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Short:DWaRFx uncrunched source code
Author: gazy at
Uploader:Gareth Murfin (gazy globalnet co uk)
Download:comm/irc/DwarfxNWsrc.lha - View contents

                   __   _                                  _   __
                  /  \ /                                    \ /  \
                 |    X   -> A·l·p·h·a· S·o·f·t·w·a·r·e <-   X    |
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  |DWaRFx-TNG| v2.5 - Uncrunched Source Code
  By Gareth Murfin & Dave Newton

  Note : This is the NON WAR Version of the DWaRFx Source, therefore many
         'violent' or 'abusive' script sources are missing for this AmiNet
         release. To get the FULL WAR version of the Source goto :

  This archive contains the full uncrunched |DWaRFx-TNG| v2.5 Source Code. The
  reason for this is mainly to put an end to some silly rumours about DWaRFx
  containing backdoors. And now you can see for yourself ;-)

  Now you may be thinking 'Source code to an arexx script!.. Errm?'. Well you
  would be right, except that DWaRFx is always 'crunched' for release. This is
  so that the scripts are Optimised, and run faster. It also conserves space.

  On final point, this src may be useful to Arexx coders who want to make some-
  thing similar to DWaRFx. If you are planning something like this then eMail me
  because I'd be interested ;).. oh and if you do use some of the idea's in this
  src don't forget to give credit where it is due.

  Cya on IRC..


  For more information...
  eMail .........
  URL ...........
  IRC ........... Sprynet.Us.Galaxynet.Org #AmIRC 6667

  For snail mail address see Alpha Software's entry in CU Amiga's 'User Groups'
  section each month.

Contents of comm/irc/DwarfxNWsrc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 1319    4986  26.5% -lh5- e21b May  7  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFALiAS.amirx.long
[generic]                  441     979  45.0% -lh5- 2329 Jan 19  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWARFART.amirx.long
[generic]                 1604    4085  39.3% -lh5- 6574 Oct 19  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFAWaY.amirx.long
[generic]                 1078    2203  48.9% -lh5- 49b3 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFBaR.amirx.?
[generic]                  916    1851  49.5% -lh5- c90a Apr  7  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFBaR.amirx.long
[generic]                  267     429  62.2% -lh5- 99dc Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFCHaT.amirx.long
[generic]                  764    1859  41.1% -lh5- 752d Jan 11  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFCoM.amirx.long
[generic]                  746    4448  16.8% -lh5- 7974 Apr  5  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFCoMMaNDs.amirx.long
[generic]                  688    1256  54.8% -lh5- 9c0b Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFCoPY.amirx.long
[generic]                 1671    4538  36.8% -lh5- f5c2 Nov 10  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFCXDCC.amirx.long
[generic]                 2303    4722  48.8% -lh5- b6d4 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFDeF.amirx.long
[generic]                  951    3003  31.7% -lh5- 5b43 Oct 28  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFDRuNK.amirx.long
[generic]                 2096    4922  42.6% -lh5- 50ca Oct 16  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFEnCOdE.amirx.long
[generic]                  180     208  86.5% -lh5- 4cc8 Dec 24  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFEND.amirx.long
[generic]                 2920    8242  35.4% -lh5- b2a9 Oct 16  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFFrIEnDs.amirx.long
[generic]                  569     983  57.9% -lh5- 116f Apr 11  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWARFGAME.amirx.long
[generic]                  234     322  72.7% -lh5- 5822 Mar 28  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWARFGUI.amirx.long
[generic]                  308     774  39.8% -lh5- e0b9 Jan 10  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFHELP.amirx.long
[generic]                 1694    4451  38.1% -lh5- 78df Oct 16  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFiNSULT.amirx.long
[generic]                  404    1235  32.7% -lh5- 42dd Nov 10  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWARFINV.amirx.long
[generic]                 1306    2870  45.5% -lh5- aab4 Oct 18  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFKiCK.amirx.long
[generic]                 2267    6833  33.2% -lh5- d68f Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFKiLL.amirx.long
[generic]                 1131    2288  49.4% -lh5- a582 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFLoG.amirx.long
[generic]                 2116    5271  40.1% -lh5- 4c95 May  1  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFLXDCC.DWaRFx.long
[generic]                  433     663  65.3% -lh5- f5d9 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMBaN.amirx.long
[generic]                  568    1016  55.9% -lh5- 8e69 Apr  5  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMDRoP.DWaRFx.long
[generic]                  502     840  59.8% -lh5- 1e8a Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMHiDE.amirx.long
[generic]                  535    1494  35.8% -lh5- 8846 Nov 10  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWARFMINV.amirx.long
[generic]                  542     911  59.5% -lh5- 2991 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMINViTE.amirx.long
[generic]                  541    1268  42.7% -lh5- 3078 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMINViTE2.amirx.long
[generic]                  521     816  63.8% -lh5- 0bc7 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMMsg.amirx.long
[generic]                  469     961  48.8% -lh5- a1d2 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMMSg1.amirx.long
[generic]                  993    2227  44.6% -lh5- 81a4 Jan 11  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFMPing.amirx.long
[generic]                  279     394  70.8% -lh5- ed2e Nov 10  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFPLaY.DWaRFx.long
[generic]                 8194   31057  26.4% -lh5- 5309 Jan  6  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFPONTOON.amirx.long
[generic]                 1324    3441  38.5% -lh5- a19a Jan  1  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFPRoT.DWaRFx.long
[generic]                  562     939  59.9% -lh5- 54f6 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFQUiT.amirx.long
[generic]                 5268   12450  42.3% -lh5- 11bd Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFQUOTe.amirx.long
[generic]                 1561    3590  43.5% -lh5- 4a1b Jun 14  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFRAWaY.amirx.long
[generic]                  452     784  57.7% -lh5- 120a Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFREPLy.amirx.long
[generic]                  847    1464  57.9% -lh5- 3f71 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFSCaLE.amirx.long
[generic]                  232     314  73.9% -lh5- 1394 Dec 28  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFSeTuP.amirx.long
[generic]                  881    1789  49.2% -lh5- e790 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFSKiCK.amirx.long
[generic]                 1042    3051  34.2% -lh5- 7e66 Apr 16  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWARFSLAP.amirx.long
[generic]                  504     811  62.1% -lh5- 71ae Nov 10  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFSoUNd.DWaRFx.long
[generic]                  246     367  67.0% -lh5- 4a0f Nov  9  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFSQuIT.amirx.long
[generic]                 1940    4876  39.8% -lh5- a21b May  1  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFSXDCC.DWaRFx.long
[generic]                  830    1566  53.0% -lh5- b76d Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFTaLK.amirx.long
[generic]                 1001    2044  49.0% -lh5- 7768 Oct 20  1997 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFWaLL.amirx.long
[generic]                14663   48654  30.1% -lh5- 69a9 Apr  7  1998 DWaRFxSRC/DWaRFx.amirx.long
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        50 files   72903  200545  36.4%            May 10  1998
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