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Short:Client for ext. German Weather Service
Author: carstensiegner at
Uploader:Carsten Siegner (carstensiegner osnanet de)
Download:comm/net/Metro_pro.lha - View contents

Metro_pro ist ein Client für den erweiterten Datenservice des deutschen Wetterdienstes.
Er liefert hunderte von Satelliten-, Radar-, und Wetterkarten von Deutschland und Weltweit.
Weiterhin kann Metro_pro die Wettermeldungen in Text-, und Bildform des deutschen Seewetteramten Hamburg anzeigen.
Alle Karten und Texte können selbstverständlich als PNG abgespeichert, als PDF exportiert 
oder auf einem postscript-fähigen Drucker gedruckt werden. 
Alle Karten und Texte sind per Maus frei beweglich und scalierbar.
Klickt man auf eine Karte und hält die Taste gedrückt, kann man nun die Karte bewegen, wenn
man die Maus bewegt.Klickt man auf die untere, rechte Ecke der Karte und verschiebt die Maus,
so scaliert man die Karte.

Installation: Wenn erfordelich führt man nur das "Download Fonts"-Script einmal aus.
Außerdem muß man sich die Zugangsdaten für den Zugang zum DWD-Servers abholen.
Das ist für das Funktionieren des Programmes erforderlich.
Die Zugangadaten bekommt man hier:

Dieser Zugang ist ausdrücklich kostenlos!

Metro_pro is a client for the Extended Data Service of the German Weather Service.
It provides hundreds of satellites, radar, and weather maps of Germany and Worldwide.
Furthermore, Metro_pro shows the reports or images of the German marine weather service.
All maps and text can of course be saved as PNG, exported as a PDF or printed on a PostScript printer.
All maps and texts are free to move with the mouse and Scalability.
Clicking on a card and holds the key, you can now move the map when
the mouse is moved.If you click on the lower right corner of the map and move the mouse,
the map was scaled.

Installation: If necessary execute only the "Download Fonts" script at once.
In addition, one must pick up the credentials for access to the DWD server.
This is necessary for the functioning of the program.
The Account get here:

This access is explicitly free!

Contents of comm/net/Metro_pro.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  700    1318  53.1% -lh5- 3424 Jan 16 17:09 Metro_pro/Catalogs/deutsch/Metro_pro.catalog
[generic]                  160     220  72.7% -lh5- 2804 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/10-autohint.conf
[generic]                  165     226  73.0% -lh5- e3a4 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/10-no-sub-pixel.conf
[generic]                  164     225  72.9% -lh5- 800e Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/10-sub-pixel-bgr.conf
[generic]                  164     225  72.9% -lh5- b3c2 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf
[generic]                  165     226  73.0% -lh5- 9a08 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/10-sub-pixel-vbgr.conf
[generic]                  165     226  73.0% -lh5- a9c4 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/10-sub-pixel-vrgb.conf
[generic]                  154     217  71.0% -lh5- c675 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/10-unhinted.conf
[generic]                  337     912  37.0% -lh5- 633a Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/20-fix-globaladvance.conf
[generic]                  420    1157  36.3% -lh5- 02b5 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/20-unhint-small-vera.conf
[generic]                  423    3165  13.4% -lh5- e2ba Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/25-unhint-nonlatin.conf
[generic]                  218     441  49.4% -lh5- 257e Apr 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/30-disable-antialias.conf
[generic]                  845    4107  20.6% -lh5- 1fe0 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/30-metric-aliases.conf
[generic]                  431    1290  33.4% -lh5- a720 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/30-urw-aliases.conf
[generic]                  597    2069  28.9% -lh5- 84ac Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/40-nonlatin.conf
[generic]                  496    1806  27.5% -lh5- e38c Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/45-latin.conf
[generic]                  238     545  43.7% -lh5- ab1b Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/49-sansserif.conf
[generic]                  145     188  77.1% -lh5- 5fb1 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/50-user.conf
[generic]                  144     189  76.2% -lh5- 8af3 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/51-local.conf
[generic]                  476    1669  28.5% -lh5- c7fe Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/60-latin.conf
[generic]                 2395   10524  22.8% -lh5- 6de0 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/65-fonts-persian.conf
[generic]                  138     289  47.8% -lh5- 10d3 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/65-khmer.conf
[generic]                 1118    6552  17.1% -lh5- 1b2d Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/65-nonlatin.conf
[generic]                  240     672  35.7% -lh5- 51d5 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/69-unifont.conf
[generic]                  159     263  60.5% -lh5- 27bc Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf
[generic]                  159     263  60.5% -lh5- be31 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/70-yes-bitmaps.conf
[generic]                  224     388  57.7% -lh5- 5442 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/80-delicious.conf
[generic]                  629    1754  35.9% -lh5- cf40 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.avail/90-synthetic.conf
[generic]                  498     959  51.9% -lh5- 05b3 Feb 19  2009 Metro_pro/conf/font/conf.d/README
[generic]                 8695   67984  12.8% -lh5- 8f35 May 12  2010 Metro_pro/conf/font/font-86e07f97eb6942af.cache
[generic]                 8514   60632  14.0% -lh5- 65bf Aug 20 19:23 Metro_pro/conf/font/font-d0cdad7d7029cf95.cache
[generic]                 8606   67632  12.7% -lh5- 66d8 Mar  2  2010 Metro_pro/conf/font/font-d3f35deb042931da.cache
[generic]                 1687    5102  33.1% -lh5- f0b4 Mar 11  2010 Metro_pro/conf/font/fonts.conf
[generic]                   14      14 100.0% -lh0- 7e01 May 28  2010 Metro_pro/conf/README.txt
[generic]                  826    6316  13.1% -lh5- 23c2 Mar  4  2010 Metro_pro/Download Fonts
[generic]                 5753    5845  98.4% -lh5- b494 Jul 25  2009 Metro_pro/Download
[generic]              1750710 4097472  42.7% -lh5- 328e Jan 16 17:31 Metro_pro/Metro_pro
[generic]                 9320    9324 100.0% -lh5- ba4d Jan 15 14:44 Metro_pro/
[generic]                 1145    2359  48.5% -lh5- f10b Jan 16 18:14 Metro_pro/Metro_pro.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        39 files 1807437 4364765  41.4%            Jan 16 19:27
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