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Short:Sans serif fonts, in Intellifont format
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This is a collection of Compugraphic Intellifonts. This format is 
directly understood by the Amiga OS. To install, copy them anywhere
onto your hard disk and use the Intellifont (or Fountain) tool in
your System drawer to announce them to the system.

Note that the collection of Adobe fonts is bigger and that the
Adobe versions of the same fonts look slightly better.

All fonts in this collection have hints. These are instructions how to
make the fonts look good at low resolutions.

In the archive pix/illu/AminetPFonts.lha you find a set of images 
displaying all fonts of the whole font collection. Also, each archives
contains an archive index image and an image for each font. Note however
that these images were made from the .pfb versions of these fonts.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   37048   17376 53.0% 18-Jan-96 21:04:10  0Sans20_Index.iff
    2120    1040 50.9% 15-Jan-96 18:30:52  Tadpole.iff
   26342   19831 24.7% 12-Jan-96 11:52:26  Tadpole.type
     864     565 34.6% 15-Jan-96 18:31:54  ThreeDee.iff
   61618   46652 24.2% 12-Jan-96 12:17:42  ThreeDee.type
    3240    1684 48.0% 15-Jan-96 18:32:04  Tigger.iff
   79116   49690 37.1% 12-Jan-96 12:21:04  Tigger.type
    2618    1396 46.6% 15-Jan-96 18:32:06  Tilt.iff
   36864   16835 54.3% 12-Jan-96 12:21:20  Tilt.type
    1804     912 49.4% 15-Jan-96 18:32:54  TinRibs.iff
   23436   16626 29.0% 12-Jan-96 12:36:36  TinRibs.type
    2782    1752 37.0% 15-Jan-96 18:32:56  Tintoretto.iff
   43652   34301 21.4% 12-Jan-96 12:37:46  Tintoretto.type
    2200     950 56.8% 15-Jan-96 18:32:58  Tippex.iff
   27164   18491 31.9% 12-Jan-96 12:38:10  Tippex.type
    2214    1099 50.3% 15-Jan-96 18:33:00  TippexItal.iff
   27494   18930 31.1% 12-Jan-96 12:38:34  TippexItal.type
    2228    1403 37.0% 15-Jan-96 18:33:58  TPLincolnItal.iff
   54738   29146 46.7% 12-Jan-96 14:25:42  TPLincolnItal.type
    2206    1427 35.3% 15-Jan-96 18:34:00  TPLincolnLefty.iff
   54796   28823 47.3% 12-Jan-96 14:26:26  TPLincolnLefty.type
    2452    1081 55.9% 15-Jan-96 18:34:38  Triumvirate.iff
   64120   37539 41.4% 12-Jan-96 14:41:58  Triumvirate.type
    1456     862 40.7% 15-Jan-96 18:34:58  Twenties.iff
   67080   39767 40.7% 12-Jan-96 14:56:34  Twenties.type
    1742     825 52.6% 15-Jan-96 18:35:00  Twister.iff
   29906   19600 34.4% 12-Jan-96 14:56:50  Twister.type
    1886    1123 40.4% 15-Jan-96 18:35:30  UnciaDis.iff
   73360   47744 34.9% 12-Jan-96 15:04:44  UnciaDis.type
    1884    1119 40.6% 15-Jan-96 18:35:32  Uncle.iff
   73360   47741 34.9% 12-Jan-96 15:05:40  Uncle.type
    2508    1347 46.2% 15-Jan-96 18:35:40  UncleEXT.iff
   76640   50802 33.7% 12-Jan-96 15:08:10  UncleEXT.type
    1752    1017 41.9% 15-Jan-96 18:35:56  UniformOblique.iff
   51432   32524 36.7% 12-Jan-96 15:12:00  UniformOblique.type
    1896     789 58.3% 15-Jan-96 18:36:02  UnivercityCond.iff
   60618   34893 42.4% 12-Jan-96 15:14:30  UnivercityCond.type
    1940     703 63.7% 15-Jan-96 18:36:22  Upsilon.iff
   16634    6979 58.0% 12-Jan-96 15:44:32  Upsilon.type
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1025210  635384 38.0% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06   39 files

Contents of text/ifont/Sans20.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                17376   37048  46.9% -lh5- a4c1 Jan 18  1996 0Sans20_Index.iff
[generic]                 1040    2120  49.1% -lh5- af2f Jan 15  1996 Tadpole.iff
[generic]                19831   26342  75.3% -lh5- 0e53 Jan 12  1996 Tadpole.type
[generic]                  565     864  65.4% -lh5- 3b02 Jan 15  1996 ThreeDee.iff
[generic]                46652   61618  75.7% -lh5- 0c1e Jan 12  1996 ThreeDee.type
[generic]                 1684    3240  52.0% -lh5- ef95 Jan 15  1996 Tigger.iff
[generic]                49690   79116  62.8% -lh5- 91c0 Jan 12  1996 Tigger.type
[generic]                 1396    2618  53.3% -lh5- 0ae1 Jan 15  1996 Tilt.iff
[generic]                16835   36864  45.7% -lh5- f4ef Jan 12  1996 Tilt.type
[generic]                  912    1804  50.6% -lh5- aa3b Jan 15  1996 TinRibs.iff
[generic]                16626   23436  70.9% -lh5- 4fe1 Jan 12  1996 TinRibs.type
[generic]                 1752    2782  63.0% -lh5- e23b Jan 15  1996 Tintoretto.iff
[generic]                34301   43652  78.6% -lh5- 9ec6 Jan 12  1996 Tintoretto.type
[generic]                  950    2200  43.2% -lh5- 3375 Jan 15  1996 Tippex.iff
[generic]                18491   27164  68.1% -lh5- 003b Jan 12  1996 Tippex.type
[generic]                 1099    2214  49.6% -lh5- 22e4 Jan 15  1996 TippexItal.iff
[generic]                18930   27494  68.9% -lh5- 1538 Jan 12  1996 TippexItal.type
[generic]                 1403    2228  63.0% -lh5- 3685 Jan 15  1996 TPLincolnItal.iff
[generic]                29146   54738  53.2% -lh5- d1af Jan 12  1996 TPLincolnItal.type
[generic]                 1427    2206  64.7% -lh5- 65b5 Jan 15  1996 TPLincolnLefty.iff
[generic]                28823   54796  52.6% -lh5- 11ed Jan 12  1996 TPLincolnLefty.type
[generic]                 1081    2452  44.1% -lh5- 400a Jan 15  1996 Triumvirate.iff
[generic]                37539   64120  58.5% -lh5- e3f7 Jan 12  1996 Triumvirate.type
[generic]                  862    1456  59.2% -lh5- bc21 Jan 15  1996 Twenties.iff
[generic]                39767   67080  59.3% -lh5- e9a8 Jan 12  1996 Twenties.type
[generic]                  825    1742  47.4% -lh5- a747 Jan 15  1996 Twister.iff
[generic]                19600   29906  65.5% -lh5- 3f57 Jan 12  1996 Twister.type
[generic]                 1123    1886  59.5% -lh5- e5a9 Jan 15  1996 UnciaDis.iff
[generic]                47744   73360  65.1% -lh5- 8f57 Jan 12  1996 UnciaDis.type
[generic]                 1119    1884  59.4% -lh5- cea5 Jan 15  1996 Uncle.iff
[generic]                47741   73360  65.1% -lh5- f593 Jan 12  1996 Uncle.type
[generic]                 1347    2508  53.7% -lh5- 5e82 Jan 15  1996 UncleEXT.iff
[generic]                50802   76640  66.3% -lh5- b1f6 Jan 12  1996 UncleEXT.type
[generic]                 1017    1752  58.0% -lh5- 329b Jan 15  1996 UniformOblique.iff
[generic]                32524   51432  63.2% -lh5- 7996 Jan 12  1996 UniformOblique.type
[generic]                  789    1896  41.6% -lh5- ad20 Jan 15  1996 UnivercityCond.iff
[generic]                34893   60618  57.6% -lh5- ea42 Jan 12  1996 UnivercityCond.type
[generic]                  703    1940  36.2% -lh5- affd Jan 15  1996 Upsilon.iff
[generic]                 6979   16634  42.0% -lh5- 9c4c Jan 12  1996 Upsilon.type
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        39 files  635384 1025210  62.0%            Nov  4  1995

Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>