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Short:V1.1 TCP/UDP Portscanner + more with MUI interface
Author: ian.chapman at (Ian Chapman)
Uploader:ian chapman bleach demon co uk
Requires:MUI, bsdsocket V2 compatible TCP/IP Stack
Download:comm/net/GoPortscan.lha - View contents

                          Go Portscan 1.1

TCP/UDP portscanner with a MUI graphical user interface. Go Portscan! currently has
the following features.


* Graphical User Interface (MUI).
* Localisation support.
* Supports both TCP and UDP port scans with highly flexible port selections.
* Optional output logging from open ports.
* Optional wakeup sending.
* Configurable timeout and delay.
* Service and Trojan lookup table (approx 3500 entries) with support for using the
  stacks own service table.
* Optional trojan lookup.
* User lookup of service by port number or keyword (both case sensitive and
* Host bookmarks.
* Telnet/FTP/HTTP to open ports.
* Host resolving facility with support for reverse lookups.
* Ping facility with broadcast support.
* Ping Sweep facility with optional DNS lookup and ICMP message reporting.
* UDP "Ping" Support
* Traceroute with support for both UDP and ICMP types with optional DNS lookup and
  configurable hops.
* Extensive documentation and bubble help.
* Scans approximately TCP 170 ports/sec
  (Based on 060@50Mhz, 10Base2 Connection, Ping Time 2.7ms)


Version 1.1

ADDED: TCP scans can now be done using blocking or non-blocking sockets. This
       has vastly improved performance on firewalled machines using stealth.
ADDED: Improved UDP portscanning, Go Portscan! can now detect if more UDP ports
       are open
ADDED: Optional reporting of closed ports
ADDED: Optional reporting of stealthed ports
ADDED: Now supports multiple ports for searching the service table. The syntax used is
       the same as that for the port range.
ADDED: Reports the number of matches found when searching the service table.
ADDED: Delay support for traceroutes
ADDED: Delay support for ping sweeps.
ADDED: A couple more services to the service table.
ADDED: The logo now disappears automagically when required allowing a smaller
       window size.
ADDED: Use preferences option
ADDED: Save settings menu
ADDED: The delay slider now has two arrow buttons for finer control of the delay
       option with the mouse, when using a small window.
ADDED: Updated Hungarian locale. (Thanks to Marton Dosa)
ADDED: Newicon V4 dock icon, located in the contrib directory. (Thanks to Luca
ADDED: Go Portscan! will also look for the help file GoPortscan!.guide if it
       cannot find GoPortscan! (or your locale equivalent)
       (Thanks to Todd Oberly)
ADDED: Preferences window is now multi-threaded and no longer blocks the main
       window when open.
FIXED: Rare and obscure bug when scanning machines with the readport option
       selected. If the remote service replied, but with a zero length response
       (yes it can happen), then the contents of the previous read port would be
       written to the log instead of an empty string.
FIXED: It is no longer possible to scan ports less than 1 or ports greater than
       65535 by entering spurious portrange syntax. (Thanks to Todd Oberly).
FIXED: If the log file couldn't be found, then Go Portscan! would stream a lot
       of error messages. It now only warns you once. (Thanks to Todd Oberly)
FIXED: When using a delay, Go Portscan! no longer delays unnecessarily at
       the end of an operation. For example, after the last port has been
       scanned. (Thanks to Todd Oberly)
CHANGED: Lots of changes to the GUI, hopefully for the better.
CHANGED: Most of the preferences are now directly handled by MUI, as a
         consequence most gadgets remember their values when the preferences are
CHANGED: The look of the logo - smaller, simpler and IMHO looks better.
CHANGED: Bookmarks are only saved if you've actually made any changes to them.
         (Thanks to Todd Oberly)
REMOVED: AREXX support other than the default MUI AREXX commands.
REMOVED: List known services, this is no longer needed as the same can be
         achieved by entering 1-65535 on the service lookup window.

Executable size is about 18k smaller that version 1.0!

Version 1.0

ADDED: Go Portscan now makes use of BetterString for its string gadgets. This
       means easier cutting & pasting (Amiga+V, Amiga+C) and filename completion
       (Amiga+TAB) etc. (Thanks to Mike Carter)
ADDED: Updated Hungarian locale. (Thanks to Marton Dosa)
FIXED: The Hungarian locale is now correctly installed as 'magyar'.
CHANGED: A few minor changes to how Go Portscan! handles helpers.


Contents of comm/net/GoPortscan.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1845    2802  65.8% -lh5- 4335 Sep 21  2003
[generic]                 3075    8932  34.4% -lh5- 2620 Sep  7  2003 GoPortscan/catalogs/
[generic]                 2664    5758  46.3% -lh5- 5f01 Sep  7  2003 GoPortscan/catalogs/magyar/GoPortscan.catalog
[generic]                  936    2535  36.9% -lh5- 284b Sep  7  2003 GoPortscan/contrib/
[generic]                16958   48302  35.1% -lh5- 773f Sep 21  2003 GoPortscan/docs/GoPortscan!
[generic]               113167  369112  30.7% -lh5- 9fce Sep 21  2003 GoPortscan/exes/GoPortscan!
[generic]                17101   48682  35.1% -lh5- ac54 Sep  7  2003 GoPortscan/GoPortscan!
[generic]                 1888    2038  92.6% -lh5- abd0 Jan  5  2003 GoPortscan/icons/
[generic]                 2069    3321  62.3% -lh5- 9980 Jan  5  2003 GoPortscan/icons/
[generic]                 1726    1938  89.1% -lh5- d53d Jan  5  2003 GoPortscan/icons/
[generic]                  967    1752  55.2% -lh5- afda Jan  5  2003 GoPortscan/icons/
[generic]                 1450    1704  85.1% -lh5- 6f2e Jan  5  2003 GoPortscan/icons/
[generic]                 1167    1601  72.9% -lh5- 20eb Jan  5  2003 GoPortscan/icons/
[generic]                26502   33388  79.4% -lh5- 12fd Dec  5  2001 GoPortscan/images/icons.iff
[generic]                14492   14492 100.0% -lh0- 48e1 Dec  5  2001 GoPortscan/images/logo.jpg
[generic]                 1642    6306  26.0% -lh5- b847 Sep 21  2003 GoPortscan/Install
[generic]                  332     615  54.0% -lh5- 2546 Sep 21  2003 GoPortscan/
[generic]                 1641    6300  26.0% -lh5- 42b2 Sep 21  2003 GoPortscan/Install_OS35
[generic]                 1877    2725  68.9% -lh5- 0569 Sep 21  2003 GoPortscan/
[generic]                10651   21304  50.0% -lh5- 51e3 Sep  7  2003 GoPortscan/libs/betterstring.mcc
[generic]                 3442    6972  49.4% -lh5- 150c Sep  7  2003 GoPortscan/libs/betterstring.mcp
[generic]                 5843   10908  53.6% -lh5- 6ae6 Mar 10  2002 GoPortscan/libs/Busy.mcc
[generic]                 5505   12596  43.7% -lh5- cf56 Mar 10  2002 GoPortscan/libs/Busy.mcp
[generic]                30624   46148  66.4% -lh5- 52f3 Nov 23  2001 GoPortscan/libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                  642    1215  52.8% -lh5- f9c4 Sep  7  2003 GoPortscan/README.NOW
[generic]                  214     464  46.1% -lh5- a96d Sep 21  2003 GoPortscan/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        26 files  268420  661910  40.6%            Sep 21  2003
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