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Short: | Amitcp4/PPP14 Installer, Dialler and CP6 GUI |
Author: | Martin mchunt.demon.co.uk (Martin Hunt) |
Uploader: | Martin mchunt demon co uk (Martin Hunt) |
Type: | comm/tcp |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-05-14 |
Download: | comm/tcp/cp6.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/tcp/cp6.readme |
Downloads: | 738 |
This archive contains an installer for AmiTCP-Demo-40b.lha,PPP and Grn (not
included), as well as my CP6 program (included).
The installer is simple to use and sets up all aspects of Control Panel,
PPP and AmiTCP.
This archive contains a bug fixed installer script. If you have the archive
with the installer script that doesn't work, please email me and I will send
you the fixed version.
What is this Control Panel?
Control Panel is a GUI frontend for AmiTCP and various internet tools such
as archie, ping, finger, traceroute, askhost. It also a program launcher for
Internet related utilities such as WWW browsers and graphical FTP clients.
Since version 6 Control Panel now includes my amiconnect dialler, to allow
you to easily use a dial up connection with AmiTCP. The dialler along with
Control Panel 6 will log calls so that you can keep a check on your
phonebill. Other features of the dialler include
an abort button
GUI preferences setup (installer sets up all the basics)
Connection quality check
Starting of news and mail getting programs
replaces startnet
Control Panel has had some of its interfaces revamped since V5 and is
a lot more stable (CP5 used to crash alot on some machines). The main
changes being to the Preferences program which now incorporates the
dialler prefs, adn a general neatening up.
Using this installer and my GUI frontends should allow a virtually seamless
, easy to use internet setup.
The Control Panel WWW homepage can be found at
screenshots of the interface and basic details are included here, as well
as my current contact details.
Contents of comm/tcp/cp6.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 8282 30217 27.4% -lh5- 8472 Mar 24 1996 install.tis
[generic] 1262 3358 37.6% -lh5- e678 Mar 16 1996 install.tis.info
[generic] 855 1656 51.6% -lh5- 1e5f Mar 16 1996 readme
[generic] 535 1039 51.5% -lh5- 6991 Mar 2 1996 readme.first
[generic] 248 353 70.3% -lh5- 6ffe Mar 16 1996 readme.first.info
[generic] 464773 464773 100.0% -lh0- 7d2a Mar 30 1996 cp6.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 475955 501396 94.9% May 14 1996
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