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Short:p2p client, MorphOS port
Author:Kenny Dahlroth
Uploader:Kenny Dahlroth <kenny dahlroth gmail com>
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MLDonkey 3.1.0 ported for MorphOS 2011/12/03 by dake

You should follow this steps:

1. Download tokai's old archive of MLDonkey 
"", this contains
startscript and some other useful informations.

2. Extract it to your disc (anywhere you want)

3. Put the files from my archive to the same place (this will overwrite some
files, this is ok)

4. Double click the "MLDonkey" icon, wait until it says something about "Core
started", (If this is the first time you start MLDonkey all needed
directories and *.ini files are created)

5. Download all your torrent files and put them in

6. Open this link "http://localhost:4080/" in your browser and press the
button "Transfers", this will show you the progress of the download

7. The downloaded files can be found in <your-mldonkey-dir>/incoming/files/
or <your-mldonkey-dir>/incoming/directories/

8. If you want to quit MLDonkey, just double click the "Kill_MLDonkey" icon
or press CTRL-C in the shell window

After this, just repeat step 4 to 8 to download more files.

If you already use MLDonkey you can simply drop the files from my archive in
your old MLDonkey installation.
But if you encounter problems, you should do a clean install, like above.
There is also useful informations in tokai's archive.

Support of DHT.
Selection of files to download from a torrent.

My intention was never to make a release, I just wanted a newer MLDonkey, but
what the heck, here you are.
There is some untested stuff in the Tools drawer, use it at your own risk.
This port has no support for large files.

If MLDonkey refuses to start, simply delete all files ended with ".tmp", when
you start MLDonkey you can read about which file is causing the trouble
before it shuts down. 

Contents of comm/tcp/mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 9350   23670  39.5% -lh5- 601f Aug  7 11:25 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/ChangeLog
[generic]                  568     929  61.1% -lh5- a61e Oct 23  2006 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/Authors.txt
[generic]                  436     831  52.5% -lh5- 9d04 Oct 23  2006 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/Bugs.txt
[generic]                 9350   23670  39.5% -lh5- 601f Aug  7 11:25 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/ChangeLog
[generic]                 7026   18018  39.0% -lh5- e93c Feb  6  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/Copying.txt
[generic]                 2265    5388  42.0% -lh5- 883d Aug  7  2010 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/Developers.txt
[generic]                  490     810  60.5% -lh5- 0776 Aug 28  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/ed2k_links.txt
[generic]                11926   12529  95.2% -lh5- 3bd4 Sep  1  2008 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/ed2k_mozilla/mldonkey_protocol_handler-2.5.xpi
[generic]                  107     168  63.7% -lh5- 2742 Mar  4  2003 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/ed2k_submit/ed2k.protocol
[generic]                  109     119  91.6% -lh5- f822 Mar 28  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/ed2k_submit/mldonkey
[generic]                  858    1613  53.2% -lh5- d728 Apr 19  2007 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/ed2k_submit/mldonkey_submit
[generic]                 1021    1871  54.6% -lh5- 21a6 Mar 28  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/ed2k_submit/README.MLdonkeySubmit
[generic]                 1707    3536  48.3% -lh5- 70fb Jan 12  2006 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/GeoIP_LICENSE.txt
[generic]                 1103    4406  25.0% -lh5- 2813 Oct 25  2006 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/commands.html
[generic]                  701    2253  31.1% -lh5- 1383 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/dh.css
[generic]                  115     145  79.3% -lh5- aef6 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/dheader.html
[generic]                  138     234  59.0% -lh5- f19b Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/di.js
[generic]                  182     460  39.6% -lh5- ebec Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/frames.html
[generic]                 1441    6354  22.7% -lh5- 22c8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/h.css
[generic]                  113     143  79.0% -lh5- ffe8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/header.html
[generic]                 2374    7279  32.6% -lh5- 1b50 Jul 17  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/ease/i.js
[generic]                 1385    6550  21.1% -lh5- d2eb Oct 25  2006 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/commands.html
[generic]                  701    2253  31.1% -lh5- 1383 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/dh.css
[generic]                  115     145  79.3% -lh5- aef6 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/dheader.html
[generic]                  138     234  59.0% -lh5- f19b Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/di.js
[generic]                  189     467  40.5% -lh5- d317 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/frames.html
[generic]                 1441    6354  22.7% -lh5- 22c8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/h.css
[generic]                  113     143  79.0% -lh5- ffe8 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/header.html
[generic]                 1386    3780  36.7% -lh5- ba57 Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/html_themes/old/i.js
[generic]                 2679    7360  36.4% -lh5- 5f5f Nov 21  2003 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/gui_messages.ini.catalan
[generic]                 2921    7845  37.2% -lh5- d6ca Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 2610    7449  35.0% -lh5- da89 Dec  2  2003 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/gui_messages.ini.dutch
[generic]                 2306    6851  33.7% -lh5- 9222 Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/gui_messages.ini.en
[generic]                 2525    7134  35.4% -lh5- b660 Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 2503    7134  35.1% -lh5- 034e Oct 23  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 2584    7692  33.6% -lh5- f82c Jan 14  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 2596    7679  33.8% -lh5- 7d33 Mar 13  2003 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/gui_messages.ini.pt_BR
[generic]                 2745    7625  36.0% -lh5- 3069 Feb 20  2003 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/gui_messages.ini.sp
[generic]                 2862    7857  36.4% -lh5- 50c8 May 25  2003 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 2731    8042  34.0% -lh5- 3bdd Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/mlnet_strings.catalan
[generic]                 2643    7827  33.8% -lh5- 33d2 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                24373   73344  33.2% -lh5- 8799 Aug  7  2010 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/mlnet_strings.de_DE.utf8
[generic]                 2526    7585  33.3% -lh5- 92c6 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/mlnet_strings.dutch
[generic]                10591   44420  23.8% -lh5- e094 May  2  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 1436    4115  34.9% -lh5- a9a0 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 2688    8146  33.0% -lh5- 3aed Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                17845   76361  23.4% -lh5- bafc Aug  7  2010 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/mlnet_strings.it_IT.UTF-8
[generic]                 2721    8202  33.2% -lh5- 3449 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/mlnet_strings.pt_BR
[generic]                39791  133027  29.9% -lh5- ca06 Oct 28  2010 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/mlnet_strings.ru_RU.UTF-8
[generic]                 2785    8330  33.4% -lh5- 8e28 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/mlnet_strings.sp
[generic]                 2615    7949  32.9% -lh5- 5b15 Aug 26  2005 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/i18n/
[generic]                 1761    4534  38.8% -lh5- 408d Mar  2  2008 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/Install.txt
[generic]                  382     598  63.9% -lh5- 71d7 Apr 30  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/kill_mldonkey
[generic]                  536    1207  44.4% -lh5- 81d4 Aug 19  2004 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/make_buginfo
[generic]                  182     268  67.9% -lh5- 1588 Jan  3  2006 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/mldonkey_command
[generic]                   76      83  91.6% -lh5- 76f7 Feb  9  2002 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/mldonkey_gui_started_for_macosx
[generic]                  185     265  69.8% -lh5- dff9 May 25  2003 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/mldonkey_previewer
[generic]                 2033    5567  36.5% -lh5- 1127 Jun 26  2007 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/multiuser.txt
[generic]                 2375    5159  46.0% -lh5- 5111 Aug  7  2010 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Dokumentation/Todo.txt
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 8c25 Dec  3 18:12 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Kill_MLDonkey
[generic]                 5137    5137 100.0% -lh0- 8ba1 Dec  3 18:05 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/
[generic]                  975    1899  51.3% -lh5- 04d0 Dec  4 21:38 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/MLDonkey.readme
[generic]                 7157    7290  98.2% -lh5- 0ddc Nov  7  2006 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/
[generic]              3079565 12803713  24.1% -lh5- 73bf Dec  3 09:34 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/mlnet
[generic]               487708 1667431  29.2% -lh5- c60a Dec  3 16:43 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Tools/bt_dht_node
[generic]               438827 1470207  29.8% -lh5- c301 Dec  3 16:43 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Tools/copysources
[generic]               480766 1637605  29.4% -lh5- 1ad3 Dec  3 16:43 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Tools/get_range
[generic]               837302 2764540  30.3% -lh5- e42b Dec  3 16:43 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Tools/make_torrent
[generic]               483513 1648507  29.3% -lh5- bb8e Dec  3 16:43 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Tools/mld_hash
[generic]               440533 1477316  29.8% -lh5- 0f63 Dec  3 16:43 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Tools/subconv
[generic]               105696  105696 100.0% -lh0- c6da Nov 28 23:25 mldonkey-3.1.0-morphos/Tools/wget
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        71 files 6570685 24203400  27.1%            Dec  5 06:22

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