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Short:CS1x, Midi and XG editor for Octamed SoundStudio
Author: ruzani at
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Download:mus/midi/amccs1xedit.lha - View contents

                   AMC's CS1x and XG editor v 0.1

Author: Stanislav Ruzani ml (A.M.C.)
        Magnezitarov 1206/8
        05001 Revuca, Slovak Republic


I have buyed my own Yamaha CS1x last month; so I have started to looking for some
good prog for this super synth. But I have found only programs for editing
performances,not for editing other parts...
So I started to make my own piece of software.. 
And because I am a proudly user of Octamed Soundstudio,
my prog supports this superb tracking ware.

-you can edit bank,program number, reverb,chorus and variation send for every
part, volume, panning, portamento time, attack,decay and release time, receive
channel,cut-off, resonance and reverb parameters (last two only in XG mode)
-it is usable for ALL XG instruments (tested on CS1x and on my MU-15,it uses
XG sysex messages...)
-usable almost for any synthesizer (bank select,prog#,attack,decay,volume,reverb,
chorus,variation (if you have more variation efects,only the first),portamento
time, cut-off, resonance;
-you can select WHAT of this stuff will you use, so the amount of data
during realtime midi transfer is minimal
-And the best:
 ---it means: no switching of "midi active" button!!!

Simply copy all files where you want.

-Octamed Soundstudio v 1.03 (free on Aminet) (not strictly required, you can
 edit messages (switching off realtime transfer) and save as sysex and load to another sequencer)
-rexx-mast must be running! (this prog uses AREXX port of OSS to transfer all data)
-for comfortable work, you need MCP (full version from Aminet), and you must have
 activated this two patches:
 1. "reqtools patch" (gadgets "arp" "req" "intuition" have to be checked)
 2. "requester timeout" (in requester timeout you need
 to press "New" and to type in Title gadget: "Octamed#?" in Bodytext gadget "Where
 should I place#?" in Gadget number "1" and in Time "0")
 This will close all unwanted Octamed gadgets in sysex-message window
-and the most important is some synthesizer...

Double click on "Start-ed" icon, window of my editor will appear.
Menus: message/open - opens message from disk (message contains
                      settings for all parts)
       message/save as - saves message
       message/send    - send message through Arexx port to Octamed and the to
                         your synth
       message/quit    - *****

       sound/send/only channels 5-16 - special feature of Yamahas CS1x and CS2x's
                        performance mode - parts 1-4 are used for performance
                        parts 5-16 for multi settings. So in performance mode
                        you DONT have to send data for parts 1-4

                       (for other synths turn this off)
       sound/send/in realtime - every parameter change is send to Octamed
                                via Arexx immediately
                              -when off, setup is only stored in memory
       soumd/send/sound name to OSS - if you load or choose new sound,
                                      name of this instrument will be set
                                      in OSS window
       sound/befor quit/send message - sends message to Octamed before quit
                                       (you don't lose your data, if you
                                       have forgot to send or to save all message before prog ends)
   Main Window:

   Load - loads sound preset to current part
   Save - saves current sound preset
   Send - sends current sound preset to Octamed and to synth
          (use this function to make more presets for some part:
          select message in OSS midi message window and press
          this button - sound in actual part will be send to
          this position. During playing the song, use 10xx command,
          where xx is number of your message minus 1 to send
          current preset to MIDI.
          This is very useful, because Octamed cannot easily handle
          banks an other presets. So you have only to send this
          short message and all will be OK.
          Remember- reduce the amount of transmited Midi data
          to minimum, the smaller message is, the less time
          needs Octamed to send all to Midi.
          In extreme cases big amount of dat can stop playing
          for a little time, what is unwanted...)
   Part (slider) - selects Part number
   MSB  (slider) - selects Most Significant byte for BANK#
   LSB  (slider) - selects Least Significant byte fo BANK#
   PROG (slider) - selects prog. number
   Param (slider)- changes value of parameter selected in listview
   Type - you can type here the value of Param. slider to
          quick change of this value

   Send (checkbox) - selects, whether the actual parameter will be send.
                     NOTE: disable ALL, you don't need to reduce
                     amount of Midi data.
                     (Program sends only what is selected)
   Two listviews - 1., - selects parameter type
                   2., - selcets sound (I have add banks for XG & CS1x,
                   if YOU want to add your own banks for your synthesizer,
                   please send me this 2 files:
              =in the first will be names of instruments
               (see banksxg file in /data drawer)
              =and in the second file will be : 1.byte - bank select MSB of
                                                  instument  at line 1 in first file
                                                2.byte - bank select LSB of
                                                 instr.1 in first file...
                                                3.byte - program number of
                       this instr  (decreased 1!!!!! Please, take care of this!!!!!)

                                                4.byte - MSB of instr. at
                                               line 2  etc.... (for all instruments)
                (see file /data/bankxg )
               -so, if you have in the first file names of 100 instruments,
               the lenght of the second file MUST be 100*3 bytes

               Or you can make presets in my prog and save it.

   TIPS: don't load saved sounds directly to Octamed, because
         it will be used only for part, which was saved.
         (if you save sound, which was set for part,for example,
         6,and you want to use it for other part (8), simply
         load this sound preset to part No. 8 and then press
         "SEND" button or "SAVE"button, if you want to
         save it to disk.

        T H I S  P R O G R A M    I S   F R E E W A R E !!!!!!!!

   This program is freeware,'cause I have made it for all Amiga musicians!!!!
   But, please, If you use this program, and If you like it, or
   if you want to implement some new function, please, write to
   me at : I want to know, how much
   people use Amiga for sequencing!
   Use this program at your own risk!!!!!!

   !!!!!!!!!!!BUG REPORTS WANTED!!!!!!

   Message for english-spoken people: BIG SORRY for my bad English,I hope,
   you could understand, what is this "manual" about!!!!!

Contents of mus/midi/amccs1xedit.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1816    3471  52.3% -lh5- af2a Sep 19  2000
[generic]                16613   40268  41.3% -lh5- 36ed Oct 30  2000 amcCS1x/CS1xedit
[generic]                   51     110  46.4% -lh5- 0774 Sep  3  2000 amcCS1x/data/amcselectinstr.omed
[generic]                  102     110  92.7% -lh5- 8783 Sep 16  2000 amcCS1x/data/amcsendmessage.omed
[generic]                  570     954  59.7% -lh5- 843d Sep  3  2000 amcCS1x/data/bankextra
[generic]                  566     945  59.9% -lh5- 4b67 Sep  3  2000 amcCS1x/data/bankpreset
[generic]                  538     900  59.8% -lh5- eae3 Sep  3  2000 amcCS1x/data/bankuser
[generic]                  855    1356  63.1% -lh5- 103f Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/data/bankxg
[generic]                  758     968  78.3% -lh5- d116 Aug 29  2000 amcCS1x/data/RX
[generic]                 1238    3129  39.6% -lh5- d284 Sep  3  2000 amcCS1x/data/synthextra
[generic]                 1202    3027  39.7% -lh5- 1d0b Sep  3  2000 amcCS1x/data/synthpreset
[generic]                 1199    3035  39.5% -lh5- 4287 Sep  3  2000 amcCS1x/data/synthuser
[generic]                 2177    4855  44.8% -lh5- 9d46 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/data/synthxg
[generic]                 3067    7493  40.9% -lh5- a3c6 Oct 15  2000 amcCS1x/manual.txt
[generic]                  570     954  59.7% -lh5- 843d Oct 30  2000 amcCS1x/messages/empty
[generic]                   71      84  84.5% -lh5- 5047 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/preset-drumkits/Electric-kit
[generic]                   71      84  84.5% -lh5- 12c4 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/preset-drumkits/Hip_hop-kit
[generic]                   73      84  86.9% -lh5- 9384 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/preset-drumkits/Jungle-kit
[generic]                   71      84  84.5% -lh5- 5401 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/preset-drumkits/TB808-kit
[generic]                   71      84  84.5% -lh5- d541 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/preset-drumkits/TB909-kit
[generic]                   73      84  86.9% -lh5- d107 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/preset-drumkits/Tech-kit
[generic]                   71      83  85.5% -lh5- 8384 Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Applause
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- b6e4 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Bird-2
[generic]                   71      83  85.5% -lh5- c672 Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Breath-Noiz
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- e57f Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Bubble
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 0629 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Burst
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 8fe5 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Car-crash
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 0ea5 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Car-pass
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- cd66 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Car-stop
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 4c26 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/CarEngine
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 8769 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Coaster
[generic]                   71      84  84.5% -lh5- 0846 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/CuttngNZ
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 8906 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/CuttngNZ2
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- f467 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Dog
[generic]                   68      84  81.0% -lh5- 9abb Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/DoorSlam
[generic]                   68      84  81.0% -lh5- 5978 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/DoorSquek
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 643f Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Feed
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- e7da Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Firework
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 9c58 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Fl.Clik
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 3501 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Footstep
[generic]                   70      83  84.3% -lh5- 478f Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Fret-Noiz
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 33e2 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Ghost
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 73c4 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Heart
[generic]                   71      83  85.5% -lh5- 4180 Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Helicopter
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 7527 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Horse
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 8ba3 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Jetplane
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- a559 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/LaserGun
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- b007 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Laughing
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 2419 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/MachineGun
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- b2a2 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Maou
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- f284 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Punch
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 6079 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Rain
[generic]                   70      83  84.3% -lh5- 4d9e Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Reverse-Cymbl
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 1bfb Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Scratch
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 5d3e Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Scratch2
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 3147 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Scream
[generic]                   71      83  85.5% -lh5- 0476 Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Seashore
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- c920 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Siren
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 0ae3 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Starship
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- cb85 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Str-Slap
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- a3ba Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Stream
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 44aa Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Submarine
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- d838 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Tel-dial
[generic]                   71      83  85.5% -lh5- c07d Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Telephone
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 1fbd Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Telephone2
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- e139 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Thunder
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 4860 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Train
[generic]                   71      83  85.5% -lh5- 858b Sep  1  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Tweet
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- 22fa Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Wind
[generic]                   69      84  82.1% -lh5- dc7e Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/WindChm
[generic]                   70      84  83.3% -lh5- 669a Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/SoundEffects/Xplosion
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 4000 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Analog-kit
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 3d61 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Brush-kit
[generic]                   74      83  89.2% -lh5- b24c Oct  8  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Classic-kit
[generic]                   75      84  89.3% -lh5- c140 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Electro-kit
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 776e Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Jazz-kit
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 139b Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Rock-kit
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 555e Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Room-kit
[generic]                   71      84  84.5% -lh5- ec78 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/SFX-1
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 6d38 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/SFX-2
[generic]                   71      84  84.5% -lh5- 1f51 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Standard-kit
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- 9e11 Sep  2  2000 amcCS1x/sounds/XG-drumkits/Standard2-kit
[generic]                   25      25 100.0% -lh0- a4ad Aug 31  2000 amcCS1x/Start-ed
[generic]                 2061    3394  60.7% -lh5- 408d Aug 31  2000 amcCS1x/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        84 files   38128   80613  47.3%            Nov  4  2000
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