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Short:Mpega.library clone using libmad (040/PPC).
Author:cisc at (Sigbjørn Skjæret), Jarmo Laakkonen <jami.laakkonen at>, Stephan Rupprecht <mail at>, Robert Leslie <rob at>
Uploader:cisc c2i net (Sigbjørn Skjæret)
Architecture:m68k-amigaos; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; ppc-powerup
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This is a mpega.library clone using the very excellent libmad for
decoding, it looks and behaves just like the original, but with several
benefits offered by libmad...

Why should I use this instead of the original mpega.library I hear you
say? Well, here's a list of reasons:

- Supports 8kHz streams (the original decodes these wrong).

- Supports FreeFormat (upto a whopping 640kbps) streams.

- Supports ReplayGain (stored in LAMEtags).

- Very high quality decoding (better than the FPU version of the original).

- Very low CPU usage (integer original is still faster on 68k though).

- mpega.library is no longer updated (and I haven't been able to get in
  touch with Stephane Tavenard for ~2 years (and counting))...

If this doesn't convince you, well, tough, don't use it then! ;)

Changes in this (7th) release:

- Added some more compiler options to squeeze out more speed.
- Fixed cases where buffersize would be wrong for apps that try to reset it to
  another value through the hook (this is not recommended however, as I try to
  force a recommended minimum (and absolute minimum is 2880 bytes (not counting
  freeformat which can be upto 5760 bytes per frame (perhaps even more))))...
- Now preserves A4, might fix some apps.
- Reenabled -fschedule-insns2 for PPC since new asm doesn't trigger bug, gained
  whopping 15% speed (with new asm)... ;)
- More compatibility tweaks, hopefully SongPlayer is less fuzzy about files now.
- Updated to libmad 0.15.1 with new IMDCT for Layer3,
  should increase speed *and* accuracy! ;)
- Added support for LAMEtag, using ReplayGain info when decoding.

This archive contains 4 different binaries:

mpega.library.040 - 68k version, just rename it to mpega.library.
mpega.library.pup - "fat" PowerUP binary, rename it to mpega.library.
mpega.library.os4 - OS4 binary, rename it to mpega.library.
mpega.library.elf - MorphOS binary, rename it unless you dualboot on CS/BPPC!

You might notice that the following binary is no longer included
(but the sources still support it, if you manage to build it, please tell me):

mpega.library.wos - WarpOS binary, rename it to mpega.library.

..this is because I have been unable to contact the maintainer for quite a
while, and it seems that no-one else is able to produce a working binary,
accounting for the huge delay of this release, sorry... :P
(4 different people have tried, and all have failed .. StormC strikes again!)

If you are still unfortunate enough to be stuck with WarpOS, I suggest you just
use the PowerUP version with the latest ppclibemu, which should work fine.

Thanks goes to the following ppl:

My wife & kids
- for understanding (yeh, rite) my absence during intense coding sessions.

My biological father
- for dying young and leaving an awful mess for everyone to clean up.

Stephane Tavenard
- for making mpega.library, a truely great effort!

Robert Leslie
- for making the excellent libmad, thus making this possible!

Jarmo Laakkonen
- for doing and maintaining the WarpOS version.
  (though, he seems to have left this planet's surface. :P )

Stephan Rupprecht
- for doing and maintaining the OS4 version.

Adam Waldenberg
- for wasting more time than most trying to build the WarpOS version in Jarmo's
  (no easy feat when you have to battle the antics of StormC)

Frank Wille
- for taking the time to test my library and analyze & fix the problem with

Jacek Cybularczyk & Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz
- for being a couple of the coolest coders around, and lending me the
  PowerUP dispatcher code and tools enabling me to make the "fat" binary...

Ralph Schmidt, Frank Mariak, Emmanuel Lesueur, David Gerber, Nicolas Sallin,
Mark Olsen & Nicholai Benalal
- for putting up with all the crap that goes on in public forums...
  (which seems to be less now that Ben Hermans got a "real" job)

Robert Reiswig
- for revealing more secrets than The Masked Magician... ;)
  (currently being held in inhuman conditions at Guantanamo Bay)

Teemu Suikki
- for questionable use of a motorcycle, and taking pictures... ;)
  (last spotted on a world-nude-bike-tour, end-date unknown)

Harry Sintonen
- for being MIA for months, and now in permanent hiding...
  (but now back again, committing stuff while knurd)

Jacek Piszczek Jr.
- for stunning polish nature-shots.

Treveur Bretaudiere
- for making kick-ass skins!

Nicolas Szalski
- for lovely icons!

André Siegel
- for arranging random pixels in amazingly beautiful ways.

Nicolas Det
- for superhuman overlay optimizations.

Felix Schwarz
- for leaving me out in his thank-you list. ;)

Chris Hodges
- for not putting up with all the crap Elbox and their rats put him through.

Timm S. Müller
- for having more guts and less sanity than most. ;)

Benjamin Vernoux
- for degrading everyone's engrish.

Matt Sealey
- for having a cheerful outlook on life. ;)

- for being a lean, mean porting machine.

- for always being there.

Everyone in #AmigaCafe
- for being patient and ignoring all my rants... ;)
  (sorry that I haven't been around lately)

- for ditching us in favour of a square apple. :P

Chen, Daremo-Long
- for giving everyone weird urges whenever near furry objects.

- for never being there.

- for being there sometimes.

Matthias Böcker
- for being very, very yellow.

Christian Rosentreter
- for finally letting me out of that dark, damp dungeon...

Rüdiger Hanke
- for giving us an excuse for being nostalgic.

Kolbjørn Barmen
- for testing the x86 version of MorphOS.

Ole-Egil Hvitmyren
- for bringing tears to my eyes in unconventional ways.

Kjetil Hvalstrand
- for caring about the otters when no-one else will.

Michele Magliocca
- for informing us that Ambient sucks, we'd never have noticed otherwise.

Lajos Nagy
- for giving us the best non-random random technology money can't buy. ;)

Jose Francisco Carrasco Benitez
- for making everyone put him on permanent ignore.

Theo de Raadt
- for being polite and forthcoming.

Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck
- for never knowing when to stop.

Bill McEwen
- for not being there when he should have been.

Barry Moss
- for being a lean, mean buzzword machine.

Mike Bouma
- for being an all-round professional guy who never lets politics get in the way
of truth.

Ray A. Akey
- for knowing the truth.

Jens Schönfeld
- for knocking down that wall.

Steffen Häuser
- for facing his monsters.

Hans-Jörg Frieden
- for not understanding his own license.

Sammy Nordström
- for making it crystal clear that ROM is not meant to be read.

For more information on the MAD project, check out the MAD homepage at:


Contents of util/libs/mpega_libmad.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  242     661  36.6% -lh5- 1a37 Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/compiler.h
[generic]                 1238    2517  49.2% -lh5- 5d84 Feb 19  2004 mpega_libmad/FAQ
[generic]                 1307    2392  54.6% -lh5- e758 Mar  3  2004 mpega_libmad/history.txt
[generic]                  482    1077  44.8% -lh5- 9ffa Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/library_base.h
[generic]                 4363   29277  14.9% -lh5- 9c93 Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/library_init.c
[generic]                 1065    3674  29.0% -lh5- 213b Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/library_init.h
[generic]                 1197    2937  40.8% -lh5- e1dc Nov 25  2001 mpega_libmad/mad/audio.h
[generic]                 2411    6853  35.2% -lh5- 4177 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/bit.c
[generic]                  752    1613  46.6% -lh5- 42f7 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/bit.h
[generic]                 1277    3213  39.7% -lh5- 0da1 Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/config.h
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Feb 28  2000 mpega_libmad/mad/COPYING
[generic]                  530     918  57.7% -lh5- af28 Jan 23  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/COPYRIGHT
[generic]                 1704    4600  37.0% -lh5- 8ff2 Feb 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/crc.c
[generic]                  571     973  58.7% -lh5- 6bab Feb 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/crc.h
[generic]                 1799    4263  42.2% -lh5- 1e54 Feb 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/CREDITS
[generic]                 3603   26473  13.6% -lh5- 8c4b May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/D.dat
[generic]                  826    1485  55.6% -lh5- 1062 Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/filter.c
[generic]                  582     997  58.4% -lh5- 5752 Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/filter.h
[generic]                  930    1795  51.8% -lh5- a959 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/fixed.c
[generic]                 3592   13545  26.5% -lh5- 1cd4 Feb 18  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/fixed.h
[generic]                 3513   12165  28.9% -lh5- 69bd Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/frame.c
[generic]                 1725    4051  42.6% -lh5- 2ccf May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/frame.h
[generic]                  830    1646  50.4% -lh5- c5c5 Jun  5  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/global.h
[generic]                11755   73174  16.1% -lh5- 9204 Jan 23  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/huffman.c
[generic]                  755    1862  40.5% -lh5- dea0 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/huffman.h
[generic]                  786    2591  30.3% -lh5- 8167 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/imdct_s.dat
[generic]                 3706   13623  27.2% -lh5- b16a Feb  5  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/layer12.c
[generic]                  606    1096  55.3% -lh5- 1437 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/layer12.h
[generic]                16717   70141  23.8% -lh5- 3f60 Feb 18  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/layer3.c
[generic]                  600    1036  57.9% -lh5- ab09 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/layer3.h
[generic]                 1297    3987  32.5% -lh5- 5e3c May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/qc_table.dat
[generic]                 1304    3115  41.9% -lh5- f040 Dec 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/resample.c
[generic]                  703    1335  52.7% -lh5- bafc Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/resample.h
[generic]               106217  485879  21.9% -lh5- 0f7f May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/rq_table.dat
[generic]                 2119    6561  32.3% -lh5- 406f May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/sf_table.dat
[generic]                 1683    4475  37.6% -lh5- 74b6 Feb  5  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/stream.c
[generic]                 1757    4296  40.9% -lh5- c5ad Feb 18  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/stream.h
[generic]                 7113   28239  25.2% -lh5- 506d Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/synth.c
[generic]                  949    1950  48.7% -lh5- ac68 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/synth.h
[generic]                 2716    7744  35.1% -lh5- 0b01 Feb 25  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/tag.c
[generic]                 1706    4628  36.9% -lh5- 94f0 Feb 18  2004 mpega_libmad/mad/tag.h
[generic]                 2635   10590  24.9% -lh5- eeac Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/timer.c
[generic]                 1131    2879  39.3% -lh5- a3d7 May 27  2003 mpega_libmad/mad/timer.h
[generic]                 1147    3491  32.9% -lh5- e4c7 Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/Makefile
[generic]                  168     326  51.5% -lh5- 3d21 Dec 17  2001 mpega_libmad/mpega.fd
[generic]                  252     587  42.9% -lh5- 72f4 Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega.i
[generic]                61375   82900  74.0% -lh5- 7e7c Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega.library.040
[generic]                68712  104964  65.5% -lh5- 730a Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega.library.elf
[generic]                70743  109492  64.6% -lh5- 8f2a Jun 15  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega.library.os4
[generic]                72261  114676  63.0% -lh5- fc43 Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega.library.pup
[generic]                  983    4499  21.8% -lh5- ea87 Jun  9  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega.¶
[generic]                 3800    6874  55.3% -lh5- c276 Jun 24  2002 mpega_libmad/mpega.¶.info
[generic]                 1708   13828  12.4% -lh5- 2a52 Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega_68k_os4.S
[generic]                 3427    6941  49.4% -lh5- c3e0 Jun 15  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega_libmad.readme
[generic]                 1290    6223  20.7% -lh5- 90f6 Jun  9  2004 mpega_libmad/mpega_PPC.¶
[generic]                 3801    6875  55.3% -lh5- da14 Jun 24  2002 mpega_libmad/mpega_PPC.¶.info
[generic]                  776    1935  40.1% -lh5- 182e Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/startup_pup.c
[generic]                 1287    4514  28.5% -lh5- 8dbf Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/support.c
[generic]                  105     133  78.9% -lh5- 4362 Dec 18  2001 mpega_libmad/support.h
[generic]                 1568    6448  24.3% -lh5- 0f26 Dec  7  2001 mpega_libmad/support_pup.c
[generic]                  147     322  45.7% -lh5- 0739 Dec  7  2001 mpega_libmad/support_pup.h
[generic]                 6578   27992  23.5% -lh5- 56e7 Mar 17  2004 mpega_libmad/wrap_mpega.c
[generic]                  366     963  38.0% -lh5- b4d7 Jun  8  2003 mpega_libmad/wrap_mpega.h
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        63 files  508302 1378301  36.9%            Jun 20  2004

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