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Short:Sans serif fonts, in Intellifont format
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This is a collection of Compugraphic Intellifonts. This format is 
directly understood by the Amiga OS. To install, copy them anywhere
onto your hard disk and use the Intellifont (or Fountain) tool in
your System drawer to announce them to the system.

Note that the collection of Adobe fonts is bigger and that the
Adobe versions of the same fonts look slightly better.

All fonts in this collection have hints. These are instructions how to
make the fonts look good at low resolutions.

In the archive pix/illu/AminetPFonts.lha you find a set of images 
displaying all fonts of the whole font collection. Also, each archives
contains an archive index image and an image for each font. Note however
that these images were made from the .pfb versions of these fonts.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   37044   16441 55.6% 18-Jan-96 20:43:40  0Sans04_Index.iff
    2262    1137 49.7% 15-Jan-96 17:13:14  BeeGees.iff
   40294   31769 21.1% 10-Jan-96 12:36:48  BeeGees.type
     556     269 51.6% 15-Jan-96 17:14:00  BenjaminCaps.iff
   25922   20532 20.7% 10-Jan-96 12:51:28  BenjaminCaps.type
    2676    1455 45.6% 15-Jan-96 17:14:08  BermudaItal.iff
   27234   19769 27.4% 10-Jan-96 12:53:26  BermudaItal.type
    2394    1043 56.4% 15-Jan-96 17:14:34  BigBoyBold.iff
   70942   40988 42.2% 10-Jan-96 13:04:24  BigBoyBold.type
    2350    1473 37.3% 15-Jan-96 17:14:58  Billboard.iff
   40742   30920 24.1% 10-Jan-96 13:41:48  Billboard.type
    2022     701 65.3% 15-Jan-96 17:15:00  BillyBold.iff
   27096   19001 29.8% 10-Jan-96 13:44:54  BillyBold.type
    2052     938 54.2% 15-Jan-96 17:15:04  BillyBoldItal.iff
   27350   19326 29.3% 10-Jan-96 13:45:24  BillyBoldItal.type
    2790    1192 57.2% 15-Jan-96 17:15:04  Binners.iff
   19492    9639 50.5% 10-Jan-96 13:45:34  Binners.type
    2292    1022 55.4% 15-Jan-96 17:15:06  BistroBold.iff
   22150   15918 28.1% 10-Jan-96 13:45:48  BistroBold.type
     706     253 64.1% 15-Jan-96 17:15:18  BlackBox.iff
   48696   34983 28.1% 10-Jan-96 13:52:26  BlackBox.type
    3948    1732 56.1% 15-Jan-96 17:15:24  Blades.iff
   27232   20249 25.6% 10-Jan-96 13:54:46  Blades.type
    2258    1192 47.2% 15-Jan-96 17:15:28  BlastItalic.iff
   30226   22673 24.9% 10-Jan-96 13:55:46  BlastItalic.type
    3048    1339 56.0% 15-Jan-96 17:15:30  BlastMega.iff
   32046   23953 25.2% 10-Jan-96 13:56:22  BlastMega.type
    1670     947 43.2% 15-Jan-96 17:15:50  BluePrintBold.iff
   32568   22686 30.3% 10-Jan-96 14:04:44  BluePrintBold.type
    1620    1045 35.4% 15-Jan-96 17:15:52  BluePrintItal.iff
   33328   23914 28.2% 10-Jan-96 14:05:02  BluePrintItal.type
    2004     787 60.7% 15-Jan-96 17:17:02  BoneHeadBold.iff
   24530   16425 33.0% 10-Jan-96 14:32:30  BoneHeadBold.type
    1924     809 57.9% 15-Jan-96 17:17:04  BoneHeadLight.iff
   23654   15641 33.8% 10-Jan-96 14:32:54  BoneHeadLight.type
    1960     824 57.9% 15-Jan-96 17:17:06  BoneHeadMedium.iff
   24298   16210 33.2% 10-Jan-96 14:33:18  BoneHeadMedium.type
    2232    1255 43.7% 15-Jan-96 17:17:52  BorzoiBoldItalic.iff
   38772   27534 28.9% 10-Jan-96 14:52:18  BorzoiBoldItalic.type
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  694380  467984 32.6% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06   39 files

Contents of text/ifont/Sans04.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                16441   37044  44.4% -lh5- f870 Jan 18  1996 0Sans04_Index.iff
[generic]                 1137    2262  50.3% -lh5- 216c Jan 15  1996 BeeGees.iff
[generic]                31769   40294  78.8% -lh5- 744a Jan 10  1996 BeeGees.type
[generic]                  269     556  48.4% -lh5- c980 Jan 15  1996 BenjaminCaps.iff
[generic]                20532   25922  79.2% -lh5- d9bf Jan 10  1996 BenjaminCaps.type
[generic]                 1455    2676  54.4% -lh5- d28b Jan 15  1996 BermudaItal.iff
[generic]                19769   27234  72.6% -lh5- 8983 Jan 10  1996 BermudaItal.type
[generic]                 1043    2394  43.6% -lh5- 57fa Jan 15  1996 BigBoyBold.iff
[generic]                40988   70942  57.8% -lh5- e37b Jan 10  1996 BigBoyBold.type
[generic]                 1473    2350  62.7% -lh5- a4d9 Jan 15  1996 Billboard.iff
[generic]                30920   40742  75.9% -lh5- 1239 Jan 10  1996 Billboard.type
[generic]                  701    2022  34.7% -lh5- 0621 Jan 15  1996 BillyBold.iff
[generic]                19001   27096  70.1% -lh5- c0e4 Jan 10  1996 BillyBold.type
[generic]                  938    2052  45.7% -lh5- 46da Jan 15  1996 BillyBoldItal.iff
[generic]                19326   27350  70.7% -lh5- 8b7c Jan 10  1996 BillyBoldItal.type
[generic]                 1192    2790  42.7% -lh5- 7422 Jan 15  1996 Binners.iff
[generic]                 9639   19492  49.5% -lh5- b914 Jan 10  1996 Binners.type
[generic]                 1022    2292  44.6% -lh5- c13c Jan 15  1996 BistroBold.iff
[generic]                15918   22150  71.9% -lh5- b103 Jan 10  1996 BistroBold.type
[generic]                  253     706  35.8% -lh5- 43e3 Jan 15  1996 BlackBox.iff
[generic]                34983   48696  71.8% -lh5- 97aa Jan 10  1996 BlackBox.type
[generic]                 1732    3948  43.9% -lh5- fd64 Jan 15  1996 Blades.iff
[generic]                20249   27232  74.4% -lh5- 35ca Jan 10  1996 Blades.type
[generic]                 1192    2258  52.8% -lh5- 3209 Jan 15  1996 BlastItalic.iff
[generic]                22673   30226  75.0% -lh5- 6d8e Jan 10  1996 BlastItalic.type
[generic]                 1339    3048  43.9% -lh5- c43a Jan 15  1996 BlastMega.iff
[generic]                23953   32046  74.7% -lh5- 5ebb Jan 10  1996 BlastMega.type
[generic]                  947    1670  56.7% -lh5- ecf9 Jan 15  1996 BluePrintBold.iff
[generic]                22686   32568  69.7% -lh5- 0f8a Jan 10  1996 BluePrintBold.type
[generic]                 1045    1620  64.5% -lh5- 9c02 Jan 15  1996 BluePrintItal.iff
[generic]                23914   33328  71.8% -lh5- 194d Jan 10  1996 BluePrintItal.type
[generic]                  787    2004  39.3% -lh5- 8adf Jan 15  1996 BoneHeadBold.iff
[generic]                16425   24530  67.0% -lh5- c0f1 Jan 10  1996 BoneHeadBold.type
[generic]                  809    1924  42.0% -lh5- 6554 Jan 15  1996 BoneHeadLight.iff
[generic]                15641   23654  66.1% -lh5- cc5e Jan 10  1996 BoneHeadLight.type
[generic]                  824    1960  42.0% -lh5- 9b8d Jan 15  1996 BoneHeadMedium.iff
[generic]                16210   24298  66.7% -lh5- 412c Jan 10  1996 BoneHeadMedium.type
[generic]                 1255    2232  56.2% -lh5- cd57 Jan 15  1996 BorzoiBoldItalic.iff
[generic]                27534   38772  71.0% -lh5- 14a3 Jan 10  1996 BorzoiBoldItalic.type
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        39 files  467984  694380  67.4%            Nov  4  1995

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