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Short:Top Video Effects for Titling/Animation
Author: classx at (ClassX Development)
Uploader:classx pisoft it (Michele Puccini)
Download:gfx/edit/x-dve2.lha - View contents


   X-DVE2.50 demo, not for commercial use.

   All rights reserved by:
   ClassX Development Italy
   Via Francesca 463, I-56030 Montecalvoli (PI)
   Tel: +39 587 749206
   Fax: +39 587 749206

   Feel free to contact us for any further information.


X-DVE2.50 Features:

  . Intergrated environment with an easy and intuitive mouse-driven interface.
  . Built in support for texts, pictures, animations, image-sequences (no need to paint them externally) and even customizable starfields.
  . Object pre-process with automatic generation of shadow, bevel, outline, 3d border, antialiasing, colour remap, transparence, palette handling etc.
  . Support for animations with a maximum of 100 objects in 10000 frames.
  . Effects as "3D" for rotations, perspectives, zooms and 3D movements. Dozens of "Wind" effects, to generate explosions, vortex, spray. 34 "Slide" effects as pageturn, melt, compression. 40 "Warp" 
effects, acting like typical pre-programmed 3D sequences.
  . Support of a light source, to make the effects even more attactive.
  . Frame by frame animation preview, with a VCR-Like control panel.
  . Totally independent objects, with separated timings controlled by a timeline editor.
  . Supported resolutions (NTSC/PAL) from 320x200 to 1472x592 super-hires with 256 colours from 16 Millions.
  . Automatic OS3.x DataTypes support for images and sequences (you'll be able to import any known image format). 
  . Generation of extra fast XFA animations.
  . Ability to render and save single frames or entire animations in separate IFF files.
  . Code optimized for faster processors and math coprocessors.
  . Free external programs with ARexx interface, to play and convert XFA animations.
  . Free fonts, images, animations and ready-made scripts, for an immediate use in your productions.

What's new in v2.50 (release date 1 Aug 1996):

  - New
  . Added "Floyd-Steinberg" remap mode for objects.
  . Added "StarField" object for the creation of prespective starfieds.
  . Pause point positioning with the visualization of the object's shapes.
  . Support for the NTSC video standard (60Hz refresh).
  . Support for perspective pause point (3D position and rotation). 
  . 3D effects with degree-level rotations.
  . Wind effects with degree-level rotations.
  . 3D effects with support of perspective pause point.
  . Wind effects with support of perspective pause point.
  . Slide effects with support of perspective pause point.
  . Warp effects with support of perspective pause point.
  . 18 New Slide effects (Bounce, Snake, DoubleSnake, ...).
  . Replication function with support of perspective pause point.
  . New "Slow" play mode for XFA animations.
  . Support of virtual memory managers for XFA animations.

  - Optimizations.
  . Faster rendering for non-remapped AnimBrushes and MultiBrushes.
  . Better antialiasing.
  . Faster rendering for Slide effects.
  . Faster animation and object preview.
  . Faster 3D rendering engine for perspective effects.

  - Enhancements.
  . New resizeable palette requester.
  . Support for 256 colors ColorFonts (useful for FontMachine-generated fonts).
  . "No Loop" mode for AnimBrushes and MultiBrushes.
  . Editor screen with support of any screen mode.
  . "TurnX" and "TurnY" Slide effects with true rotations.
  . Croma key support during the Object positioning.
  . Object positioning also with cursor keys.

  - Bugfixes.
  We have eliminated some little bugs mainly located in the parts of the
  program directly dependent from the differences of the various AmigaOS
  Functional bugs eliminated:
  . Color remap for transparent objects.
  . Graphics chipset detection.
  . "Light" checkbox in the "Object Setup" requester.
  . Overscan during XFA play.
  . Deletion of frames in "Disk Render". 


System requirements:

  . AmigaOS 2.1 or better
  . CPU 68020 or better (FPU suggested)
  . 4Mb fast ram



  Disk installation:
  - Format an FFS disk.
  - Unpack the archive into the disk.

  Hard Disk installation:
  - Make a directory called "FontMachine" in the partition you like.
  - Unpack the archive into the directory you've created.


Start and Usage:

  Details in the archive.


Contents of gfx/edit/x-dve2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                44237   56880  77.8% -lh5- d262 Mar 16  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/AnimBrush/Zebra.anbr
[generic]                  357     734  48.6% -lh5- f0a0 Jul 21  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Brush/flare.brsh
[generic]                34704   49998  69.4% -lh5- ac14 Oct  2  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Brush/terra.iff
[generic]                 5879    8278  71.0% -lh5- 7bf7 Jul 21  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Brush/tri.brsh
[generic]                24492   44210  55.4% -lh5- 62dc Oct  2  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Brush/x-dve2.iff
[generic]                 8386   15684  53.5% -lh5- fea0 Oct  2  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Brush/x-dve2_small.iff
[generic]                 5938   17752  33.4% -lh5- e110 Aug 18  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/Agate_Bold/45
[generic]                 2054    3884  52.9% -lh5- d7fb Jun  6  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/diamond/12
[generic]                 7054   21824  32.3% -lh5- fc77 Dec  4  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/Joy/45
[generic]                12932   53472  24.2% -lh5- 1c6e Dec  4  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/Joy/75
[generic]                15346   68472  22.4% -lh5- aaa7 Feb 15  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/Stuart_Bold/75
[generic]                   29     264  11.0% -lh5- 2c13 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/topaz.font
[generic]                 1582    3192  49.6% -lh5- a059 Jun  6  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/topaz/11
[generic]                   58     264  22.0% -lh5- bdde Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/Agate_Bold.font
[generic]                   29     264  11.0% -lh5- 63c5 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/diamond.font
[generic]                   64     524  12.2% -lh5- f6fa Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/Joy.font
[generic]                   60     264  22.7% -lh5- 69d1 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Fonts/Stuart_Bold.font
[generic]                13495   36856  36.6% -lh5- c606 Jul  1  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Libs020/x-dve.library
[generic]                15160   28756  52.7% -lh5- d9b8 Aug  9  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Libs020/xfa.library
[generic]                13666   33628  40.6% -lh5- 1361 Jul  1  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Libs030/x-dve.library
[generic]                15160   28756  52.7% -lh5- 62ab Aug  9  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Libs030/xfa.library
[generic]                14188   34576  41.0% -lh5- c011 Jul  1  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Libs040/x-dve.library
[generic]                15167   28756  52.7% -lh5- a036 Aug  9  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Libs040/xfa.library
[generic]                   97     108  89.8% -lh5- c0d1 Jul 11  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Wine.palette
[generic]                   73      84  86.9% -lh5- 8237 Aug 12  1994 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Fade.palette
[generic]                  108     108 100.0% -lh0- c133 Jul 11  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Gold.palette
[generic]                   76      84  90.5% -lh5- 0ec9 Aug 12  1994 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Green.palette
[generic]                   73      84  86.9% -lh5- 5277 Aug 12  1994 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Grey.palette
[generic]                  108     108 100.0% -lh0- 0b2d Jul 11  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Ice.palette
[generic]                   99     108  91.7% -lh5- acfa Jul 11  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Colour.palette
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 5ac8 Aug 12  1994 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Colour1.palette
[generic]                   72      84  85.7% -lh5- f8f9 Aug 12  1994 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Default.palette
[generic]                  105     108  97.2% -lh5- ea4a Jul 11  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Desert.palette
[generic]                  184     454  40.5% -lh5- e715 Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/064col.palette
[generic]                  324     840  38.6% -lh5- 1efd Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/128col.palette
[generic]                  475    1610  29.5% -lh5- 0ec9 Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/256col.palette
[generic]                   75      84  89.3% -lh5- 1876 Aug 12  1994 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Blue.palette
[generic]                  103     108  95.4% -lh5- f926 Jul 11  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/Editor_Blue1.palette
[generic]                   58      72  80.6% -lh5- fd86 Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/002col.palette
[generic]                   66      86  76.7% -lh5- bac6 Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/004col.palette
[generic]                   79     112  70.5% -lh5- abc1 Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/008col.palette
[generic]                  101     162  62.3% -lh5- 864d Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/016col.palette
[generic]                  131     260  50.4% -lh5- 176e Feb  9  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/Palette/032col.palette
[generic]                  638    1625  39.3% -lh5- 3188 May 23  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/DEMO_4.script
[generic]                  632    1916  33.0% -lh5- dc5f May 23  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/DEMO_1.script
[generic]                  517    1973  26.2% -lh5- 0046 May 23  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/DEMO_2.script
[generic]                  648    2028  32.0% -lh5- d5db May 23  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/DEMO_3.script
[generic]                  371     689  53.8% -lh5- 432f Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/NEW_DEMO_1.script
[generic]                  431     830  51.9% -lh5- e1d8 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/NEW_DEMO_2.script
[generic]                  268     437  61.3% -lh5- bd2a Oct  3  1995 x-dve_demo/68000
[generic]                  249     893  27.9% -lh5- 9473 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                  114     275  41.5% -lh5- dc49 Oct  3  1995 x-dve_demo/68020
[generic]                  357     675  52.9% -lh5- 77af Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/NEW_DEMO_3.script
[generic]                  366     683  53.6% -lh5- 4f7d Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/NEW_DEMO_4.script
[generic]                  440    1945  22.6% -lh5- 18c4 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/NEW_DEMO_5.script
[generic]                  476    1137  41.9% -lh5- cca3 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/Script/NEW_DEMO_6.script
[generic]                  212     852  24.9% -lh5- 72cf Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                  119     279  42.7% -lh5- b71c Oct  3  1995 x-dve_demo/68030+fpu
[generic]                  206     852  24.2% -lh5- daea Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                  118     279  42.3% -lh5- 6269 Oct  3  1995 x-dve_demo/68040+fpu
[generic]                  210     852  24.6% -lh5- 2352 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                 1111    1624  68.4% -lh5- 7ab8 Oct  3  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                  249     513  48.5% -lh5- 77a9 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                 1772    4568  38.8% -lh5- f472 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/ReadMe.doc
[generic]                  236     495  47.7% -lh5- 96ff Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                   89     197  45.2% -lh5- 1706 Oct  3  1995 X-DVE_DEMO/UnAssign
[generic]                  207     852  24.3% -lh5- 90e7 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                 1899   14396  13.2% -lh5- 1657 May 30  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/X-DVE.efx
[generic]                  137     253  54.2% -lh5- d6c2 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/X-DVE.prf
[generic]                21271  154160  13.8% -lh5- f583 May 31  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/X-DVE.shp
[generic]               135916  142248  95.5% -lh5- 6a26 Aug 19  1996 x-dve_demo/x-dve_demo_e
[generic]                  935    3140  29.8% -lh5- fdf1 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/
[generic]                  599    1233  48.6% -lh5- 253d Aug 19  1996
[generic]                 3092    7704  40.1% -lh5- a146 Aug 19  1996 X-DVE_DEMO/QuickStart.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        74 files  426403  891639  47.8%            Aug 21  1996
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