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Short:Get file description from NComm..
Author: kaarej at
Uploader:Kaare Johansen (kaarej barentsnett no)
Download:comm/misc/NC245.lha - View contents

                              NComment v2.45

                     © 1994-96 by Dr. Ice Productions

                             COPYRIGHT NOTICE

   The author is NOT responsible for any loss of data if NC should
   crash your system! Spreading through commercial channels, eg.
   PD-Libraries, is prohbited without written permission from the author.
   Charges may NOT exceed experces for disk and postage.

   In other words; Use it on your own risk..

                         Welcome to NComment v2.45

   Bugfix version, thanks to Stein Jonsson for bugs report..

   Yepp... Another relase ready !...I haven't done anyting much
   with this release.. Many bugs has been removed..

   I haven't done any BIG improvements in this version, but some
   functions has been optimized a little bit.. I have also fixed
   the menu look -> OS2.x look :)) If anyone has another LOGFILE
   for OTHER BBS system, please send them to me.. You can also
   call ABBS Support/Ultima Thule and leave me a messy there, under
   Kåre Johansen... 

   Finaly !!... NC does now support arguments, this took some time, but
   I finaly made it. I have also removed some bugs I discovered on my
   way doing this argument stuff.. But still, alot remains to do with
   NC, so I want you to report back to me, if anything strange happens.
   (See "how to use arguments within NC" for more info of how this is


   Nah !!.. Don't think so !!... NC has become card/net-ware, this means
   that you can send me a postcard of your town, or you could send
   me an EMAIL to tell me if you like NC or not.. :) EMAIL address
   can be found in the end of this doc..

   I have also been thinking of releasing the next version as shareware,
   if anybody has any statements, then come on, let's hear them..
   NC has been quite popular since 2.00, so, I have been thinking alot
   on this one. Because, I need the money, most of all to hold my board
   up and running, and because I'm a student and have no work/money..
   So, therefore I ask all of you that uses NC; Would you support me
   and my future shareware releases!??
   (From NC 2.10)
   Yepp, another quick release. This version has got some new features
   and some of the design has been replaced with radio buttons, instead
   of check buttons.. NC should now be FONT-SENSETIV, if any fonts
   problems appear again, please contact me as fast as possible..
   NC seems to work fine with all the new features,
   but as Murphy used to say; "There is always a new bug.." :)

   (From NC 2.00)
   It has been ages since i released the 1.21(5) version of NComment.
   This version starts to be the most wanted program, especially when
   I'm now is about to tell you about the features this program
   allows.. (Read about it in the support section)

   Please notice that this version is fully approved (take a look in
   the meny's for example), all commands are highlighted.. NC has
   got a new (3d) kinda look..

   I'm not good in writting English, so, I think I will keep this doc
   as small as possible :) Because, this program is quite
   self-explainable, so there is no need for a 100k doc :)

                               What is NC !?

   NC is about to become a tool for every sysops out there, this
   program will get the file description for a file, by searching
   threw logs, filelists or *.readme files, this is ofcourse your
   choice. I should admit that the README option is the fastest
   of them all.. :)

                             What is a log !?

   A log is a kind of a scrollback (like NComm's), and this file is
   where NC comes in. NC will look in the log/scrollback for file

                          What does it support !?

   This version support the following BBS Scrollbacks (filelistnings
   from several BBS types):

   FLIM files
   README files
   MODULE files (new (v2.10))
   SPECIAL files (new (v2.40))

                    What does these support types do !?
   There has been some changes with some of the buttons since v2.00
   of NC. I have made them as TYPES and MODES. 
   TYPE is the BBS type, and MODE is like FLIM, README etc..

   This will only look for 1 line file desc. and put it on the file
   in your DOWNLOAD dir.

   Same as ABBS

   This is more hard work than ABBS/MBBS, this will create a readme file
   for the file desc., in other words, this option will add a comment
   on the file that says: Read long description, and the long desc.
   will be: filename.readme

   The same as DAYDREAM

   This option will let you use the BBS types, since there has been some
   changes since 2.00, I have been thinking of making all the MODES as
   their own RADIO button, the buttons underneath will describe what
   they do.. As I mention abit earlier, this is the normal mode, where
   you use scrollbacks instead of any of the following modes..

   This works the same way as MBBS/ABBS, but this time it will look
   in a FLIM filelist, so that you can download a number of files from
   a BBS, and then DOWNLOAD the filelist (it must be a FLIM filelist).

   With this option you can DOWNLOAD alot of files from e.g AmiNet
   and then use this option to leave a comment on each file using
   the *.readme file that came along with the file you DOWNLOADED from
   AmiNet (Thor supports this)..

   All modules (Protracker modules) that has composed by as one of the
   samples will be the file description of this module. This module
   must NOT be packed with any archives, just a simple mod.#? or #?.mod
   filename.. Modules that hasn't got BY/# as one of the sample names
   will be stated as UNKNOWN COMPOSER.. This option will check if it is
   a module or not, so.. No worries ! :)

   This option is very special ineed !!.. With this option you can
   - Filename Size Start
     * This will be the filesize of the file in the chosen filelist
   - Filename Word
     * What word in the filelist is the filename?
   - Comment Start
     * This is where the comment/filedescription starts -1

   test.lha        1233333       Just a test
   In this example filename word will be 1, and Comment start will be 30,
   and the filesize Start will be 16.. If you don't get it, just
   experiment with the values ! :)

   This option should support (I say) every filelists exists.. Please
   notice that this is only a ONE line comment option, If you want
   more than 1 comment, please say so :)...

                     How do I use Arguments with NC !?

   The usage for NC is quite easy to understand, but, I must say it's
   quite confusing. Anyway, here goes:



   LOGFILE    = The name and path to your logfile (e.g: NCOMM:NComm.scroll)
   FLIMFILE   = Same as LOGFILE, but as a FLIM filelist
   DIR        = The path for your downloaded files (Work:Dload/)
   OPTIONS    = See Options and Modes
   MODES      = Same as options

   Options:         Modes:
   -N = NORMAL      -A = ABBS
   -R = README      -M = MBBS
   -F = FLIM        -X = /X
   -M = MODULE      -D = DayDram

   NC L=NC:Scroll F=Work:Flim D=Down: O=[-NRFM] M=[-AMXD]
   NC L=NC:Scroll D=DOWN: O=-N M=-A		<- Use ABBS log routine
   NC L=NC:Scroll D=DOWN: O=-N M=-M		<- Use MBBS log routine
   NC L=NC:Scroll D=DOWN: O=-R			<- Use README mode
   NC L=NC:Scroll F=FLIM:FLIM D=DOWN: O=-F	<- Use FLIM mode

                         How can I contact you !?

   If you want to contact me for any reason, then do it by the following

   Kåre Johansen
   Nordvågveien 17d
   N-9750  Honningsvåg


   Key Stroke BBS
   +47 7847-1042

- NC should now run as an background task :))

- NC didn't comment files if they wasn't casesensetiv, fixed.. Thanks
  to Stein Jonsson for reporting with this bug! :)...
- Removed all busypointers

- Fixed one bug in the FLIM mode
- Added SPECIAL mode
- Fixed a bug in the /X option
- Added some more checkers for /X mode
- Fixed several other bugs that I can't remember..

- Added a OS2.x menu look
- Fixed a QUIT menu bug (when using QUIT in menu and hotkeys)
- NC should now be FONT sensetiv :)
- + some more fixed/improved that I can't remember :)

- Fixed a small bug in the MODULE mode
- Added argument line to NC (see Argument for more info)
- Added a # to the MODULE mode routine

- Fixed a a little font bug..
- Added BUSY mousepointer...
- Added another mode, MODULE MODE...
- Replaced all check buttons with RADIO buttons...
- Optimized some of the code-source...
- Fixed a little version mistake :))
- Leftified all file comments...

- First release since NC 1.21(5) (Major update)

                           Thanks and Greetings

Greetings and Thanks must go to the following people...

Ren Depth		- For ideas and for betatesting NC
Svein Østmobekken	- For ideas/improvements
Stein Jonsson		- For the SPECIAL mode idea! :).. Thanks m8...


- Use NC with arguments (No Gui)	DONE
- More types and modes			WORKING

This list can get much longer, depending on YOU.. Just say what you want;
and you will probably get it ! :)

This version is tested on:
	· A4000/030 25Mhz , 2+8MB RAM
	· A1200/030 25Mhz , 2+6MB RAM

Contents of comm/misc/NC245.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                11023   31220  35.3% -lh5- c8d7 Dec 16  1996 nc
[generic]                 4299   10264  41.9% -lh5- 8c59 Dec 16  1996 nc.readme
[generic]                  747    2273  32.9% -lh5- bed0 Aug  4  1996 STROKE.displayme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files   16069   43757  36.7%            Dec 22  1996
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