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Short:60 More NewIcon Images! Net,games,utils..
Author:Phil Vedovatti (vedovatt at
Uploader:Phil Vedovatti (vedovatt u washington edu)
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This is the second set of my NewIcon images for your Workbench.
These all use the standard NewIcon palette, so they won't
allocate any extra pens from your workbench if you are already using


Included are images not found in the original NewIcons archive,
NewIconsXtra set, or AesIcons1.  Many are totally original, some are adapted
from parts of Roger McVey's work, and a few others are adapted from
images done by other aspiring isoicon artists, such as Dave Wiles' nice
work.   Credit is due to these guys.  This archive includes icons for
many games, network/email stuff, utilities, commodities, etc.

Included in the "envarcsys" drawer of this archive are some new deficons,
including separate default picture icons for IFF, JPEG, and GIF files.
If you are running deficons, the deficons program will identify which
type of picture file it is, and show the appropriate icon.  Since
default JPG and GIF files were not included in the original NewIcons
package (although supported), I decided to make these ones.  The icons
in the "envarcsys" drawer are the only ones in this archive you can
copy straight across into your ENVARC:sys drawer.  Don't forget to add
your favorite pic viewer to the default tool if you want it to show up
in the "Execute command" requester when you click on an iconless picture.
The remainder of the icons in this archive should NOT be copied straight
over to your other files.  Read below on how to install them.

A lot of people are having trouble placing their def_RAMDisk to show up
in the right place on thier workbench.  Here's the trick.  Open your
ENVARC:sys drawer (that is, Prefs/Env-archive/sys) and drag the def_RAMDisk
icon directly onto the workbench where you want it to show up.  Then snapshot
it by selecting the icon and hitting RightAmiga-S.  Then put the icon away
by selecting the "Put Away" Workbench menu item.  There!


For you software authors out there, how bout putting some NewIcon images
in with the program?  For those not using NewIcons, they don't see them
anyway, and it saves me the trouble of having to deal with deleting those
peach and purple MWB icons and me having to make new images for your software.
You can easily make them from DPaint IFF brushes.

Regardless of whether you prefer MWB or NewIcon images, it's important to
remember that the NewIcons system works with either type of image, and gives
you the benefit of not having to worry about what your palette is set to
in preferences.  The images will auto-remap to the appropriate color.
Personally, I prefer the NewIcons style, but you can use NewIcons to adapt
your icons to any style you like.  Kudos to Nicola for making such a fine
system, and to Roger for his excellent artwork.  It's been fun working
with you guys.


If you plan to use these images, you need the NewIcons Package.  It's
available on Aminet (pub/aminet/util/wb/NewIcons.lha).  If you are not
running NewIcons, you will only see little squares for the icons, and
this package will be of no use for you.  To install these images, use
the "copynewicon" utility to transfer the images over to the appropriate
icon.  DON'T use the "creatdefaulticon" utility.  That's for creating
NewIcon images for files that don't have .info files attached to them.
Copynewicon is safe to use on your existing icons, because it won't mess
with your default tool or your tooltypes.  Also, DON'T just copy the .info
file over to your existing programs, because you won't keep your default
tool or tooltypes that way either.  Like the NewIcons documentation says,
think of this collection as a catalog of "images" rather than icons, from
which you copy the image over to your other programs, rather than replacing
the whole icon itself.  (The exception in this archive are the icons in
the "envarcsys" drawer, which CAN be copied directly to your ENVARC:sys

This set is freely distributable, and the individual icons may be used or
modified as you please.  If you pass on the package to others, please keep
the archive intact with its documentation.

Feedback is always appreciated.


Phil Vedovatti

Snail Mail Address (until 7/95):
Phil Vedovatti
2800 Bogus Basin Rd. #B-208
Boise, Idaho 83702

email: (good for the next 2 years at least)
 vedovatt at

   _____          .__  IRC: Aesculape   /\  vedovatt at
  /  _  \   _____ |__| _________       / / Philip A. Vedovatti
 /  /_\  \ /     \|  |/ ___\__  \     / / University of Washington
/    |    \  Y Y  \  / /_/  > __ \_  / / Department of Medicine
\____|__  /__|_|  /__\___  (____  / / / It's not the chips or the MIPS...
        \/      \/  /_____/     \/  \/ the OS is the boss. *A4000/40*
           Co-sysop, Virtual Reality BBS:  telnet

Listing of archive 'AESicons2.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    5020    2386 52.4% 07-Jun-95 02:31:04  AESicons2/AESicons.readme
    1371     853 37.7% 07-Jun-95 02:25:00  AESicons2/
    1509    1000 33.7% 07-Jun-95 02:25:00  AESicons2/
    1429     991 30.6% 07-Jun-95 01:38:48  AESicons2/Comm/
    1241     851 31.4% 07-Jun-95 01:43:08  AESicons2/Comm/
    1600    1050 34.3% 07-Jun-95 02:25:00  AESicons2/
    1447    1004 30.6% 07-Jun-95 01:39:28  AESicons2/Commods/
    1628    1123 31.0% 07-Jun-95 01:39:24  AESicons2/Commods/
     999     651 34.8% 07-Jun-95 01:39:18  AESicons2/Commods/
     954     644 32.4% 07-Jun-95 01:39:14  AESicons2/Commods/
    1011     719 28.8% 07-Jun-95 01:39:10  AESicons2/Commods/
    1125     755 32.8% 07-Jun-95 01:39:04  AESicons2/Commods/
    1576    1047 33.5% 07-Jun-95 02:25:00  AESicons2/
    1567     966 38.3% 07-Jun-95 01:34:24  AESicons2/Emulation/
    1539     957 37.8% 07-Jun-95 02:24:58  AESicons2/
    1791    1214 32.2% 07-Jun-95 00:38:42  AESicons2/Envarcsys/
    1419    1008 28.9% 07-Jun-95 00:38:42  AESicons2/Envarcsys/
    1792    1201 32.9% 07-Jun-95 00:38:42  AESicons2/Envarcsys/
    1117     761 31.8% 07-Jun-95 01:34:00  AESicons2/Envarcsys/
    1310     955 27.0% 07-Jun-95 01:33:44  AESicons2/Envarcsys/
    1704    1074 36.9% 07-Jun-95 02:24:58  AESicons2/
    1339    1011 24.4% 07-Jun-95 01:34:44  AESicons2/Games/
    1371     941 31.3% 07-Jun-95 01:34:48  AESicons2/Games/
    1358     884 34.9% 07-Jun-95 01:34:56  AESicons2/Games/
    2119     825 61.0% 07-Jun-95 01:35:04  AESicons2/Games/
    1448    1041 28.1% 07-Jun-95 01:35:10  AESicons2/Games/
    2102     632 69.9% 07-Jun-95 01:35:16  AESicons2/Games/
    1585     838 47.1% 07-Jun-95 01:35:20  AESicons2/Games/
    2100     877 58.2% 07-Jun-95 01:35:26  AESicons2/Games/
    1890     946 49.9% 07-Jun-95 01:35:32  AESicons2/Games/
    1165     778 33.2% 07-Jun-95 01:35:38  AESicons2/Games/
    1056     808 23.4% 07-Jun-95 01:35:44  AESicons2/Games/
    1268     904 28.7% 07-Jun-95 01:35:50  AESicons2/Games/
    1141     837 26.6% 07-Jun-95 01:35:56  AESicons2/Games/
    1679    1053 37.2% 07-Jun-95 02:24:58  AESicons2/
    1470     823 44.0% 07-Jun-95 01:40:02  AESicons2/Graphx/
    1380     847 38.6% 07-Jun-95 01:40:08  AESicons2/Graphx/
    1430     961 32.7% 07-Jun-95 01:40:12  AESicons2/Graphx/
    1621    1146 29.3% 07-Jun-95 01:40:18  AESicons2/Graphx/
    1550    1067 31.1% 07-Jun-95 02:24:58  AESicons2/
    1382     915 33.7% 07-Jun-95 01:36:34  AESicons2/Music/
    1670    1078 35.4% 07-Jun-95 02:24:58  AESicons2/
    1749     824 52.8% 07-Jun-95 01:40:42  AESicons2/Network/
    1429     994 30.4% 07-Jun-95 01:40:48  AESicons2/Network/
    1533    1135 25.9% 07-Jun-95 01:40:54  AESicons2/Network/
    1595    1075 32.6% 07-Jun-95 01:40:58  AESicons2/Network/
    1512     940 37.8% 07-Jun-95 01:41:04  AESicons2/Network/
    1249     942 24.5% 07-Jun-95 01:41:10  AESicons2/Network/
    1188     849 28.5% 07-Jun-95 01:41:16  AESicons2/Network/
    1090     749 31.2% 07-Jun-95 01:41:22  AESicons2/Network/
    1189     860 27.6% 07-Jun-95 01:41:26  AESicons2/Network/
    1557    1039 33.2% 07-Jun-95 01:41:32  AESicons2/Network/
    1401    1030 26.4% 07-Jun-95 01:41:36  AESicons2/Network/
    1283     753 41.3% 07-Jun-95 01:41:42  AESicons2/Network/
    1374     856 37.7% 07-Jun-95 02:24:58  AESicons2/
    1247     889 28.7% 07-Jun-95 01:37:00  AESicons2/Utilities/
     808     412 49.0% 07-Jun-95 01:37:06  AESicons2/Utilities/
    1533    1003 34.5% 07-Jun-95 01:37:14  AESicons2/Utilities/
    2114    1018 51.8% 07-Jun-95 01:37:20  AESicons2/Utilities/
     809     503 37.8% 07-Jun-95 01:37:26  AESicons2/Utilities/
    1429     976 31.7% 07-Jun-95 01:37:30  AESicons2/Utilities/
    1429     978 31.5% 07-Jun-95 01:37:36  AESicons2/Utilities/
    2112     616 70.8% 07-Jun-95 01:37:42  AESicons2/Utilities/
    1656     938 43.3% 07-Jun-95 01:37:48  AESicons2/Utilities/
    1055     745 29.3% 07-Jun-95 01:37:52  AESicons2/Utilities/
     990     640 35.3% 07-Jun-95 01:37:58  AESicons2/Utilities/
    8549    4453 47.9% 07-Jun-95 02:23:04
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  107153   65639 38.7% 07-Jun-95 02:40:56   67 files

Operation successful.

Contents of pix/nicon/AESicons2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2386    5020  47.5% -lh5- ad46 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/AESicons.readme
[generic]                  853    1371  62.2% -lh5- 3dd2 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                 1000    1509  66.3% -lh5- af86 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                  991    1429  69.3% -lh5- 5b84 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Comm/
[generic]                  851    1241  68.6% -lh5- 1d8b Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Comm/
[generic]                 1050    1600  65.6% -lh5- 9a0a Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                 1004    1447  69.4% -lh5- 4265 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Commods/
[generic]                 1123    1628  69.0% -lh5- 0fb2 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Commods/
[generic]                  651     999  65.2% -lh5- 3534 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Commods/
[generic]                  644     954  67.5% -lh5- 4562 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Commods/
[generic]                  719    1011  71.1% -lh5- eaa5 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Commods/
[generic]                  755    1125  67.1% -lh5- 7e10 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Commods/
[generic]                 1047    1576  66.4% -lh5- 6592 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                  966    1567  61.6% -lh5- 9d41 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Emulation/
[generic]                  957    1539  62.2% -lh5- 32f3 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                 1214    1791  67.8% -lh5- c059 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Envarcsys/
[generic]                 1008    1419  71.0% -lh5- c1da Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Envarcsys/
[generic]                 1201    1792  67.0% -lh5- e57e Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Envarcsys/
[generic]                  761    1117  68.1% -lh5- 66fb Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Envarcsys/
[generic]                  955    1310  72.9% -lh5- 3ead Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Envarcsys/
[generic]                 1074    1704  63.0% -lh5- 7d19 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                 1011    1339  75.5% -lh5- 272c Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  941    1371  68.6% -lh5- b967 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  884    1358  65.1% -lh5- 8858 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  825    2119  38.9% -lh5- 08eb Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                 1041    1448  71.9% -lh5- ddba Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  632    2102  30.1% -lh5- c35a Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  838    1585  52.9% -lh5- e130 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  877    2100  41.8% -lh5- 69d1 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  946    1890  50.1% -lh5- b5d1 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  778    1165  66.8% -lh5- 127c Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  808    1056  76.5% -lh5- fe6d Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  904    1268  71.3% -lh5- b29f Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                  837    1141  73.4% -lh5- 0092 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Games/
[generic]                 1053    1679  62.7% -lh5- 39c7 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                  823    1470  56.0% -lh5- 6c3c Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Graphx/
[generic]                  847    1380  61.4% -lh5- bda8 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Graphx/
[generic]                  961    1430  67.2% -lh5- 6a3d Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Graphx/
[generic]                 1146    1621  70.7% -lh5- 7935 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Graphx/
[generic]                 1067    1550  68.8% -lh5- 62b7 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                  915    1382  66.2% -lh5- 9a16 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Music/
[generic]                 1078    1670  64.6% -lh5- 6881 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                  824    1749  47.1% -lh5- fa43 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  994    1429  69.6% -lh5- 88e0 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                 1135    1533  74.0% -lh5- ed28 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                 1075    1595  67.4% -lh5- fefb Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  940    1512  62.2% -lh5- c075 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  942    1249  75.4% -lh5- 8ab1 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  849    1188  71.5% -lh5- 6b74 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  749    1090  68.7% -lh5- e802 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  860    1189  72.3% -lh5- b0d5 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                 1039    1557  66.7% -lh5- 0960 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                 1030    1401  73.5% -lh5- 9ece Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  753    1283  58.7% -lh5- cd5a Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Network/
[generic]                  856    1374  62.3% -lh5- 23ad Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/
[generic]                  889    1247  71.3% -lh5- 43a5 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  412     808  51.0% -lh5- 1b8f Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                 1003    1533  65.4% -lh5- 48c1 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                 1018    2114  48.2% -lh5- 1de2 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  503     809  62.2% -lh5- 47b9 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  976    1429  68.3% -lh5- f01a Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  978    1429  68.4% -lh5- a067 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  616    2112  29.2% -lh5- eb25 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  938    1656  56.6% -lh5- 1a3f Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  745    1055  70.6% -lh5- cdf0 Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                  640     990  64.6% -lh5- ce3e Jun  7  1995 AESicons2/Utilities/
[generic]                 4453    8549  52.1% -lh5- 6353 Jun  7  1995
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        67 files   65639  107153  61.3%            Jun  7  1995

Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>