Version 0.3:
Support more options of FroggerNG 2.07
Buttons and title now skinnable
Added subtitles support and font selection
Removed Spanish Localization
Version 0.22:
Added Deutsh Localization, thanks to Christian Rosentreter
Added 2 options: No skip and No audio
Added a skin, thanks to Stéphane Valade
Now if you have the command RX, when you quit FroGGui, it will
quit FroggerNG too
Added auto save when you quit or change the skin
Version 0.21:
Now stable enough
Added Spanish Localization, thanks to Víctor Manuel Gutiérrez
Change the icon, thanks to cyboaaverat.net (Bojan Milovic),
Added alternative icons
Version 0.2beta:
Now uses MUI
Added a lots of features, major update
Version 0.11beta:
Added Localization français/english
Version 0.1beta:
Initial release
That's a little GUI for FroggerNG. It doesn't do a lot of thing but if i have
enough feedback i will continue to work on it :).
It's easy to use, just unpack the archive anywhere you want (for exemple in
sys:tools/), then launch FroGGui and choose the path of your exe of FroggerNG.
Then choose a file and watch.
When you choose your exe of Frogger, it creates a froggui.prefs file with the
and you dont have to choose it again.
BE CAREFULL: With this new version the froggui.prefs is different, delete the
old one!
About the skins: you have the base skin in skins/base directory, also a second
demo skin called motion, you can make your own skin easily.
Just create a directory in skins/ and make a title.png (350x59),
play/save/quit.png (48x30).
If you find bugs or you want improvements just mail me at:
WebSite: http://perso.modulonet.fr/~ecastanier/amiga
That's all folks :)))
C'est une petite GUI pour FroggerNG, elle ne fait pas beaucoup de choses mais si
assez de retours je continuerai à travailler dessus.
C'est facile à utiliser, désarchiver le pack où vous voulez
(par exemple dans sys:tools/), ensuite lancez FroGGui et choisissez le chemin de
votre exécutable FroggerNG. Ensuite choisissez un fichier et regardez.
Quand vous choisissez votre exécutable de FroggerNG, cela crée un fichier
froggui.prefs avec ce chemin et vous n'avez plus besoin de le redéfinir.
Si vous trouvez des bugs ou si vous voulez des améliorations mailez moi à:
ATTENTION: Avec cette nouvelle version il vous faut effacer l'ancien fichier
WebSite: http://perso.modulonet.fr/~ecastanier/amiga
Vlà :)
-Murakami, Onevision, Mog, Henes, Poly, Kal-L, Foxone, DJStormx, Batteman,
Number6, Tokai and all people on #amigaimpact
-Viniwini :)
-Bojan Milovic for the Super Frog icon :)))
-Stefan Stuntz for MUI
-Deutsh Localization by Christian Rosentreter, email: karibu(at)gmx(dot)net
-Skin by Stéphane Valade, email: personalfx.designwanadoo.fr
-all who supported me by mail :)
-and the amiga fans!!!