84782 packages online
mus/play/splayer_v1.9sebeta.lha |
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Short: Special Edition - And Last
Author: splayer@rogers.com (Allan Versaevel)
Uploader: splayer@rogers.com (Allan Versaevel)
Type: mus/play
******************************** BETA Version! ******************************
SPlayer is a GUI for Mpega, Play16, and SCSI/ATAPI CD Roms. Ease of use
and effortless control over most of the features these two audio players
offer is now yours. Plus with the addition of a SCSI/ATAPI CD Player, you
can't go wrong. SPlayer v1.9se has more features that set it apart from most
CD, Mpega, and Play16 GUIs.
- Play16/Mpega/CD GUI, All in one.
- The quickest and least CPU intensive GUI of them all!
More Cpu cycles for what matters, like playing Mpegs :)
- Mpeg Tag Editor
- Elapsed time Slider
- CD Player (SCSI/ATAPI)
- Each GUI has it's own prefs.
- Controls most features of Mpega 3.5 and Play16 1.9.
- GUI can be shrunk, iconified or added to the WB Tools Menu.
- Any 8 point font can be used via the Font Requester.
- Numeric keypad or the standard number keys can be used for track
entry. 2 digits allowed.
- Decode to Disk (Mpega). Lets you decode mpegs to Aiff or Wav files.
Great for CD recorders or slower systems.
- Play16 Raw modes re-worked. Easier to use. Usefull for playing raw
audio files or fooling around with the speed/pitch of samples.
- VisualPrefs fix. No more "Unable To Free Mem" Requestors.
- Many other cool features.
- Minor bug fixes.
This is the final and last version of SPlayer. Six long years is
enough. SPlayer ran it's course, or was it I? Anyway, thanks too all
those who took the time to e-mail me or send post cards. Best wishes
to all.
Allan Versaevel
- SPlayer's "Audio Is Busy" handler never worked! Now you are prompted
with a requester. SPlayer will try to play audio for three seconds
at a time. This wait period can be changed via the menu.
- Made the main display images all the same size. (an artist I am not:)
- Updated the Genre ID Tag Plugin
- Scroll improved. Adjust dynamically for differnt Song title lengths
- Newlook Sliders, Looks much better :)
- Freed up some Cpu Cycles on the Mpega/CD Slider. Only updates when
Contents of mus/play/splayer_v1.9sebeta.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2528 3792 66.7% -lh5- 3f6d Nov 30 1996 SPlayer/Bin/GAIP16
[generic] 31 264 11.7% -lh5- dbb7 Dec 12 1999 SPlayer/Fonts/SPlayer.font
[generic] 942 3520 26.8% -lh5- d86d Dec 12 1999 SPlayer/Fonts/SPlayer/10
[generic] 36 264 13.6% -lh5- 8a57 Nov 11 1998 SPlayer/Fonts/SPlayerBig.font
[generic] 226 1580 14.3% -lh5- 3120 Nov 22 1997 SPlayer/Fonts/SPlayerBig/16
[generic] 1617 4796 33.7% -lh5- e2bc Aug 29 2004 SPlayer/GuidePics/SGui.pic
[generic] 2567 11198 22.9% -lh5- 361b Feb 23 2000 SPlayer/Install_SPlayer
[generic] 346 700 49.4% -lh5- 4271 Aug 30 2004 SPlayer/Install_SPlayer.info
[generic] 726 1300 55.8% -lh5- 667c Dec 10 1999 SPlayer/Plugins/GenreList.splug
[generic] 1168 1848 63.2% -lh5- 21a2 Aug 30 2004 SPlayer/SPlayer.info
[generic] 3406 6167 55.2% -lh5- 3da2 Aug 30 2004 SPlayer.info
[generic] 9298 11492 80.9% -lh5- 7545 Sep 27 1998 SPlayer/GuidePics/SAuthor.pic
[generic] 5034 14716 34.2% -lh5- 64a3 Aug 29 2004 SPlayer/GuidePics/SCD.pic
[generic] 3103 10216 30.4% -lh5- 79ee Feb 19 2000 SPlayer/GuidePics/SDisplay.pic
[generic] 4759 12754 37.3% -lh5- e8b2 Aug 29 2004 SPlayer/GuidePics/SMain.pic
[generic] 1581 3131 50.5% -lh5- 8558 Dec 24 2002 SPlayer/readme.txt
[generic] 10464 27152 38.5% -lh5- 0372 Nov 20 2002 SPlayer/SPlayer.guide
[generic] 219 428 51.2% -lh5- 8302 Aug 30 2004 SPlayer/SPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 7823 17632 44.4% -lh5- b094 Sep 4 2004 SPlayer/GuidePics/SMpega.pic
[generic] 6895 16570 41.6% -lh5- acf1 Sep 4 2004 SPlayer/GuidePics/SPlay16.pic
[generic] 4820 12694 38.0% -lh5- d69b Sep 4 2004 SPlayer/GuidePics/SPrefs.pic
[generic] 114337 322136 35.5% -lh5- a54c Jul 17 00:13 SPlayer/SPlayer
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 22 files 181926 484350 37.6% Jul 20 12:28
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