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Short:Cli-based ICQ multi-messenger
Author:Rudiger Kuhlmann, Morphos port by Fabrizio "Lanch" Bartoloni
Uploader:lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Download:comm/tcp/climm-mos.lha - View contents

climm - cli-based multi-messenger
$Id: README 2607 2008-08-18 22:09:28Z kuhlmann $ -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

current stable version: 0.6.3

a) About climm

climm is a very portable ICQ Console Client originally written by Matthew D.
Smith. climm is known to compile on many systems, including (but not limited
to) Linux, BSD, AIX, HPUX, BeOS, Windows and AmigaOS.

When the Author passed away 2001-01-05, some of us users overtook the
"leadership" of the project and its now actively developed by some of us

For some time, Rico Glöckner <> maintained the code. He also set
up the mailing list and hosts

Right now, Rüdiger Kuhlmann maintains the code. All code to implement the
new v8 ICQ protocol is from him. In fact, huge parts of climm have been
rewritten completely by him.

b) Features

Features of climm include:

   * login          - login with both the old v6 and the new v8 protocol
   * register       - register new uins and setup configuration with an easy to
                      use setup wizard
   * password       - changing password
   * reconnect      - reconnects when kicked by server
   * contact list   - complete contact list with several ways for a concise
                      display of online/offline users
   * contact groups - arrange contacts into groups
   * server side contact list
                    - download server side contact list and show, diff or import
   * status         - set status arbitrarily
   * messages       - send and receive messages and urls
   * utf-8 messages - first non-official client to support sending and receiving
                      of unicode encoded messages (acknowledged _AND_ non-acknoledged)
   * sms            - send SMS to user's cell phone
   * user info      - request and update all user an dpersonal information
   * search         - easy search command, can search by (nearly) any information
   * visibility     - be visible to certain users even when invisible, or
                      be invisible to certain users at any time
   * ignore         - ignore certain users completely
   * chat group     - request user from interest group and set own's interest group
   * events         - can beep or execute arbitrary commands when other users go online,
                      offline or send a message.
   * remote control - can be operated from other programs via a FIFO
   * connections    - can show a users connection info and last seen online time
   * peek           - check whether someone is offline or just invisible
   * tcp            - full support of v8 direct connections
   * auto messages  - auto replys if away, request and send auto messages
   * file transfer  - v6, v7, v8 file transfer
   * identification - recognizes mICQ/climm, licq, Miranda, StrICQ, &RQ, vICQ
                      including version number, and YSM, Trillian, Kopete,
                      sim and some of the official client versions
   * history        - writes a log of all messages to and from a user
   * debugging      - easy debugging by selecting what data to display, including
                      concise packet monitor
   * i18n           - translations include English, German, Russian, French,
                      partially Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian.
   * transcoding    - transcode texts into arbitrary character encodings,
                      in particular for Russian and Japanese users.
   * utf-8          - can handle unicode input and output of arbitrary
                      single-charactercell unicode characters
   * birthday flag  - show if it is user's birthday
   * socks5         - supports connections via socks5

c) Translations

climm, its man page and the website are translated into several
languages, including English, German, Spanish and Russian. See the web page
for downloads of new translations.

d) Mailinglist

They are hosted by <>.

Currently you:

    subscribe, unsubscribe, help

    An Archive might be found at:

e) Download

Download climm sources and binaries from


f) SVN (subversion)

Required is the svn client, autoconf 2.59 or greater and automake 1.9 or
greater. automake 1.10 is recommended, however.

svn co

To prepare the maintainer generated files:

$ ./prepare

This will run aclocal, autoheader, automake -ac and autoconf.

Note that if you don't have current autotools, there is a SVN snapshot that
you can download the includes the generated files just like in the release.
It does, however, contain .svn directories, so you can still use "svn up" to
update the checkout. Usually I upload a new snapshot when I make changes
to or any of the files.

If that isn't enough because you made too much changes, you can link the
generated files from a SVN snapshot to a SVN checkout like this:

  cd climm  # the SVN check-out
  ln -s ../climm-svn/{install-sh,config.guess,config.sub,configure,depend,mkinstalldirs} .
  cd ../climm-svn  # the SVN snapshot
  find . -name "*.in" -exec ln -s ../climm-svn/\{\} ../climm/\{\}

g) Compile

$ ./configure --help
    Please read the help carefully. Particularly, if you are not "root",
    please watch the --prefix parameter.
$ ./configure 
$ make
$ su
# make install

h) Usage

Although climm has some command line options, for a quick start just type
'climm'. If you don't have a valid configuration, the setup wizard will guide
you through the process of creating one for you.

i) NOTE!

climm is in a phase of being re-organized, thus things may change
very fast. When in doubt, have a Look at or
the mailing list or contact me via ICQ.
However, look out for announcements on

Contents of comm/tcp/climm-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 8016 Aug 19 21:46 climm-0.6.3/.is_release
[generic]                 1657    3920  42.3% -lh5- cfc1 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/AUTHORS
[generic]                 1460    3122  46.8% -lh5- bd62 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/autopackage/
[generic]               251504  663936  37.9% -lh5- 783d Sep  2 00:28 climm-0.6.3/bin/climm
[generic]                 4872   12947  37.6% -lh5- d95a Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/ChangeLog
[generic]                42533  117067  36.3% -lh5- 21e6 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/ChangeLog.old
[generic]                 2796    6259  44.7% -lh5- d1c2 Sep  2  1999 climm-0.6.3/climm-mos.readme
[generic]                  727    1235  58.9% -lh5- 89b5 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/
[generic]                 1606    5182  31.0% -lh5- f109 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/climm.spec
[generic]                 2019    6881  29.3% -lh5- d924 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/contrib/logconv.tcl
[generic]                 1249    3670  34.0% -lh5- 32ae Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/contrib/logmod.tcl
[generic]                  851    1622  52.5% -lh5- b7be Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/COPYING
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/COPYING-GPLv2
[generic]                  140     167  83.8% -lh5- 80cf Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/debian/changelog
[generic]                  679    1247  54.5% -lh5- 499f Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/debian/control
[generic]                  831    1499  55.4% -lh5- 8b8d Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/debian/copyright
[generic]                  115     143  80.4% -lh5- 6c27 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/debian/menu
[generic]                  932    2538  36.7% -lh5- 70ef Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/debian/rules
[generic]                 2352    5041  46.7% -lh5- e287 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climm.1
[generic]                  231     354  65.3% -lh5- 71ec Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climm.desktop
[generic]                  358    2637  13.6% -lh5- 21cb Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climm.xpm
[generic]                  324     324 100.0% -lh0- 7305 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climm@16x16.png
[generic]                  409     409 100.0% -lh0- a222 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climm@24x24.png
[generic]                  509     509 100.0% -lh0- 309b Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climm@32x32.png
[generic]                  584     584 100.0% -lh0- e8e8 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climm@48x48.png
[generic]                10149   31856  31.9% -lh5- 22e2 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 5058   13880  36.4% -lh5- 5dda Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/climmrc.5
[generic]                 2789    6134  45.5% -lh5- 7aa0 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/de/climm.1
[generic]                11186   34984  32.0% -lh5- 5d5c Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/de/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 5893   16318  36.1% -lh5- 5c23 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/de/climmrc.5
[generic]                 1682    3172  53.0% -lh5- cabf Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/es/climm.1
[generic]                 4467   12353  36.2% -lh5- 5dbe Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/es/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 3528    8948  39.4% -lh5- c756 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/es/climmrc.5
[generic]                 1330    4088  32.5% -lh5- 3cea Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/example-climm-event-script
[generic]                 1787    3569  50.1% -lh5- d14a Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/fr/climm.1
[generic]                 5259   15810  33.3% -lh5- 5c03 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/fr/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 3886   10514  37.0% -lh5- a5d2 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/fr/climmrc.5
[generic]                10935   38143  28.7% -lh5- c09c Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/icq091.txt
[generic]                 1037    1979  52.4% -lh5- 78d0 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/icqv7.txt
[generic]                 2087    4244  49.2% -lh5- ebce Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/it/climm.1
[generic]                 6148   35107  17.5% -lh5- db26 Sep  2 00:26 climm-0.6.3/doc/Makefile
[generic]                  434    1790  24.2% -lh5- c9a4 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/
[generic]                 6172   35242  17.5% -lh5- 8451 Aug 19 21:46 climm-0.6.3/doc/
[generic]                 2686    5962  45.1% -lh5- 8f07 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/pt_BR/climm.1
[generic]                 9624   29888  32.2% -lh5- 4b3b Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/pt_BR/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 5874   15915  36.9% -lh5- 2dc9 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/pt_BR/climmrc.5
[generic]                  692    1272  54.4% -lh5- a8cf Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/README.BeOS
[generic]                 2040    4439  46.0% -lh5- 3a77 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/README.i18n
[generic]                  503    1119  45.0% -lh5- d39a Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/README.logformat
[generic]                 1380    2961  46.6% -lh5- 2bc3 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/README.NONLINUX
[generic]                 1257    2512  50.0% -lh5- 6d8c Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/README.ssl
[generic]                 3914   11188  35.0% -lh5- 2cc0 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/README.tcl
[generic]                 2865    5482  52.3% -lh5- 4bb6 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/ru/climm.1
[generic]                11553   30714  37.6% -lh5- 958b Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/ru/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 5746   14286  40.2% -lh5- d99f Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/ru/climmrc.5
[generic]                 2355    4859  48.5% -lh5- dbeb Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/sk/climm.1
[generic]                 9054   24310  37.2% -lh5- f0ba Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/sk/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 4487   10531  42.6% -lh5- 92fc Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/sk/climmrc.5
[generic]                 2571    6446  39.9% -lh5- 1470 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/sr/climm.1
[generic]                 8750   32059  27.3% -lh5- 26c1 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/sr/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 6411   20840  30.8% -lh5- 1207 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/sr/climmrc.5
[generic]                 1817    2996  60.6% -lh5- 3919 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/uk/climm.1
[generic]                 4481   11752  38.1% -lh5- 5cb1 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/doc/uk/climmcmds.7
[generic]                 2684    5922  45.3% -lh5- ad6a Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/FAQ
[generic]                 3708    9512  39.0% -lh5- 94a0 Aug 19 21:46 climm-0.6.3/INSTALL
[generic]                 5360   13620  39.4% -lh5- 80f0 Aug 19 21:46 climm-0.6.3/install-sh
[generic]                20310   56587  35.9% -lh5- 5a72 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/bg.i18n
[generic]                17132   44883  38.2% -lh5- 94c3 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/C.i18n
[generic]                21548   55196  39.0% -lh5- e9e2 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/cs.i18n
[generic]                21107   56604  37.3% -lh5- aea5 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/de.i18n
[generic]                21811   57661  37.8% -lh5- 7063 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/de_CH.i18n
[generic]                18945   49392  38.4% -lh5- e871 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/en.i18n
[generic]                21686   59801  36.3% -lh5- 018e Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/es.i18n
[generic]                19122   52206  36.6% -lh5- f9cb Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/fi.i18n
[generic]                22097   60940  36.3% -lh5- 515d Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/fr.i18n
[generic]                19071   52309  36.5% -lh5- 78d4 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/hr.i18n
[generic]                  410     973  42.1% -lh5- 5026 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/i18n-extract
[generic]                  379    1238  30.6% -lh5- 53e0 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/i18n-format
[generic]                  756    2164  34.9% -lh5- 4fae Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/i18n-number
[generic]                 1541    5007  30.8% -lh5- b75f Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/i18n-template
[generic]                20499   56637  36.2% -lh5- 3c6f Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/id.i18n
[generic]                21417   58148  36.8% -lh5- f29d Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/it.i18n
[generic]                24185   71645  33.8% -lh5- 8782 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/ja.i18n
[generic]                 3559   10401  34.2% -lh5- e525 Sep  2 00:26 climm-0.6.3/lang/Makefile
[generic]                  226     431  52.4% -lh5- 803b Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/
[generic]                 3581   10803  33.1% -lh5- 8a97 Aug 19 21:46 climm-0.6.3/lang/
[generic]                19194   52722  36.4% -lh5- e108 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/nl.i18n
[generic]                19262   51913  37.1% -lh5- 4dd9 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/pl.i18n
[generic]                20469   55051  37.2% -lh5- ed9e Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/pt.i18n
[generic]                21297   57343  37.1% -lh5- 77bc Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/ro.i18n
[generic]                44678  148434  30.1% -lh5- 18c2 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/ru.i18n
[generic]                20959   56209  37.3% -lh5- ac71 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/se.i18n
[generic]                21207   54288  39.1% -lh5- 0999 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/sk.i18n
[generic]                24649   75980  32.4% -lh5- 5a60 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/sr.i18n
[generic]                25152   84903  29.6% -lh5- 4003 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/uk.i18n
[generic]                19047   52289  36.4% -lh5- dd13 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/yu.i18n
[generic]                18359   49420  37.1% -lh5- f30d Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/zh_CN.i18n
[generic]                20371   48303  42.2% -lh5- 77b4 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/lang/zh_TW.i18n
[generic]                  955    3617  26.4% -lh5- fa98 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/binreloc.m4
[generic]                 1311    3350  39.1% -lh5- f8c4 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/iconv.m4
[generic]                 1544    3417  45.2% -lh5- d29c Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/lib-ld.m4
[generic]                 5219   23442  22.3% -lh5- 1294 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/lib-link.m4
[generic]                 2125    6686  31.8% -lh5- 7bf1 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/lib-prefix.m4
[generic]                 1416    4174  33.9% -lh5- 8cab Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/libgcrypt.m4
[generic]                 2147    6761  31.8% -lh5- 3c84 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/libgnutls.m4
[generic]                 1715    4276  40.1% -lh5- 6fa9 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/libotr.m4
[generic]                 2090    5196  40.2% -lh5- f682 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/m4/pkg.m4
[generic]                 3733   11135  33.5% -lh5- 4fd0 Aug 19 21:46 climm-0.6.3/missing
[generic]                 1715    3815  45.0% -lh5- b403 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/NEWS
[generic]                 2687    6017  44.7% -lh5- e614 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/README
[generic]                 1291    3472  37.2% -lh5- 47e5 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/release
[generic]                    8       8 100.0% -lh0- c6c8 Sep  2 00:26 climm-0.6.3/replace/.deps/memmove.Po
[generic]                    8       8 100.0% -lh0- c6c8 Sep  2 00:26 climm-0.6.3/replace/.deps/snprintf.Po
[generic]                  392    1836  21.4% -lh5- 8765 Sep  2 00:26 climm-0.6.3/replace/.deps/timegm.Po
[generic]                  225     439  51.3% -lh5- 3b6d Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/replace/memmove.c
[generic]                  199     412  48.3% -lh5- 95c4 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/replace/memmove.h
[generic]                12426   41933  29.6% -lh5- a372 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/replace/snprintf.c
[generic]                  315    1007  31.3% -lh5- a997 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/replace/snprintf.h
[generic]                 2170    5362  40.5% -lh5- 1a32 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/replace/snprintf.LICENSE
[generic]                 5634   14215  39.6% -lh5- 35df Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/replace/snprintf.README
[generic]                  549    1445  38.0% -lh5- 937e Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/replace/timegm.c
[generic]                  756    1374  55.0% -lh5- e992 Aug 19 21:45 climm-0.6.3/TODO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       122 files 1114053 3109285  35.8%            Sep  7 08:08
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