Heres the weird rock/physcodelic dance song from the Assembly 94 demo
"HardDay" by EMC. It's been written by HeatBeat...Groovy..!! :)
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* _ // C= * Simpsons, Highlander, ST:TNG, Kung Fu: TLC, X-Files *
* \\ // Amiga * Letterman Fan and Amiga owner of the first order :) *
* \X/ Rulez * *
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* A1200/030/40Mhz/6Meg/730HD/AppleCD300+ SCSI2 CD-ROM/1942 DualSync *
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* .James Allen. * EMail: * AI/ *
* AKA $LiNG$hOT/DiMeNTiA U.K * * AI/ *
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* Amiga International - The name for a new generation! Intel Outside