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DES-Tracker modinfo for O! the Module
Module information for file: OTheModule.mod
Title: O! the Module
mJuke Play Time: 00:05:07:43
File Length: 163940
Format: Noise/Protracker
Has PSC0: Yes
Base Timing: PAL
Tempo Interp: "Beats Per Minute"
Def. Tempo: 6
Def. FTempo: 0
# Iterations: 1
# Patterns: 110
# Positions: 64
# Instruments: 20
Instrument Data:
Number Name Length RepOffset RepLen Volume
1 o! the module. 13568 12802 766 64
2 dubiously dubbed 6132 2994 3138 64
3 'magi' 6146 2014 4132 64
4 why? 6246 2994 3252 64
5 anyways, greetings 104 46 56 64
6 to my semi-diverse 15816 4414 11396 48
7 menageree of 958 416 542 64
8 acquaintances: 6480 0 2 64
9 dust, marauder, 2486 0 2 64
10 jazz, tinmen, 1648 0 2 64
11 roger & company! 920 0 2 64
12 don't forget the 2814 0 2 64
13 txt file at 5612 34 5554 64
14 the end... it's 6762 0 2 64
15 very special. 19002 0 2 45
16 .. and alberoth 7908 2206 5698 64
17 lifted a finger 12586 0 12586 64
18 to the sky and 820 692 128 64
19 cried, 'Pigs!' 2016 1856 160 64
20 my how times *** Unused Instrument ***
21 have changed. *** Unused Instrument ***
22 --- fingers / efx *** Unused Instrument ***
23 --- efx / 1994 *** Unused Instrument ***
24 --- 1994->sept *** Unused Instrument ***
25 --- sept->17 *** Unused Instrument ***
26 euphonix.txt 1812 0 2 64
Showing Sample Text: "euphonix.txt"...
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Situated in beautiful Vancouver, B.C., Canada, EuphoniX is dedicated to
bringing you the best in MOD format music. Look for the EuphoniX name as
your assurance of quality.
EuphoniX consists of: ( Phone our boards!: )
Jovian Francey (Dust) ( Wizard On-Line 2400 :(604)322-3232 )
Darren Grant (Fingers) ( 2400 :(604)322-3266 )
Jason Johannson (JaZz) ( v.32bis :(604)322-3972 )
Tom Szymanski (Marauder) ( Tekna 2400 :(604)857-8871 )
( Corrosion v.32bis :(604)324-9168 )
File: o.mod
From urban cows to rural drows... It is not uncommon for me to
experience a variety of bio-technical difficulties. Please, do
not stand by.
-- Fingers / EuphoniX'94
Contents of mods/ephnx/OTheModule.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
-rw------- 905/10 1270 2497 50.9% -lh5- 6f91 Sep 29 1994 EuphoniX.readme
-rw------- 905/10 90102 163940 55.0% -lh5- 0ebc Sep 18 1994 OTheModule.mod
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 91372 166437 54.9% Oct 4 1994
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