84799 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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Found 699 matching packages
1 >2< 3 4 5 ... 10 11 12 13 14
name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
amos_modplay3.lha mus/play 5323 108K 1994-03-26 m68k-amigaos icon MOD. music player coded in AMOS - (readme)
AMP-GBInt.lha 1.0 mus/play 3371 14K 1998-06-23 m68k-amigaos icon AMP-Goodbye Intuition! skin for AmigaAMP v2.0+ - (readme)
amp.lha mus/play 3427 342K 1997-05-03 m68k-amigaos icon Player/Decoder for MPEG audio Layer III streams - (readme)
Amp4000Skin.lha mus/play 3223 22K 2000-05-20 m68k-amigaos icon Skin for AmigaAmp in A4000-Desktop style - (readme)
AMPlifier.lha 2.10 mus/play 4536 309K 1999-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Powerful multiformat audio player (V2.10) - (readme)
amplifier151Fr.lha 1.51 mus/play 2513 2K 1999-02-02 m68k-amigaos icon French catalog for amplifier v1.51 - (readme)
Amplifier2.21P.lha 1.0 mus/play 2273 9K 2001-03-30 generic icon Polish Locale for Amplifier2.21 - (readme)
Amplifier2.33P.lha 1.0 mus/play 2225 18K 2001-11-11 generic icon Polish Locale for Amplifier 2.33 - (readme)
AMPlifier_PL.lha mus/play 2083 2K 1999-02-15 m68k-amigaos icon Polish locale to AMPlifier 1.51. - (readme)
AMPlifier_Port.lha 1.51 mus/play 1409 3K 2005-03-23 generic icon Portuguese locale Catalog for AMPlifier v1.51+ - (readme)
AmpRemote.lha 1.0 mus/play 1282 5K 2000-08-11 m68k-amigaos icon CD32 controller plugin for AmigaAMP - (readme)
AmpSkins01.lha mus/play 1555 3.4M 1999-03-24 m68k-amigaos icon Skins for AmigaAmp(24bits) - (readme)
AmpSkins02.lha mus/play 1215 4.6M 1999-03-24 m68k-amigaos icon Skins for AmigaAmp(24bits) - (readme)
ANR-kickass.lha mus/play 818 16K 2003-04-10 m68k-amigaos icon Kickass Uproar skin for AmiNetRadio - (readme)
ANR-Kickass_pr.jpg mus/play 676 34K 2003-04-10 generic icon Preview of Kickass Uproar ; skin for AmiNetRadio - (readme)
anr-modplug.lha 3.0 mus/play 1226 19K 2010-04-21 ppc-morphos icon ModPlug player for AmiNetRadio - (readme)
anrtransplant.lha mus/play 837 11K 2005-02-14 m68k-amigaos icon Transplant skin for AmiNetRadio - (readme) 1.02 mus/play 888 384K 2007-07-20 generic icon A nice skin for ANR - (readme)
ANR_flacplayer.lha 4.1 mus/play 1051 121K 2008-12-21 ppc-morphos icon FLAC player for AmiNetRadio - (readme)
ANR_modplayer.lha mus/play 1254 117K 2006-08-28 ppc-morphos icon AmiNetRadio MOD Player - (readme)
ANR_mpcplayer.lha mus/play 1585 33K 2006-08-28 ppc-morphos icon AmiNetRadio Musepack MPCPlayer - (readme)
anr_whiteami.lha mus/play 803 22K 2003-04-08 m68k-amigaos icon Amiga skin for AmiNetRadio - (readme)
aplay222.lha mus/play 1385 704K 1998-07-09 m68k-amigaos icon APlayer - An allround Amiga music player - (readme)
aquarobe.lha mus/play 775 29K 2004-01-31 m68k-amigaos icon A skin for Prayer2 [UPDATED] - (readme) 1.0 mus/play 622 48K 2008-03-27 i386-aros icon Port of MP3 player WarpAMP to AROS - (readme) 1.0 mus/play 623 124K 2008-03-27 generic icon Source code for MP3 player ARAMP - (readme) 0.2 mus/play 614 1.8M 2016-11-02 i386-aros icon Plays 22 different mod formats - (readme)
arosamp_alpha.i386-aros.tar.gz 0.24 mus/play 470 136K 2018-08-09 i386-aros icon AROSAmp Alpha - (readme)
arosamp_alpha_0.18.tar.gz 0.18 mus/play 685 170K 2007-01-02 i386-aros icon AROSAmp Alpha - (readme)
arosamp_alpha_0.20.tar.gz 0.20 mus/play 698 419K 2007-03-28 i386-aros icon AROSAmp Alpha - (readme)
arosamp_alpha_0.21.tar.gz 0.21 mus/play 622 145K 2008-12-27 i386-aros icon AROSAmp Alpha - (readme)
asap-os4.lha 3.1.2 mus/play 782 272K 2012-08-01 ppc-amigaos icon ASAP - Another Slight Atari Player - (readme)
AudbleIllusion.lha 1.3 mus/play 725 388K 1996-10-20 m68k-amigaos icon Audible Illusions Compact Disc Player. V1.3 - (readme)
AudIllusionCDP.lha 1.2 mus/play 650 126K 1996-10-03 m68k-amigaos icon Audible Illusions Compact Disc Player. V1.2 - (readme)
Audio-Handler.lha 1.0 mus/play 1096 16K 1995-08-05 m68k-amigaos icon Pipe/copy raw audio samples into a DOS device - (readme)
Audio_Handler.lha 1.0 mus/play 767 17K 2003-09-20 m68k-amigaos icon Pipe/copy raw audio samples into a DOS device - (readme)
auplayer-3.2-morphos.lha 3.2 mus/play 1231 25K 2006-02-02 ppc-morphos icon Sun/Next audio player for AmiNetRadio - (readme)
aztechrobe.lha V1.0 mus/play 640 49K 2001-02-05 m68k-amigaos icon Aztech Robe for Prayer 2.x (fixed archive problem) - (readme)
BaxPlayer.lha 2.3 mus/play 1287 32K 2002-03-17 m68k-amigaos icon Multi-format module player. - (readme)
BenRPL.lha mus/play 695 127K 1995-02-17 m68k-amigaos icon cool/fast module replay source for all amiga - (readme)
bfbp61a.lha 1.0 mus/play 648 9K 1996-04-30 m68k-amigaos icon Bfbp61a v1.0 P61A player prog. Fixed replayer. - (readme)
bfbplay.lha 1.3 mus/play 683 22K 2000-05-03 m68k-amigaos icon BFBPlayer V1.3 used bfbplaymaster.library (German) - (readme)
BFBPlayMasterD.lha 1.1 mus/play 667 104K 1997-02-27 m68k-amigaos icon V1.1 Developer material for BFBPlayMaster.library. - (readme)
BFBPlayMasterU.lha 1.1 mus/play 767 131K 1997-02-27 m68k-amigaos icon library based multiformat moduleplayer - (readme)
bigplay3.lha 3 mus/play 662 117K 1997-04-25 m68k-amigaos icon GUI for AGMSPlaySound, play samp from HD - (readme)
bluerobe.lha V1.0 mus/play 677 65K 2001-02-01 m68k-amigaos icon Blue Robe for Prayer 2.x (fixed version) - (readme)
bluetOwn2.lha mus/play 659 70K 2002-01-16 m68k-amigaos icon Robe for prayer2 mpeg audio player - (readme)
BlurPlugin.lha 1.1 mus/play 803 14K 1999-12-06 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-powerup icon Graphical effect plugin for AmigaAMP - (readme)
BlurScope.lha 1.0 mus/play 906 63K 2001-10-07 m68k-amigaos icon AmigaAMP BlurScope plugin (PIP/OVERLAY !!) - (readme)
BMG.lha mus/play 721 37K 1997-06-28 m68k-amigaos icon Mpega GUI - v1.041 - (readme)
Found 699 matching packages
1 >2< 3 4 5 ... 10 11 12 13 14
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