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Short:p2p client, MorphOS port
Author:"Christian Rosentreter" tokai at
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:comm/tcp/mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos.lha - View contents

Many of you have waited for this, a lot of you have nailed goats to the  doors 
and joined mystical cults  to worship  the dark forces just to make this alive 
and kicking. I don't  know where we're really going  with this, but here it is 
and after months of waiting for this new version I'm very proud to present:

MLDonkey 3.0.0 for MorphOS

__ introduction ________________________________________________________________

    In ancient  times a community  of miscellaneous  computer geeks were, from 
    ages  long past dwelt the  spirit of  free and  individual  software. Back 
    then, the geeks from the different systems lived in harmony. 

    But as time  went by most of these  systems were  destroyed by evil forces 
    and  unavoidable superiority from the  insignificant city of  Redmond. The 
    users of those few that  remained owed their full allegiance to the  great 
    spirit of old  times, remembering the days of unlimited freedom in the un-
    fathomable space of the Internet.

    Sadly also the Internet became  more and more flooded by proprietary soft-
    ware. It was no  longer possible for the geeks to  download free movies in 
    which huge tentacled monsters do things to Japanese schoolgirls (hey, they 
    still call that art!) from the web. But they saw it's possible if you join 
    the forces  from Redmond, because a  lot of gratis  filesharing tools were 
    available for them. 

    After an incredible exodus of remaining geeks to the other side a few true 
    worshippers of the old  spirits started to 'reverse-engeneer' the  eDonkey 
    network using Pandora, an efficient protocol sniffer. Geeks do such things 
    sometimes  and it  was a very  successful attempt  resulting in the avail-
    ability of  the first  open-source multi-platform  multi-networks peer-to-
    peer client, called MLdonkey. 

    Indeed, they haven't stopped after implementing the eDonkey protokol, they 
    also  have added support  for several other  large networks, such as Over-
    net, Bittorrent,  Gnutella  (Bearshare, Limewire, etc.), Gnutella2 (Share-
    aza), Fasttrack  (Kazaa, Imesh, Grobster),  Soulseek,  Direct-Connect  and 

    Maybe you  heard the saying: "The 'M' in Morphos stands for 'geek'." once?
    Yes, it's true and we are  much more geeky than the other geeks from Linux 
    and Co. Sadly it hasn't been possible for us ubergeeks  to enjoy a port of 
    this geektool simply because nobody of us ubergeeks ported the damn thing. 
    So, a few months  ago we locked CISC into a dingy cellar and  told him  he 
    couldn't come out  until he finished the  Objective-Caml port, which was a 
    required  and important  step for porting MLdonkey. We  haven't heard from 
    him for a very long time, and we couldn't be bothered to check. But all of 
    a sudden he emerged from  his dark dungeon. Fortunately (or maybe I should 
    better  say: unfortunately) he had  finished  OCaml and  surprisingly also 

    Even  though most  MorphOS users  religiously avoid  PC stuff like I avoid 
    people, we have now  a possibility to join the community of warez and p0rn
    peer-to-peer  traders. Watch  out Amigans and MorphOS users! PC cooties!!! 

    If you find CISC then thank him for this nifty port, sadly when I last saw 
    him he was running  away screaming  'THE DARKNESS CONSUMES US!  WE ARE ONE 

    Well, actually  we've done  this releases just  for fun. The  port is  not 
    finished, it still misses a GUI (hey, isn't this more geeky than the Linux 
    version? Isn't it?). Also most of the 'Bonus' stuff  was more or less been 
    done in a  very creepy and probably unusable way. We're still on the look-
    out for someone with some actual talent,  so that we can all kick back and 
    boss him  around. So  if for  some insane  reason you wish to volunteer in 
    coding the MUI GUI then try to catch CISC on IRC  or via eMail, else don't 
    bother him or he will run away again.
    Anyway, here you can read all about this very port, hence the name of this 
    file: 'Read Me!'.

    -- tokai

Contents of comm/tcp/mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   60      67  89.6% -lh5- 32fc May 18  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/ChangeLog
[generic]                  568     929  61.1% -lh5- a61e Oct 23  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/Authors.txt
[generic]                  436     831  52.5% -lh5- 9d04 Oct 23  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/Bugs.txt
[generic]                21407   54035  39.6% -lh5- c4cb Feb 24  2009 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/ChangeLog
[generic]                 7026   18018  39.0% -lh5- e93c Feb  5  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/Copying.txt
[generic]                 2266    5389  42.0% -lh5- 3a8b Oct 23  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/Developers.txt
[generic]                  490     810  60.5% -lh5- 0776 Aug 28  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/ed2k_links.txt
[generic]                11926   12529  95.2% -lh5- 3bd4 Sep  1  2008 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/ed2k_mozilla/mldonkey_protocol_handler-2.5.xpi
[generic]                  107     168  63.7% -lh5- 2742 Mar  4  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/ed2k_submit/ed2k.protocol
[generic]                  109     119  91.6% -lh5- f822 Mar 28  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/ed2k_submit/mldonkey
[generic]                  858    1613  53.2% -lh5- d728 Apr 19  2007 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/ed2k_submit/mldonkey_submit
[generic]                 1021    1871  54.6% -lh5- 21a6 Mar 28  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/ed2k_submit/README.MLdonkeySubmit
[generic]                 1707    3536  48.3% -lh5- 70fb Jan 12  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/GeoIP_LICENSE.txt
[generic]                 1103    4406  25.0% -lh5- 2813 Oct 25  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/commands.html
[generic]                  701    2253  31.1% -lh5- 1383 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/dh.css
[generic]                  115     145  79.3% -lh5- aef6 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/dheader.html
[generic]                  138     234  59.0% -lh5- f19b Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/di.js
[generic]                  182     460  39.6% -lh5- ebec Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/frames.html
[generic]                 1441    6354  22.7% -lh5- 22c8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/h.css
[generic]                  113     143  79.0% -lh5- ffe8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/header.html
[generic]                 2374    7279  32.6% -lh5- 1b50 Jul 17  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/ease/i.js
[generic]                 1385    6550  21.1% -lh5- d2eb Oct 25  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/commands.html
[generic]                  701    2253  31.1% -lh5- 1383 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/dh.css
[generic]                  115     145  79.3% -lh5- aef6 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/dheader.html
[generic]                  138     234  59.0% -lh5- f19b Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/di.js
[generic]                  189     467  40.5% -lh5- d317 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/frames.html
[generic]                 1441    6354  22.7% -lh5- 22c8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/h.css
[generic]                  113     143  79.0% -lh5- ffe8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/header.html
[generic]                 1386    3780  36.7% -lh5- ba57 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/html_themes/old/i.js
[generic]                 2679    7360  36.4% -lh5- 5f5f Nov 21  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/gui_messages.ini.catalan
[generic]                 2921    7845  37.2% -lh5- d6ca Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 2610    7449  35.0% -lh5- da89 Dec  1  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/gui_messages.ini.dutch
[generic]                 2306    6851  33.7% -lh5- 9222 Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/gui_messages.ini.en
[generic]                 2525    7134  35.4% -lh5- b660 Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 2503    7134  35.1% -lh5- 034e Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 2584    7692  33.6% -lh5- f82c Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 2596    7679  33.8% -lh5- 7d33 Mar 13  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/gui_messages.ini.pt_BR
[generic]                 2745    7625  36.0% -lh5- 3069 Feb 20  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/gui_messages.ini.sp
[generic]                 2862    7857  36.4% -lh5- 50c8 May 25  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 2731    8042  34.0% -lh5- 3bdd Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/mlnet_strings.catalan
[generic]                 2643    7827  33.8% -lh5- 33d2 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                24372   73342  33.2% -lh5- f5dd Apr 28  2007 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/mlnet_strings.de_DE.utf8
[generic]                 2526    7585  33.3% -lh5- 92c6 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/mlnet_strings.dutch
[generic]                10591   44420  23.8% -lh5- e094 May  2  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 1436    4115  34.9% -lh5- a9a0 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 2688    8146  33.0% -lh5- 3aed Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                17843   76361  23.4% -lh5- 21dc Apr 28  2007 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/mlnet_strings.it_IT.UTF-8
[generic]                 2721    8202  33.2% -lh5- 3449 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/mlnet_strings.pt_BR
[generic]                 2784    8330  33.4% -lh5- 8e28 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/mlnet_strings.sp
[generic]                 2615    7949  32.9% -lh5- 5b15 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/i18n/
[generic]                 1761    4534  38.8% -lh5- 408d Mar  2  2008 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/Install.txt
[generic]                  382     598  63.9% -lh5- 71d7 Apr 30  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/kill_mldonkey
[generic]                  536    1207  44.4% -lh5- 81d4 Aug 19  2004 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/make_buginfo
[generic]                  182     268  67.9% -lh5- 1588 Jan  3  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/mldonkey_command
[generic]                   76      83  91.6% -lh5- 76f7 Feb  9  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/mldonkey_gui_started_for_macosx
[generic]                  185     265  69.8% -lh5- dff9 May 25  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/mldonkey_previewer
[generic]                 2033    5567  36.5% -lh5- 1127 Jun 26  2007 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/multiuser.txt
[generic]                 2374    5157  46.0% -lh5- 187a Oct 23  2006 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/distrib/Todo.txt
[generic]                 6492   17419  37.3% -lh5- a389 Apr  2  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/BitTorrent.html
[generic]                79287  207497  38.2% -lh5- 27f9 Feb 15  2007 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/ChangeLog.old
[generic]                  408     676  60.4% -lh5- c2a6 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/dc.txt
[generic]                 3868   13915  27.8% -lh5- ff9f Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/dc1.txt
[generic]                 3073   36918   8.3% -lh5- 4177 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/dc2.html
[generic]                 4986   17879  27.9% -lh5- 8a0b Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/dc3.txt
[generic]                 2292    5438  42.1% -lh5- 50d2 Apr 22  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/developers/Developers.txt
[generic]                 1702    4159  40.9% -lh5- a91a Apr 22  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/developers/interface_protocol.txt
[generic]                 2251    5422  41.5% -lh5- e591 Apr 22  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/developers/mldonkey-design.tex
[generic]                  331     741  44.7% -lh5- baa2 Mar 11  2007 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/developers/sources_tree.txt
[generic]                12623   33697  37.5% -lh5- e909 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/gnutella.txt
[generic]                34615   44425  77.9% -lh5- 0a1b Aug  4  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/gnutella_protocol_0.4.pdf
[generic]                   63      72  87.5% -lh5- 17d2 May 19  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/http-1.1.txt
[generic]                  131     131 100.0% -lh0- 6856 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/c2c.gif
[generic]                  131     131 100.0% -lh0- 8f15 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/c2cf.gif
[generic]                  143     143 100.0% -lh0- 16de Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/c2s.gif
[generic]                  143     143 100.0% -lh0- 78b7 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/c2sf.gif
[generic]                  143     143 100.0% -lh0- ab6e Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/s2c.gif
[generic]                  143     143 100.0% -lh0- 679c Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/s2cf.gif
[generic]                  138     138 100.0% -lh0- a3f6 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/s2s.gif
[generic]                  138     138 100.0% -lh0- b434 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/images/s2sf.gif
[generic]                 1702    4159  40.9% -lh5- a91a Sep 21  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/interface_protocol.txt
[generic]                 2249    5422  41.5% -lh5- dddc Mar  2  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/mldonkey-design.tex
[generic]                16270   47650  34.1% -lh5- 9348 Jun 26  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/napster-protocol.txt
[generic]                  327     566  57.8% -lh5- 467f Aug  4  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/napster-undocumented-messages.txt
[generic]                10922   30256  36.1% -lh5- bc78 Dec  9  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/OpenFT-nodes.txt
[generic]                 5293   14014  37.8% -lh5- d321 Dec  9  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/OpenFT.txt
[generic]                 6734   16928  39.8% -lh5- a443 Aug  4  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/opennap-readme.txt
[generic]                 2288    6331  36.1% -lh5- 5422 Jul 18  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/overnet.txt
[generic]                21849   68217  32.0% -lh5- 5614 Aug  4  2002 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/slavanap.txt
[generic]                 9707   49284  19.7% -lh5- 56b7 Apr  2  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/soulseek_protocol.html
[generic]                 6251   17763  35.2% -lh5- e3c1 Apr  2  2003 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/uri-res.txt
[generic]                   60      61  98.4% -lh5- 2ba3 May 19  2005 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/docs/uri.txt
[generic]              2582544 7559747  34.2% -lh5- 2255 Feb 27  2009 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/mlnet
[generic]              1140363 2431508  46.9% -lh5- 77f8 Feb 27  2009 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/tools/copysources
[generic]              1180848 2592381  45.6% -lh5- c59c Feb 27  2009 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/tools/get_range
[generic]              1508422 3595897  41.9% -lh5- 107c Feb 27  2009 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/tools/make_torrent
[generic]              1183275 2603283  45.5% -lh5- 0a75 Feb 27  2009 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/tools/mld_hash
[generic]              1142201 2438617  46.8% -lh5- 26ec Feb 27  2009 mldonkey-3.0.0-morphos/tools/subconv
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        97 files 9140832 22359191  40.9%            Dec 11 19:47
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