GUI with online help for all functions.
o 10 different drawing tools.
o Line Styles, Hatching, Colors.
o Unlimited number of Layers.
o Unlimited number of entities in each layer.
o Supports .DXF files for easy exchange of data with
other programs.
o Symbols.
o Topological levels (element, line, point).
New in version 1.2:
* ARexx: MagnifiCAD now has an ARexx interface, with
these features:
- ARexx Commands for nearly all tools and commands
in the program.
- Script/macro support allowing the user to execute
scripts from the Shell or from within MagnifiCAD.
- 'Record macro' tool to record a sequence of
- User-definable macro setup.
- ARexx Command Shell for typing ARexx commands
directly while working.
* PostScript printing: The 'PostScript' printing method
is implemented.
- print directly to a PostScript file.
- translate, scale and rotate whole pages.
* Redesigned Toolbar: The toolbar has been redesigned
with new pop-up gadgets.
- more flexible, logical and clear layout of the
tool bar.
- tool bar adepts to aspect ratios for different
screen modes.
- tools are grouped in lines.
* Open on own Public screen or Workbench: User set
public screen.
- User-set screen font (limited).
- New 'Screen Settings' requester.
* Line Drawing Tool: This is a new drawing tool for simple
lines between 2 points.
* Point Drawing Tool: This is a new drawing tool for
drawing points.
* Line Weight: Line Weight, allowing different widths of
lines, is implemented.
* Explode Tool: Explode Tool for exploding elements into
simpler element types, and symbols into elements.
* Move to Front/Back: To move elements to front or back
of the layer.
* Group/Ungroup: To group and ungroup elements. Grouped
elements can be selected and manipulated as one.
* Pick/Snap tools: New snap system, using a user set Range
to snap to points.
- User set snap sensitivity (range).
- Snap Endpoint.
- Pick Settings requester.
- Several snap modes can be active at the same time.
- Pick elements as highlighted or inverted corners.
* Size Requester: To set the work-area size. The size can
be altered at any time, or calculated from the elements
* Bug fixes: Many bugs have been fixed for this version.