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Short:Best SLIP/PPP dialer with shell terminal
Author:Jochen Wiedmann, Stefan Gybas
Uploader:Stefan Gybas <cab studbox uni-stuttgart de>
Version:2.1 (16.04.96)
Download:comm/tcp/IPDial21.lha - View contents

-=-=-=-=-=- Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-

IPDial is used to establish a SLIP, CSLIP or PPP connection to an ISP
(Internet service provider). This is done using a script file which consists
of commands like SEND "ATZ" or WAIT "CONNECT". After the connection is
established, IPDial usually logs in with your user account and activates
SLIP/PPP on the remote machine. When all this is successfully done, IPDial
exits and your SLIP/PPP device takes over the line.

When you want to disconnect, you can also use IPDial to make to modem
physically hang up the line after SLIP/PPP has terminated.

Furthermore, IPDial has a built-in terminal mode which uses the current
shell window. If something fails while IPDial is trying to establish a
connection, you can just press Ctrl-F to enter the terminal mode and log in

-=-=-=-=-=- Features -=-=-=-=-=-

IPDial has several features that many other dialers lack:

- built-in shell terminal mode: You can always interrupt your dial script
  if something went wrong or enter a secret password without writing it into
  your dial script file.

- IPDial can read the serial configuration (device, unit, baud rate and
  handshake protocol) from a SANA configuration file. If you ever want to
  use a different device, unit or baud rate, just change it for your SANA
  device and IPDial will automatically use your new settings.

- own script language: Simple but powerful BASIC-like language. You can,
  for example, scan the input stream for dynamic IP addresses and store them
  in environment variables.

- very small: IPDial is less than 23 KB small and uses very little memory
  while running.

- sample scripts included: Just adapt one of the example scripts to your
  needs. You don't have to write your own programs!

- IPDial is absolutely free of charge with full source code included (see
  the GNU General Public License for details).

-=-=-=-=-=- Changes since IPDial 2.0 -=-=-=-=-=-

- fixed a couple of errors in the documentation (please reread the "Updating"
  and "Common problems" sections)

- included dial script for the German T-Online (examples/T-Online.IPDial)

- EXIT now checks its arguments

- the serial buffer size is now set to 4096 bytes when a device is opened.

- cleaned up code a little bit (executable is now 2 KB smaller)

- removed SET and SHOWPARAMS commands. Some options from the SET command were
  moved to the DEVICE command.

- TIMEOUT in WAIT command is now optional (default: 5 seconds)

Contents of comm/tcp/IPDial21.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  257     561  45.8% -lh5- 3744 Apr 16  1996
[generic]                 6993   17982  38.9% -lh5- dc3e Mar 26  1995 IPDial/COPYING
[generic]                  452     897  50.4% -lh5- 3ae0 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/
[generic]                  259     561  46.2% -lh5- 820a Apr 16  1996 IPDial/
[generic]                  654    1756  37.2% -lh5- e595 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/examples/Hangup.IPDial
[generic]                  778    2368  32.9% -lh5- 72af Apr 16  1996 IPDial/examples/Login-PPP.IPDial
[generic]                 1316    3691  35.7% -lh5- 2648 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/examples/Login-SLIP.IPDial
[generic]                 1252    3835  32.6% -lh5- 6ba9 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/examples/T-Online.IPDial
[generic]                13587   22456  60.5% -lh5- af34 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/IPDial
[generic]                10076   27853  36.2% -lh5- 59bd Apr 16  1996 IPDial/
[generic]                  459     897  51.2% -lh5- 2094 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/
[generic]                  469    1123  41.8% -lh5- c314 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/
[generic]                 1383    2702  51.2% -lh5- 43c4 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/IPDial.readme
[generic]                  473     897  52.7% -lh5- 04cd Apr 16  1996 IPDial/
[generic]                  260     561  46.3% -lh5- ea44 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/
[generic]                 1333    2998  44.5% -lh5- 4f98 Apr  2  1996 IPDial/source/Buffer.c
[generic]                 1622    4358  37.2% -lh5- 0c42 Apr  2  1996 IPDial/source/DeviceIO.c
[generic]                 6385   22269  28.7% -lh5- f1de Apr 16  1996 IPDial/source/IPDial.c
[generic]                 1474    3743  39.4% -lh5- a9e1 Apr 16  1996 IPDial/source/IPDial.h
[generic]                 1273    3084  41.3% -lh5- 4dae Apr  9  1996 IPDial/source/SanaConfig.c
[generic]                   81     119  68.1% -lh5- 772b Apr 12  1996 IPDial/source/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                 4894   17620  27.8% -lh5- b0f4 Apr 10  1996 IPDial/source/Serial.c
[generic]                  229     454  50.4% -lh5- 6af3 Feb 17  1996 IPDial/source/smakefile
[generic]                  917    1835  50.0% -lh5- be1c Feb 17  1996 IPDial/source/StrReadArgs.c
[generic]                 1841    4689  39.3% -lh5- 2e1d Apr  2  1996 IPDial/source/Vsscanf.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        25 files   58717  149309  39.3%            Apr 17  1996
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