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Short:Commodity adding many usefull features.
Author: i.einman at (Ian J. Einman)
Uploader:avdsjw xs4all nl (Siewert Westerneng)
Download:util/cdity/AddPower95_4.lha - View contents

    AddPower 95.4                                 ©1995 Ian J. Einman
AddPower is a commodity that adds many useful features to your system.
Chances are you already have a program or two (or six or seven!) that add
many of these same features, but AddPower may be better.

The goal of AddPower is this: to add a wealth of features to the system, with
as little overhead and as much intercompatibility as possible.  Great care has
been taken to incorporate as many features as users have requested in as small
of a program as possible.

AddPower Features and Advantages:
1. AddPower is coded in very compact assembly language, and has lower overhead
   than a conglomeration of commodities all running at the same time.

2. All AddPower settings are adjusted through font-sensitive resizable GUI
   windows.  These windows do not use a huge memory-eating GUI layout library,
   they use my "systemplus.library", which is under 10 kilobytes.

3. AddPower allows you to set your Aliases, Paths, Assigns, Prompt and Current
   Directory for the shell all from user friendly windows.  Say goodbye to
   your conglomeration of Path and Assign managing programs, here is one to do
   it all.

4. Add as many Hotkeys as you like to perform AddPower functions or even
   launch external programs.

5. Enhance your Workbench look and feel by automatically centering windows,
   borderblanking screens, and enhancing the menus and screens of pre-2.0

6. Add all those input functions you need:  Click to Front, Click to Back,
   Align Mouse, Sun Mouse, Swap Buttons, No Caps-Lock, and more.

7. Control your floppy drives from AddPower.  Adjust the buffers, step rate,
   and retry count from a window, and STOP THE CLICKING!!!  Take those
   AddBuffers commands out of your startup-sequence.

8. In 1997 there will be AddPower, unlike some commodities that seem to come
   and go.  I am dedicated to supporting the Amiga and will continue to update
   AddPower for years, regardless of what happens to the Amiga.  I have a lot
   of plans for it.

Listing of archive 'AddPower95_4.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1458     766 47.4% 23-Apr-95 21:29:04
   21548   12319 42.8% 23-Apr-95 19:59:56  AddPower/AddPower
   38620   14951 61.2% 23-Apr-95 22:08:00  AddPower/
    1732    1112 35.7% 23-Apr-95 21:29:04  AddPower/
    1448     927 35.9% 23-Apr-95 21:29:02  AddPower/
    2234    1074 51.9% 23-Apr-95 19:44:32  AddPower/Catalogs/english/AddPower.catalog
    2550    1196 53.0% 23-Apr-95 19:44:28  AddPower/Catalogs/español/AddPower.catalog
     683     341 50.0% 23-Apr-95 21:30:42  AddPower/Compuserve.SWREG
    8536    5273 38.2% 25-May-95 22:39:26  AddPower/libs/systemplus.library
    3119    1218 60.9% 23-Apr-95 19:44:18  AddPower/maketrans/english.trans
    3431    1436 58.1% 23-Apr-95 19:44:18  AddPower/maketrans/español.trans
    1304     833 36.1% 23-Apr-95 16:26:54  AddPower/maketrans/MakeTrans
    2554     832 67.4% 23-Apr-95 21:36:08  AddPower/prefs/plus/AddPower.prefs
    2402    1316 45.2% 23-Apr-95 23:19:52  AddPower/Product-Info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   91619   43594 52.4% 05-Jun-95 20:00:58   14 files

Contents of util/cdity/AddPower95_4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  766    1458  52.5% -lh5- d93e Apr 23  1995
[generic]                12319   21548  57.2% -lh5- df6a Apr 23  1995 AddPower/AddPower
[generic]                14951   38620  38.7% -lh5- 1cab Apr 23  1995 AddPower/
[generic]                 1112    1732  64.2% -lh5- b0f0 Apr 23  1995 AddPower/
[generic]                  927    1448  64.0% -lh5- f235 Apr 23  1995 AddPower/
[generic]                 1074    2234  48.1% -lh5- a45d Apr 23  1995 AddPower/Catalogs/english/AddPower.catalog
[generic]                 1196    2550  46.9% -lh5- 82d5 Apr 23  1995 AddPower/Catalogs/español/AddPower.catalog
[generic]                  341     683  49.9% -lh5- 95df Apr 23  1995 AddPower/Compuserve.SWREG
[generic]                 5273    8536  61.8% -lh5- cc14 May 25  1995 AddPower/libs/systemplus.library
[generic]                 1218    3119  39.1% -lh5- 58ca Apr 23  1995 AddPower/maketrans/english.trans
[generic]                 1436    3431  41.9% -lh5- be96 Apr 23  1995 AddPower/maketrans/español.trans
[generic]                  833    1304  63.9% -lh5- 774f Apr 23  1995 AddPower/maketrans/MakeTrans
[generic]                  832    2554  32.6% -lh5- 08e7 Apr 23  1995 AddPower/prefs/plus/AddPower.prefs
[generic]                 1316    2402  54.8% -lh5- ce2b Apr 23  1995 AddPower/Product-Info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        14 files   43594   91619  47.6%            Sep 17  1995
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