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I. Warning
This version doesn't implement any security features.
II. Prerequisites
You will need at least AmigaOS 4.0 installed on your computer.
III. Installation
Copy the lpd binary to your SYS:Utilities or some other directory.
Launch the Internet preferences program.
Select the "Servers" section.
Press the "New..." button to add a new inetd server.
Pick the "printer" service from the list.
Click "Program" and select where you installed the lpd binary.
Make sure "Active" and "Use socket I/O streams" are both checked.
After you save your Internet preferences the lpd server will be
immediately available for use. No reboot required.
IV. Using lpd
The lpd daemon is currently hard-coded to print whatever it receives
directly to PAR: and nothing else.
More options could be added. Please email with your requests.
lpd.debug is also included which can be used to trouble-shoot problems.
It will output all sorts of useful debug to the default serial port.
V. Reaching the authors
Steven Solie <ssolie()ieee.org>
Juergen Schubert <schubert()rz-sun2.fh-weingarten.de>
FIDO 2:246/2320.42
VI. Recompiling
Install the standard AmigaOS 4.0 SDK and use the Makefile provided.
VII. Future
This is a very basic implementation of lpd and more features could be added.
Feel free to send in your request.
VIII. Acknowledgements
Steven Solie:
Thanks to Juergen for creating the original version. I used it as a
basis for this new version which should have fixed most of the bugs
in the original.
Also a big thanks goes out to the OS4 development team for bringing
AmigaOS back from the binary dustbin.
Juergen Schubert:
I want to say "Thank you!" to the AmiTCP-team for providing this great
protocol stack. If you want to include an enhanced LPD to your distribution,
feel free to contact me.
IX. History
2006-07-15 Modified for AmigaOS 4.0
Updated to use C99
Several protocol bugs removed
Restricted to print to PAR: only
Added GNU Makefile
Updated doc file
1994-09-11 Original release by Juergen Schubert
Contents of comm/tcp/lpd-ppc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6993 17982 38.9% -lh5- dc3e Jul 15 21:04 lpd/COPYING
[generic] 3536 7250 48.8% -lh5- 3580 Jul 15 21:40 lpd/lpd
[generic] 2085 7112 29.3% -lh5- 0bb5 Jul 15 20:53 lpd/lpd.c
[generic] 12075 27219 44.4% -lh5- 3caa Jul 15 21:40 lpd/lpd.debug
[generic] 1516 2997 50.6% -lh5- 789a Jul 15 21:39 lpd/lpd.doc
[generic] 587 1026 57.2% -lh5- c8c2 Jul 15 21:35 lpd/Makefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 26792 63586 42.1% Jul 16 23:23
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