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Short:Version 1.7 of the XGToolset for Bars&Pipes
Author:Alfred Faust
Uploader:alfred j faust gmxde (Alfred Faust)
Requires:Bars&Pipes 2.+
Download:mus/midi/XGToolset7.lha - View contents

With this toolset you are able to reach and edit the  core  of  XG-Devices,
that  you  have  to  edit  in  other  way  with  cryptical System Exclusive

There is also the possibility to read/write the  values  as  SysEx  from/to

This toolset comes with full sourcecode and guide.

There is also a short explanation how to program the SysEx flowing  through
the pipeline and writing to track.

Some small alterations where made since V.1.1:
    - in XGMain-Editor: removed writing reset values in each track,
                        use for this the XGReset.ptool
    - in the Guidefile: some additions in capture XGMultipart

Since the version 1.3
    - all slidervalues of ALL XGTools will be stored with the song.
    - additions made in the guidefile

Since the version 1.4
    - made some alterations in XGChorus, XGReverb & XGVarFX because
      the save and restore won't work proper, the slidervalues where
      stored, but the sysex-commands where not stored;
      now both will be stored, the slidervalues and the SysEx-commands,
      now you can write to track the SysEx-commands proper after reloading
      a saved song and worked away;

Since the version 1.5
    - rewritten GUI of XG-Main and XG-Multipart
    - added in XG-Multipart 4 missed sliders of the Pitch Envelope Generator
    - added a new Tool: "XG-Controller-Panel"
      for the assigning of  Pitch Control
                            Filter (Cutoff Frequence) Control
                            Amplitude (Volume) Control
                            LFO Phase Modulation Control
                            LFO Frequence Modulation Control
                            LFO Amplitude Modulation Control
    - splitted the archive into 2 archives: tools&guide (XGToolset.lha)
                                            sourcecode  (XGToolset_src.lha)

Since the version 1.7
    - added to all tools (except HEX-Transmitter & XGReset) a Read-function
      to read data from track into the tool to work on them, and write them
      back to the track
    - rewritten the GUI of the  XGMain-Editor  to  use  the  knobs  of  the
    - rewritten some functions in all tools to add the read-function
    - removed all bugs that are known by me

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed  Name
-------- -------  -------------
    1636     863  xgtoolset/
   12156    2502  xgtoolset/guide/pics/Chorus.iff
   11568    2967  xgtoolset/guide/pics/Drum.iff
    1680     572  xgtoolset/guide/pics/HexTrans.iff
   14628    3247  xgtoolset/guide/pics/Main.iff
   19498    4345  xgtoolset/guide/pics/Multipart.iff
   16816    5157  xgtoolset/guide/pics/Panel.iff
    1334     573  xgtoolset/guide/pics/Reset.iff
   13458    2497  xgtoolset/guide/pics/Reverb.iff
   15306    2899  xgtoolset/guide/pics/VarFX.iff
  122953   37798  xgtoolset/guide/
    1636     863  xgtoolset/guide/
    1590     740  xgtoolset/guide/
    1636     865  xgtoolset/
    2880    1612  xgtoolset/tools/Hextransmitter.ptool
    2544    1213  xgtoolset/tools/
   21392    7804  xgtoolset/tools/XGChorus.ptool
    2544    1127  xgtoolset/tools/
   25816   11114  xgtoolset/tools/XGCPnl.ptool
    2263     932  xgtoolset/tools/
   30980   13750  xgtoolset/tools/XGDrum.ptool
    2555    1255  xgtoolset/tools/
   24280   12492  xgtoolset/tools/XGMain.ptool
    2091    1001  xgtoolset/tools/
   45876   18280  xgtoolset/tools/XGMpart.ptool
    2547    1124  xgtoolset/tools/
    3424    1986  xgtoolset/tools/XGReset.ptool
    2420    1171  xgtoolset/tools/
   21392    8111  xgtoolset/tools/XGReverb.ptool
    2540    1017  xgtoolset/tools/
   32304   12614  xgtoolset/tools/XGVarFX.ptool
    1636     863
   43676   21820  xgtoolset/tools/inovatools1.library
    2553    1209  xgtoolset/tools/
-------- -------
  511608  186383    34 files

Contents of mus/midi/XGToolset7.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  863    1636  52.8% -lh5- 7722 Mar 23  1999 xgtoolset/
[generic]                 2502   12156  20.6% -lh5- 1580 Sep 22  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/Chorus.iff
[generic]                 2967   11568  25.6% -lh5- 152a Oct  1  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/Drum.iff
[generic]                  572    1680  34.0% -lh5- e39c Dec 22  1998 xgtoolset/guide/pics/HexTrans.iff
[generic]                 3247   14628  22.2% -lh5- b261 Sep 21  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/Main.iff
[generic]                 4345   19498  22.3% -lh5- 2ab8 Oct  1  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/Multipart.iff
[generic]                 5157   16816  30.7% -lh5- 5cf4 Oct  1  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/Panel.iff
[generic]                  573    1334  43.0% -lh5- 13e6 Sep 22  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/Reset.iff
[generic]                 2497   13458  18.6% -lh5- a86c Sep 22  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/Reverb.iff
[generic]                 2899   15306  18.9% -lh5- 69cb Sep 24  2000 xgtoolset/guide/pics/VarFX.iff
[generic]                37798  122953  30.7% -lh5- 4fe7 Oct  2  2000 xgtoolset/guide/
[generic]                  863    1636  52.8% -lh5- b888 Sep 21  2000 xgtoolset/guide/
[generic]                  740    1590  46.5% -lh5- e3fc Mar 23  1999 xgtoolset/guide/
[generic]                  865    1636  52.9% -lh5- 3771 Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/
[generic]                 1612    2880  56.0% -lh5- f578 Nov  8  1998 xgtoolset/tools/Hextransmitter.ptool
[generic]                 1213    2544  47.7% -lh5- bda8 Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                 7804   21392  36.5% -lh5- 65ce Sep 22  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGChorus.ptool
[generic]                 1127    2544  44.3% -lh5- 1e58 Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                11114   25816  43.1% -lh5- 172a Oct  1  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGCPnl.ptool
[generic]                  932    2263  41.2% -lh5- c5c9 Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                13750   30980  44.4% -lh5- feb4 Sep 28  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGDrum.ptool
[generic]                 1255    2555  49.1% -lh5- d55c Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                12492   24280  51.4% -lh5- f235 Sep 21  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGMain.ptool
[generic]                 1001    2091  47.9% -lh5- 8ff6 Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                18280   45876  39.8% -lh5- 3d95 Sep 27  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGMpart.ptool
[generic]                 1124    2547  44.1% -lh5- bd71 Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                 1986    3424  58.0% -lh5- 27da Sep 22  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGReset.ptool
[generic]                 1171    2420  48.4% -lh5- 9f2c Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                 8111   21392  37.9% -lh5- 8807 Sep 22  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGReverb.ptool
[generic]                 1017    2540  40.0% -lh5- ff9b Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
[generic]                12614   32304  39.0% -lh5- 9e98 Sep 24  2000 xgtoolset/tools/XGVarFX.ptool
[generic]                  863    1636  52.8% -lh5- 620e Mar 22  1999
[generic]                21820   43676  50.0% -lh5- b434 Oct  4  1988 xgtoolset/tools/inovatools1.library
[generic]                 1209    2553  47.4% -lh5- 07a4 Mar 22  1999 xgtoolset/tools/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        34 files  186383  511608  36.4%            Oct  4  2000
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