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Short: | Using XADmaster library from HBasic |
Author: | Dámaso D. Estévez |
Uploader: | correoamidde-aminet000 yahoo es (Dámaso D Estévez) |
Type: | dev/basic |
Version: | |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2005-03-05 |
Requires: | (Hisoft|Maxon) Basic, util/arc/xadmasterdev.lha |
Download: | dev/basic/XADDevBas.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/basic/XADDevBas.readme |
Downloads: | 1426 |
Este mini-paquete es sólo para programadores que deseen utilizar la
biblioteca "xadmaster.library" de © Dirk Stöcker en sus programas escritos
con Hisoft/Maxon Basic. Para más información consulte la documentación
incluida en el paquete `xadmasterdev.lha'.
* Modificados ambos ejemplos:
SimpleUnpackDemo puede ser ejecutado
desde el WB, pero xadLibInfo NO (sólo desde el CLI).
* Pequeña errata en el fichero ".readme"
¡Use este paquete con cuidado! Asegúrese de que los ficheros relevantes
están firmados correctamente con PGP. Si descubre algún error, por favor,
infórmeme para intentar corregirlo... pero no espere respuesta (suelo
estar muy ocupado).
Página español dedicada al Amiga
AmiSpaTra - http://www.xente.mundo-r.com/amispatra/
This mini-package is only for programmers what they want use the
"xadmaster.library" by © Dirk Stöcker with your programs created with
Hisoft/Maxon Basic. For more information about their use, read the
documentation included in `xadmasterdev.lha' package.
* Modified both examples:
SimpleUnpackDemo can execute form WB, but NOT xadLibInfo (only CLI).
* Fixed little error in readme file
Use this package with care! Check what the relevant files are signed ok
with PGP. If you detect error(s)... inform me, please, but don't await a
reply (habitually, I'm very busy).
AmiSpaTra - http://www.xente.mundo-r.com/amispatra/
Contents of dev/basic/XADDevBas.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1869 2811 66.5% -lh1- 4a49 Sep 25 2004 BH.info
[generic] 8379 36035 23.3% -lh1- bab7 Sep 25 2004 BH/xadmaster.bc
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 1c42 Sep 25 2004 BH/xadmaster.bc.sig
[generic] 1017 3275 31.1% -lh1- 2f57 Sep 25 2004 BH/xadmaster.bh
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 17c1 Sep 25 2004 BH/xadmaster.bh.sig
[generic] 1867 2811 66.4% -lh1- 1af0 Sep 25 2004 BMAP.info
[generic] 294 522 56.3% -lh1- c079 Sep 25 2004 BMAP/xadmaster.bmap
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 89ea Sep 25 2004 BMAP/xadmaster.bmap.sig
[generic] 22570 34668 65.1% -lh1- b98c Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackDemo
[generic] 3023 7563 40.0% -lh1- bff0 Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackDemo.bas
[generic] 2765 6000 46.1% -lh1- b1ac Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackDemo.bas.info
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 74b9 Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackDemo.bas.sig
[generic] 1589 2473 64.3% -lh1- 0d3c Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackDemo.info
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- c07e Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackDemo.sig
[generic] 14300 14300 100.0% -lh0- 336b Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackPack.lha
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- de79 Sep 25 2004 SimpleUnpackPack.lha.sig
[generic] 21262 33924 62.7% -lh1- 90b9 Sep 25 2004 xadLibInfo
[generic] 1608 5469 29.4% -lh1- add2 Sep 25 2004 xadLibInfo.bas
[generic] 2762 6000 46.0% -lh1- 87dd Sep 25 2004 xadLibInfo.bas.info
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- b823 Sep 25 2004 xadLibInfo.bas.sig
[generic] 1589 2473 64.3% -lh1- a87e Sep 25 2004 xadLibInfo.info
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 88be Sep 25 2004 xadLibInfo.sig
[generic] 1007 1854 54.3% -lh1- 81d0 Mar 4 2005 XADmasterDevBas.readme
[generic] 2570 4784 53.7% -lh1- 5eec Mar 4 2005 XADmasterDevBas.readme.info
[generic] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 88b8 Mar 4 2005 XADmasterDevBas.readme.sig
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 25 files 89839 166330 54.0% Mar 5 2005
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