This XIM-Door will run on SystemX only !
For more detailed Info`s on SystemX write to or join
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SX_MSG V1.2 beta
The MessageLister will give you most controlling about all incoming
Messages in all MessageBases. For detailed Info`s read the following
Features/History :
- activ prompt, show current msgbase name
- msgbase selection with num. input direct at the prompt
then readtopic->user.screenlenght->listend only
- msgread selection with argument `r 12` or `r12`
here join Msg Options of sx
- complete msgs indexlist or only the last ones will shown
- ascii found and colored :) now MCI-file does
clearscreen at beginning (optional), then logo, then door
or what ever you want
- some bugs fixed
- double listing the MessageBases
titelbarinfo: current conference name, current time/date, last l
max msgs/new msgs in current base
- bugfix - handles 256 MessageBases with maximal
10.000 Messages/MessageBase...enought or better 100k ?
- reply marker - shows, if the Message is answered
if a msg is replyed more then 1 time, its a double reply marker
- new nice looking helpmenu added
- private-flag added : + if msg is private subject=`PRIVATE`
+ private msg subject visible for
writer and reciver
- delete-flag added : + deleted msgs have `DELETED` in subject
- changed gfx-output a bit
- cut the timestring to 5 chars, swap time and date output
- move the actualbase(baseindex) function to trash.
found XIMFunction(507,0,0) JH_MCI :) for current msgbase
at the prompt
- bugfix - change the current LRP
- new msgs are shown now ! flagged in baseindex and subjectlist an
how many of them.
- bugfix - cut the messagebasename to 12 chars, coz output trouble
- optimised the code, i.e. done an argumentparsing for SX_Function
- tuned the gfx a bit
- added a small and raw info
- added a Mailscan what shows unreaded and new mails
Mailscan let you choose between read the new msg, do not read or
quit mailscan. If you like to read your new mail, Mailscan joins
the msg automatic, acceps `eall`,`all` and `username` to be acti
- call the door with argument `s` for mailscan only !
- added an argument for `s` (scan for unreaded msgs, named `o` to
switch all msgs in all msgbases to OLD.
- added an argument for `L` (Listview) were you can give a msgnumb
from what you like to view the list
- Mail/Msgscan has now a conference user access level check
If the User has no access to any conference, the mailscan
- an Informationpage was added with more detailed explaination abo
the commands
- if Users Screenlength <= 27 lines, the informationpage switched
to a second part
- optimised the source, killed lamershit. source: 54k including al
- make the conference axx check more advanced. checks now all confs
for axx, does not break after noaxx anymore.
Ex: Confaxx: XXX_XX_X
- do some more small internal fixes, opts, gfx, funcs, ...
only penouts
- delete msg by nr. from subjectlist (SXFunction?)
- if a msg is replayed, add `re:` to the subject WHILE REPLAYING
need implementaion in sx, too, or i do it in the ML
- more optimisatione grande par code
- better gfx/infos
- begin some tests for networking ;)