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Short:Imagine object collection: Aviation 3
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   This Imagine 3D object comes from the Imagine collection, "Imagine PD
3D", published by Graphic Detail Inc.

    Imagine PD 3D contains thousands of Imagine 3D objects in many
categories including Anatomy, Animals, Aviation, Botany, Buildings,
Computers, Electronics, Furniture, Grocery, Household, Kitchen, Land,
Logos, Misc., Music, Phones, Robots, Space, Sports, Ships, Vehicles, Toys,
Tools, Video, Weapons and many others.

    Imagine PD 3D also contains the IFF & Targa textures (along with
thumbnail rederings) of Texture Gallery, a regular $44.95 value!

    Imagine PD 3D will be available starting August 1, 1996. The regular
retail price of Imagine PD 3D is $29.95 + shipping. If you mention the
Aminet special when ordering directly from Graphic Detail, you may
purchase Imagine PD 3D for only $20.00 plus FREE shipping to anywhere in
the world! You must mention "the Aminet special" when you place your order
to get the special $20.00 price.

    Contact info:

Graphic Detail Inc.
4556 South Third Street
Louisville Ky. 40214 USA
502-363-2986 - voice & fax                                              
  1-800-265-4041 - U.S. orders only   
michael at - email address

All orders are shipped within 24 hours 

Mastercard & Visa are accepted

U.S. & International dealer inquiries are welcome.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  154058   62853 59.2% 17-Jun-96 16:07:12 +Aviation3.iff
     742     367 50.5% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Aelironb.iob
    1342     567 57.7% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Aeliront.iob
    7362    2572 65.0% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Canopy.iob
    2914    1169 59.8% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Canopy_g.iob
    4024    1722 57.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Cockpit.iob
    1340     545 59.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Elevatrb.iob
    2274     781 65.6% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Elevatrt.iob
   12620    4954 60.7% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Engine_c.iob
    1754     702 59.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Engine_p.iob
    1970    1069 45.7% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Fairingl.iob
    1950    1072 45.0% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Fairingr.iob
   42042   17936 57.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Fuselag1.iob
   18272    7357 59.7% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Fuselag2.iob
    2358     870 63.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Horstabb.iob
    3040    1100 63.8% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Horstabt.iob
    2882    1374 52.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Landgear.iob
    1586     810 48.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Rimleft.iob
    1586     807 49.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Rimright.iob
    3086    1233 60.0% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Rudder.iob
    2450    1073 56.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Tailgr_l.iob
    1586     693 56.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Tailgr_r.iob
    8042    2864 64.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Tailgr_t.iob
    8042    3682 54.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Tireleft.iob
    8042    3646 54.6% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Tirerite.iob
  134950   60054 55.4% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Mig.iob
   28090   18443 34.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Pic.iff
     312     215 31.0% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Readme1
     314     216 31.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Readme2
  222600   77505 65.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:52 +P38.iob
   98498   44293 55.0% 19-Oct-94 20:08:52 +P51.iob
    2152     879 59.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Alerons.iob
    2490     859 65.5% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Canopy.iob
    1572     622 60.4% 19-Oct-94 20:08:46 +Cockpit.iob
  134352   52713 60.7% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Fuselage.iob
    3290    1309 60.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Gear_l.iob
    3290    1309 60.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Gear_r.iob
    1856    1013 45.4% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Geardr1.iob
    1502     844 43.8% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Geardr2.iob
    1502     842 43.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Geardr3.iob
    1502     842 43.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Geardr4.iob
    1502     842 43.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Geardr5.iob
   11582    3997 65.4% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Prop_l.iob
   11582    3976 65.6% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Prop_r.iob
    7736    3448 55.4% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Prophubl.iob
    7736    3420 55.7% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Prophubr.iob
    2134     810 62.0% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Rudders.iob
    8042    2800 65.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Tire_f.iob
    8042    3038 62.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Tire_l.iob
    8042    2801 65.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Tire_r.iob
     614     242 60.5% 19-Oct-94 20:08:52 +Paperpln.iob
  116966   87348 25.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Propeler.iff
   55942   25345 54.6% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Propeler.iob
  145306   56167 61.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:44 +Spitfire.iob
    1826     801 56.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Aelirons.iob
    6802    2520 62.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Canopy.iob
    3036    1203 60.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Cockpit.iob
     898     445 50.4% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Flaps_b.iob
    1438     637 55.7% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Flaps_t.iob
   31296   12120 61.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Fuselge1.iob
   58632   23361 60.1% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Fuselge2.iob
    2754    1068 61.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Horstabb.iob
    2036     830 59.2% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Horstabt.iob
   12054    4586 61.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Prop_hub.iob
   14970    5934 60.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Props.iob
    6610    2534 61.6% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Rudder.iob
    3194    1121 64.9% 19-Oct-94 20:08:48 +Sidepipe.iob
   67542   23090 65.8% 19-Oct-94 20:08:52 +Sr71.iob
   35864   13138 63.3% 19-Oct-94 20:08:52 +X29.iob
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1567814  671398 57.1% 01-May-96 13:59:38   69 files

Contents of pix/3dobj/Aviation3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                62853  154058  40.8% -lh5- 6e47 Jun 17  1996 aviation3/Aviation3.iff
[generic]                  367     742  49.5% -lh5- a50d Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Aelironb.iob
[generic]                  567    1342  42.3% -lh5- 25ac Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Aeliront.iob
[generic]                 2572    7362  34.9% -lh5- 5259 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Canopy.iob
[generic]                 1169    2914  40.1% -lh5- 3efe Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Canopy_g.iob
[generic]                 1722    4024  42.8% -lh5- 7aa0 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Cockpit.iob
[generic]                  545    1340  40.7% -lh5- 6644 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Elevatrb.iob
[generic]                  781    2274  34.3% -lh5- 813c Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Elevatrt.iob
[generic]                 4954   12620  39.3% -lh5- b4d6 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Engine_c.iob
[generic]                  702    1754  40.0% -lh5- 6c16 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Engine_p.iob
[generic]                 1069    1970  54.3% -lh5- 8174 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Fairingl.iob
[generic]                 1072    1950  55.0% -lh5- 5bc4 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Fairingr.iob
[generic]                17936   42042  42.7% -lh5- 99d4 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Fuselag1.iob
[generic]                 7357   18272  40.3% -lh5- c6de Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Fuselag2.iob
[generic]                  870    2358  36.9% -lh5- 8613 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Horstabb.iob
[generic]                 1100    3040  36.2% -lh5- 1a3b Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Horstabt.iob
[generic]                 1374    2882  47.7% -lh5- 8932 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Landgear.iob
[generic]                  810    1586  51.1% -lh5- 64f5 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Rimleft.iob
[generic]                  807    1586  50.9% -lh5- 934c Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Rimright.iob
[generic]                 1233    3086  40.0% -lh5- 2d67 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Rudder.iob
[generic]                 1073    2450  43.8% -lh5- d656 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Tailgr_l.iob
[generic]                  693    1586  43.7% -lh5- f8dc Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Tailgr_r.iob
[generic]                 2864    8042  35.6% -lh5- bb37 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Tailgr_t.iob
[generic]                 3682    8042  45.8% -lh5- 7381 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Tireleft.iob
[generic]                 3646    8042  45.3% -lh5- 4d29 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Me_109/Tirerite.iob
[generic]                60054  134950  44.5% -lh5- 6972 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Mig/Mig.iob
[generic]                18443   28090  65.7% -lh5- b116 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Mig/Pic.iff
[generic]                  215     312  68.9% -lh5- 39d4 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Mig/Readme1
[generic]                  216     314  68.8% -lh5- 3f87 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Mig/Readme2
[generic]                77505  222600  34.8% -lh5- 8c64 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P38.iob
[generic]                44293   98498  45.0% -lh5- f70d Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P51.iob
[generic]                  879    2152  40.8% -lh5- 616e Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Alerons.iob
[generic]                  859    2490  34.5% -lh5- 0b8c Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Canopy.iob
[generic]                  622    1572  39.6% -lh5- dbad Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Cockpit.iob
[generic]                52713  134352  39.2% -lh5- 171e Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Fuselage.iob
[generic]                 1309    3290  39.8% -lh5- 29a4 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Gear_l.iob
[generic]                 1309    3290  39.8% -lh5- 2c52 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Gear_r.iob
[generic]                 1013    1856  54.6% -lh5- a12a Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Geardr1.iob
[generic]                  844    1502  56.2% -lh5- 7fce Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Geardr2.iob
[generic]                  842    1502  56.1% -lh5- 4e25 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Geardr3.iob
[generic]                  842    1502  56.1% -lh5- 51df Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Geardr4.iob
[generic]                  842    1502  56.1% -lh5- c2e8 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Geardr5.iob
[generic]                 3997   11582  34.5% -lh5- 9c60 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Prop_l.iob
[generic]                 3976   11582  34.3% -lh5- 58d8 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Prop_r.iob
[generic]                 3448    7736  44.6% -lh5- 71ec Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Prophubl.iob
[generic]                 3420    7736  44.2% -lh5- 5eeb Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Prophubr.iob
[generic]                  810    2134  38.0% -lh5- 424a Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Rudders.iob
[generic]                 2800    8042  34.8% -lh5- 0f96 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Tire_f.iob
[generic]                 3038    8042  37.8% -lh5- abdc Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Tire_l.iob
[generic]                 2801    8042  34.8% -lh5- 2019 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/P_38/Tire_r.iob
[generic]                  242     614  39.4% -lh5- 6e83 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Paperpln.iob
[generic]                87348  116966  74.7% -lh5- 1c6a Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Propeler/Propeler.iff
[generic]                25345   55942  45.3% -lh5- 8db6 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Propeler/Propeler.iob
[generic]                56167  145306  38.7% -lh5- 6d0f Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire.iob
[generic]                  801    1826  43.9% -lh5- cb04 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Aelirons.iob
[generic]                 2520    6802  37.0% -lh5- 2cc9 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Canopy.iob
[generic]                 1203    3036  39.6% -lh5- ac85 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Cockpit.iob
[generic]                  445     898  49.6% -lh5- 0a34 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Flaps_b.iob
[generic]                  637    1438  44.3% -lh5- 9dfa Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Flaps_t.iob
[generic]                12120   31296  38.7% -lh5- cdcf Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Fuselge1.iob
[generic]                23361   58632  39.8% -lh5- 5531 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Fuselge2.iob
[generic]                 1068    2754  38.8% -lh5- 1214 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Horstabb.iob
[generic]                  830    2036  40.8% -lh5- bcd1 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Horstabt.iob
[generic]                 4586   12054  38.0% -lh5- bda3 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Prop_hub.iob
[generic]                 5934   14970  39.6% -lh5- e916 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Props.iob
[generic]                 2534    6610  38.3% -lh5- edec Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Rudder.iob
[generic]                 1121    3194  35.1% -lh5- 66f7 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Spitfire/Sidepipe.iob
[generic]                23090   67542  34.2% -lh5- 5457 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/Sr71.iob
[generic]                13138   35864  36.6% -lh5- ca16 Oct 19  1994 Aviation3/X29.iob
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        69 files  671398 1567814  42.8%            May  1  1996

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