SkidW-Skier.lha |
game/data |
627 |
239K |
1996-02-27 |
Car object for Skidmarks 2 - (readme) |
SkidWIN.lha |
game/data |
682 |
218K |
1996-02-07 |
Car object for Skidmarks 2 - (readme) |
Slam-HI.lha |
game/data |
772 |
1K |
1997-07-03 |
World championship Hi-score for Slamtilt - (readme) |
SlamtiltHiscor.lha |
game/data |
754 |
1K |
1997-07-08 |
My Slamtilt kickass highscores - (readme) |
sliderpics-ele.lha |
game/data |
591 |
298K |
1996-03-26 |
Eleet's pix for slider ecs version - (readme) |
sm4mzx.lha |
game/data |
991 |
1.2M |
2008-11-22 |
A Megazeux game called Super Mario - (readme) |
SmallFryMaps.lha |
game/data |
648 |
35K |
1996-02-27 |
Small Fry's worms maps volume 1 - (readme) |
snarfoogle.lha |
game/data |
755 |
1.0M |
2008-06-27 |
A Megazeux game called Snarfoogle - (readme) |
SnowChaos.lha |
game/data |
612 |
17K |
1996-06-03 |
Chaotic Wintery WORMS level - (readme) |
SnowKeep.lha |
game/data |
611 |
28K |
1996-06-06 |
A winter level for Team17's Worms... - (readme) |
SolitonCards.lha |
game/data |
692 |
526K |
1997-04-24 |
2 Cardsets for Soliton - (readme) |
SolitonCardsHR.lha |
game/data |
636 |
307K |
1998-08-07 |
Futuristic, gigerish, no picture-cards - (readme) |
Soliton_cards.lha |
game/data |
622 |
18K |
1997-03-23 |
Cardset for the game "Soliton" - (readme) |
soliton_decks.lha |
1.0 |
game/data |
1249 |
4.7M |
2016-09-26 |
New Soliton card sets - (readme) |
Sol_Cards_MB.lha |
game/data |
707 |
1.1M |
2003-11-15 |
Soliton Card Set - 256 Color PNG - (readme) |
SpaceREKO.lha |
game/data |
711 |
473K |
1995-02-23 |
Cardset for Klondike 2/3 By $LiNg$HoT. - (readme) |
Spanish_upd.lha |
12th Oct. |
game/data |
605 |
14K |
1997-10-12 |
Spanish league updated for SWOS - (readme) |
SpaSwosUp.lha |
23th Nov. |
game/data |
613 |
14K |
1997-11-24 |
Spanish league updated for SWOS - (readme) |
Spaupd.lha |
22th Oct. |
game/data |
601 |
14K |
1997-10-23 |
Spanish league updated for SWOS - (readme) |
spiritrevenge.lha |
game/data |
802 |
1.1M |
2008-06-27 |
A Megazeux game called Spirit Revenge - (readme) |
SPWorms.lha |
game/data |
633 |
621K |
1998-07-28 |
South Park samples for Worms DC - (readme) |
SP_WormsDC.lha |
game/data |
627 |
11K |
1998-10-19 |
South Park Worms DC landscape - (readme) |
squarebreed.lha |
game/data |
607 |
21K |
1998-11-24 |
Short+tricky level for Killing Grounds - (readme) |
SquirmMaps.lha |
game/data |
595 |
391K |
1996-07-01 |
Custom *QUALITY* maps for Worms - (readme) |
SSamples.lha |
game/data |
682 |
310K |
1999-11-10 |
Sample set for ScorchedTanks - (readme) |
SSMuiMine.lha |
game/data |
606 |
7K |
2000-06-17 |
Funny image set for MuiMine - (readme) |
StarFighter.lha |
game/data |
664 |
580K |
2000-10-14 |
StarFighter Source Code - (readme) |
StarReko.lha |
game/data |
674 |
597K |
1995-10-21 |
Klondike III AGA Cardset - (readme) |
stepon.lha |
game/data |
589 |
153K |
1997-08-08 |
A challenging and original XTR track - (readme) |
storm_wdc.lha |
game/data |
610 |
15K |
1997-10-10 |
Nice WORMSDC landscape by Widdy. - (readme) |
swimreko.lha |
game/data |
683 |
596K |
1996-07-13 |
Nice Swimwear cardset for Klondike AGA - (readme) |
swos9798.lha |
game/data |
1140 |
395K |
1997-10-25 |
SWOS 97/98 - The Unofficial Release - (readme) |
SWOSAfr.lha |
game/data |
579 |
10K |
1997-05-21 |
SWOS african national teams update 1996 - (readme) |
SWOSAus.lha |
game/data |
612 |
2K |
1997-05-21 |
SWOS oceanic national teams update 03/97 - (readme) |
SWOSBra.lha |
game/data |
588 |
7K |
1997-05-21 |
SWOS brazilian league update (May 97) - (readme) |
swosbra1.lha |
game/data |
583 |
7K |
1999-03-25 |
Swos Brazilian Datafile season 98/99 - (readme) |
SWOSdata.lha |
game/data |
590 |
15K |
1997-10-05 |
SWOS Italy league update - (readme) |
swosden.lha |
game/data |
608 |
4K |
1999-01-16 |
Denmark swos datafile 15-1-99 - (readme) |
swosden1.lha |
game/data |
596 |
4K |
1999-01-16 |
Denmark swos datafile 15-1-99 - (readme) |
swoseng.lha |
game/data |
587 |
26K |
1999-01-16 |
Swos England 98/99 datafile 15-1-99 - (readme) |
swoseng1.lha |
30-1-99 |
game/data |
604 |
26K |
1999-02-03 |
Swos English Datafile season 98/99 - (readme) |
SWOSEsp.lha |
Feb 97 |
game/data |
601 |
13K |
1997-03-06 |
SWOS spanish league updated data file - (readme) |
swosfin.lha |
game/data |
595 |
4K |
1998-01-26 |
Finnish league datafile for SWOS96/97 - (readme) |
swosfra1.lha |
20-3-99 |
game/data |
587 |
13K |
1999-03-23 |
Swos French Datafile season 98/99 - (readme) |
SwosGreece.lha |
game/data |
585 |
7K |
2001-11-01 |
Greek datafile for SWOS 01/02 - (readme) |
SwosGreece2005.lha |
game/data |
676 |
8K |
2005-02-13 |
SWOS Update File Greece 2004-05 - (readme) |
Swosita.lha |
game/data |
589 |
15K |
1998-01-23 |
SWOS italian data file 20-3-98 - (readme) |
swosligapl.lha |
game/data |
600 |
34K |
2004-02-21 |
Polish league data for SWOS (2003/04) - (readme) |
SWOSPL20.lha |
game/data |
1241 |
47K |
2006-04-16 |
Polish teams for swos 2005-2006 - (readme) |
SWOSpl_11.lha |
1.1 |
game/data |
631 |
16K |
2000-09-12 |
SWOS - Polish League + some advertising - (readme) |