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Short:Schematic Drawing program, shareware version.
Author:Louis Schiets
Uploader:ICStedman techie com
Download:gfx/edit/tronicad.lha - View contents


Written by Louis Schiets (Belgium).

The purpose of TRONI-CAD is to draw electronics circuits and symbols
librairies, but you could draw other things such as assembling drawings,
 flow charts...etc.

Writing this program I tried to make it as user friendly as possible, and,
I've worked very hard to create powerful functions allowing the user to
earn time building up his shematics.

This is a demo program, you can print shematics, but the save functions
are cancelled. Send me the value of  500 belgian francs	and I'll send
you the last, complete and updated, version of Troni-Cad.
I hope you'll find TRONI-CAD usefull and I'd be very interested to see
 your shematics,libraries and receive your critics and advice.

A good easy to use Schematic drawing Program written in AMOS.

Listing of archive 'Tronicad.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio	  Date	  Time	 Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
		19 	  19	0.0% 29-Sep-92 14:34:20  ->Siesta.font
	  778 	 308 60.4% 29-Sep-92 14:23:34  ->
		22 	  22	0.0% 03-Oct-92 09:13:44  ->Thin.font
	  818 	 343 58.0% 01-Oct-92 10:58:38  ->
		17 	  17	0.0% 29-Sep-92 14:35:36  ->Topaz.font
	  777 	 303 61.0% 29-Sep-92 14:43:10  ->
		88 	  84	4.5% 23-Nov-92 22:18:44  .info
	 3320 	2322 30.0% 04-Aug-92 23:24:14  c/FF
	 7012 	6825	2.6% 03-Oct-92 15:17:46  c/ppmore
	  370 	 225 39.1% 03-Oct-92 15:45:42
	 7562 	3309 56.2% 23-Nov-92 22:00:32  English.doc
	  328 	 241 26.5% 02-Oct-92 22:01:54
	  784 	  48 93.8% 03-Oct-92 16:17:34  fonts/siesta.font
	 2568 	1396 45.6% 03-Oct-92 16:17:18  fonts/siesta/8
	 3220 	1694 47.3% 03-Oct-92 16:17:20  fonts/siesta/9
	  264 	  34 87.1% 03-Oct-92 16:17:38  fonts/siestaThin.font
	 2568 	1430 44.3% 03-Oct-92 16:17:24  fonts/siestaThin/8
	  524 	  43 91.7% 03-Oct-92 16:17:40  fonts/topaz.font
	 3192 	1653 48.2% 03-Oct-92 16:17:26  fonts/topaz/11
	 2600 	1419 45.4% 03-Oct-92 16:17:30  fonts/topaz/8
	  264 	  31 88.2% 01-Oct-92 11:17:12  fonts/topazbis.font
	 2616 	1463 44.0% 01-Oct-92 11:17:08  fonts/topazbis/8
	13461 	5273 60.8% 26-Sep-92 17:35:16  french.bak
	15665 	6213 60.3% 03-Oct-92 14:58:48  french.doc
	  328 	 242 26.2% 01-Oct-92 12:10:28
	  512 	 243 52.5% 17-Sep-92 14:47:12  Library/
	  114 	  63 44.7% 12-Sep-92 18:16:20  Library/
	  408 	 136 66.6% 17-Sep-92 15:11:12  Library/
		87 	  44 49.4% 17-Sep-92 16:04:18  Library/
	 1143 	 521 54.4% 17-Sep-92 14:47:52  Library/
	 1233 	 547 55.6% 17-Sep-92 14:49:40  Library/
	  312 	 139 55.4% 17-Sep-92 14:37:34  Library/
	  312 	 140 55.1% 17-Sep-92 09:56:16  Library/
	  100 	  56 44.0% 12-Sep-92 18:24:58  Library/
		72 	  46 36.1% 17-Sep-92 15:12:34  Library/
	  156 	  81 48.0% 17-Sep-92 14:57:20  Library/
	  114 	  65 42.9% 12-Sep-92 18:15:40  Library/
	  214 	 110 48.5% 17-Sep-92 09:53:40  Library/
		87 	  49 43.6% 17-Sep-92 16:04:58  Library/
	  100 	  59 41.0% 17-Sep-92 15:28:26  Library/
	  310 	 150 51.6% 17-Sep-92 15:27:18  Library/OptoCoupler .sh
	  214 	 108 49.5% 17-Sep-92 09:54:42  Library/
	  100 	  58 42.0% 17-Sep-92 14:34:02  Library/
	  139 	 104 25.1% 17-Sep-92 15:16:12  Library/
		86 	  60 30.2% 12-Sep-92 17:55:32  Library/
	  170 	  71 58.2% 17-Sep-92 14:35:00  Library/
		86 	  50 41.8% 17-Sep-92 15:08:10  Library/
		76 	  62 18.4% 17-Sep-92 15:18:22  Library/
	  258 	 141 45.3% 12-Sep-92 18:20:14  Library/æ
	17996   11853 34.1% 04-Aug-92 23:15:38  libs/req.library
	  396 	 287 27.5% 04-Aug-92 23:15:46  libs/works.library
	 7263 	3545 51.1% 28-Sep-92 20:41:24  Schematics/1144Mhz->28.IFF
: /IFF
	 2174 	1245 42.7% 12-Sep-92 13:17:42  Schematics/40->
	 9564 	4822 49.5% 17-Sep-92 09:49:42  Schematics/
	 6279 	2824 55.0% 17-Sep-92 16:02:30  Schematics/
	 8136 	4187 48.5% 17-Sep-92 14:23:08  Schematics/
	 6885 	3687 46.4% 17-Sep-92 12:10:10  Schematics/
	 4868 	2651 45.5% 12-Sep-92 16:50:06  Schematics/
  153360   67149 56.2% 03-Oct-92 14:45:46  Troni-Cad
	 1122 	 413 63.1% 03-Oct-92 14:45:52
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  293611  140723 52.0% 24-Nov-97 12:43:22   60 files

Operation successful.

Contents of gfx/edit/tronicad.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   19      19 100.0% -lh0- 7c47 Sep 29  1992 ->Siesta.font
[generic]                  308     778  39.6% -lh5- df2a Sep 29  1992 ->
[generic]                   22      22 100.0% -lh0- c796 Oct  3  1992 ->Thin.font
[generic]                  343     818  41.9% -lh5- cff4 Oct  1  1992 ->
[generic]                   17      17 100.0% -lh0- e650 Sep 29  1992 ->Topaz.font
[generic]                  303     777  39.0% -lh5- 3b21 Sep 29  1992 ->
[generic]                   84      88  95.5% -lh5- 6be1 Nov 23  1992 .info
[generic]                 2322    3320  69.9% -lh5- 0ab3 Aug  4  1992 c/FF
[generic]                 6825    7012  97.3% -lh5- d48c Oct  3  1992 c/ppmore
[generic]                  225     370  60.8% -lh5- ab3d Oct  3  1992
[generic]                 3309    7562  43.8% -lh5- 2a6c Nov 23  1992 English.doc
[generic]                  241     328  73.5% -lh5- 389b Oct  2  1992
[generic]                   48     784   6.1% -lh5- a6da Oct  3  1992 fonts/siesta.font
[generic]                 1396    2568  54.4% -lh5- ed7c Oct  3  1992 fonts/siesta/8
[generic]                 1694    3220  52.6% -lh5- 75bc Oct  3  1992 fonts/siesta/9
[generic]                   34     264  12.9% -lh5- 48c8 Oct  3  1992 fonts/siestaThin.font
[generic]                 1430    2568  55.7% -lh5- ff1e Oct  3  1992 fonts/siestaThin/8
[generic]                   43     524   8.2% -lh5- 3b79 Oct  3  1992 fonts/topaz.font
[generic]                 1653    3192  51.8% -lh5- c097 Oct  3  1992 fonts/topaz/11
[generic]                 1419    2600  54.6% -lh5- 387e Oct  3  1992 fonts/topaz/8
[generic]                   31     264  11.7% -lh5- 3f06 Oct  1  1992 fonts/topazbis.font
[generic]                 1463    2616  55.9% -lh5- 90ca Oct  1  1992 fonts/topazbis/8
[generic]                 5273   13461  39.2% -lh5- ddbf Sep 26  1992 french.bak
[generic]                 6213   15665  39.7% -lh5- 0eb7 Oct  3  1992 french.doc
[generic]                  242     328  73.8% -lh5- 8be6 Oct  1  1992
[generic]                  243     512  47.5% -lh5- 403b Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   63     114  55.3% -lh5- 7704 Sep 12  1992 Library/
[generic]                  136     408  33.3% -lh5- 6c73 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   44      87  50.6% -lh5- 69a2 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                  521    1143  45.6% -lh5- 5781 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                  547    1233  44.4% -lh5- 8905 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                  139     312  44.6% -lh5- a252 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                  140     312  44.9% -lh5- 0be0 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   56     100  56.0% -lh5- be0a Sep 12  1992 Library/
[generic]                   46      72  63.9% -lh5- ed1a Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   81     156  51.9% -lh5- aa9e Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   65     114  57.0% -lh5- 54e1 Sep 12  1992 Library/
[generic]                  110     214  51.4% -lh5- 50ca Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   49      87  56.3% -lh5- 3a2a Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   59     100  59.0% -lh5- 992c Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                  150     310  48.4% -lh5- 125d Sep 17  1992 Library/OptoCoupler .sh
[generic]                  108     214  50.5% -lh5- 0b9f Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   58     100  58.0% -lh5- e1a5 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                  104     139  74.8% -lh5- aa37 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   60      86  69.8% -lh5- 303d Sep 12  1992 Library/
[generic]                   71     170  41.8% -lh5- a87b Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   50      86  58.1% -lh5- 6171 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                   62      76  81.6% -lh5- 2532 Sep 17  1992 Library/
[generic]                  141     258  54.7% -lh5- 6cf0 Sep 12  1992 Library/µ
[generic]                11853   17996  65.9% -lh5- db6a Aug  4  1992 libs/req.library
[generic]                  287     396  72.5% -lh5- ae14 Aug  4  1992 libs/works.library
[generic]                 3545    7263  48.8% -lh5- af66 Sep 28  1992 Schematics/1144Mhz->28.IFF
[generic]                 1245    2174  57.3% -lh5- 10b2 Sep 12  1992 Schematics/40->
[generic]                 4822    9564  50.4% -lh5- cc60 Sep 17  1992 Schematics/
[generic]                 2824    6279  45.0% -lh5- a393 Sep 17  1992 Schematics/
[generic]                 4187    8136  51.5% -lh5- f586 Sep 17  1992 Schematics/
[generic]                 3687    6885  53.6% -lh5- 1daa Sep 17  1992 Schematics/
[generic]                 2651    4868  54.5% -lh5- eaba Sep 12  1992 Schematics/
[generic]                67149  153360  43.8% -lh5- 4205 Oct  3  1992 Troni-Cad
[generic]                  413    1122  36.8% -lh5- b762 Oct  3  1992
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        60 files  140723  293611  47.9%            Dec 18  1997
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