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Short:NetConnect v2 Service Pack 3
Author:Active Technologies et al
Uploader:mark_k totalise co uk
Requires:NetConnect v2 CD-ROM
Download:comm/tcp/nc23.lha - View contents

Note from uploader: The NetConnect v2 service packs were formerly available
from Active Technologies' web site at Active
Technologies seems to be out of business and their site is no longer online.
The service packs were also formerly on the Haage & Partner FTP site, but are
no longer there either. These updates will still be useful for those who have
(for example) bought a used copy of the NetConnect v2 CD.

The text below was taken from the Active Technologies site on 3 May 1999. You
can read the HTML version at

The cachebrowser.lha archive mentioned below is still available from

-- Mark

NetConnect 2 Updates

Welcome to the NetConnect 2 Update area. This area contains upgrades, fixes
and additions to the NetConnect 2 compilation.

Date      Update Information                                             Size

08        NetConnect v2.3 Service Pack                                    640K
February  nc23.lha
1999      A new service pack is available, v2.3. This contains a few
          small changes and additions to Genesis (v1.0.4), Microdot-II
          (v1.2) and X-Arc (v1.3b).


            · You *must* be using the NetConnect v2.2 service pack,
              before installing v2.3, or the programs within this
              service pack will not function!

28        NetConnect v2.2 Service Pack                                   1.7MB
January   nc22.lha
1999      The long awaited NetConnect service pack v2.2 is now available
          for download. This contains updates to Genesis (new prefs
          layout for NC v2.1 users, new PPP features and more smaller
          changes), Microdot-II (many bugfixes, improvements and some
          major features like PGP), Contact Manager (minor enhancements,
          sorting) and X-Arc (minor fixes and a major new feature -
          ability to install from within an archive).


            · If you are a NC v2.0 user you *must* download and install
              the NC v2.1 service pack, *before* installing the NC v2.2

            · If you are a NC v2.1 user you will *need* to run
              'genesis_converter' which is located within your 'AmiTCP:'
              drawer, after installation. This changes your current
              configuration in order to work with the new prefs

19        NetConnect v2.1 Service Pack                                   1.1MB
October   nc21.lha
98        At last, the first service pack for NetConnect v2. This
          contains updates for Genesis, AmIRC, Microdot-II, X-Arc and the
          Contact Manager.

31        Voyager Cachebrowser                                           14 kb
July      cachebrowser.lha
98        Due to a mis-match with the Voyager cachebrowser version/date
          numbering, here is a newer cache browser which works with the
          Voyager included with the NetConnect v2 CD. Extract and copy
          over the old Cachebrowser in the Voyager drawer.

Contents of comm/tcp/nc23.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  331     574  57.7% -lh5- 922e Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/CostPrefs.catalog
[generic]                 3483    8572  40.6% -lh5- 2b56 Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/Genesis.catalog
[generic]                 8262   21060  39.2% -lh5- 059d Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/GenesisPrefs.catalog
[generic]                 5727   14694  39.0% -lh5- cd5e Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/GenesisWizard.catalog
[generic]                  471     826  57.0% -lh5- 96e9 Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/Report.catalog
[generic]                  245     412  59.5% -lh5- 4efb Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/SOCKSdPrefs.catalog
[generic]                  379     634  59.8% -lh5- 62aa Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/SOCKSPrefs.catalog
[generic]                  734    1406  52.2% -lh5- 34bd Feb  7  1999 2.3/Catalogs/Italiano/Italiano/UserPrefs.catalog
[generic]                35482   68124  52.1% -lh5- 6fbf Feb  6  1999 2.3/Genesis/Genesis
[generic]                  776    1540  50.4% -lh5- a3cc Feb  8  1999 2.3/Genesis/Genesis.txt
[generic]                58705  133876  43.9% -lh5- 08df Feb  6  1999 2.3/Genesis/GenesisPrefs
[generic]                  344     634  54.3% -lh5- 63bc Feb  8  1999 2.3/Genesis/GenesisPrefs.txt
[generic]               103117  180872  57.0% -lh5- 58fa Feb  6  1999 2.3/Genesis/GenesisWizard
[generic]                  323     592  54.6% -lh5- eea9 Feb  8  1999 2.3/Genesis/GenesisWizard.txt
[generic]                  863    5447  15.8% -lh5- 4723 Feb  8  1999 2.3/Install
[generic]                  501    1199  41.8% -lh5- 0326 Feb  7  1999 2.3/
[generic]                16768   29084  57.7% -lh5- b0c0 Feb  6  1999 2.3/libs/vapor_toolkit.library
[generic]               191164  191164 100.0% -lh0- 54f6 Feb  7  1999 2.3/Microdot-II/Microdot
[generic]                 1083    2085  51.9% -lh5- f756 Feb  8  1999 2.3/Microdot-II/Microdot.readme
[generic]                 2313    4584  50.5% -lh5- dd77 Nov  7  1998 2.3/MUI/NFloattext.mcc
[generic]                67810  133224  50.9% -lh5- 0d36 Nov  7  1998 2.3/MUI/NList.mcc
[generic]                 3520    7488  47.0% -lh5- f56a Nov  7  1998 2.3/MUI/NListview.mcc
[generic]                11834   32196  36.8% -lh5- bdfe Nov  7  1998 2.3/MUI/NListviews.mcp
[generic]                21132   43808  48.2% -lh5- 79c8 Jun 15  1998 2.3/MUI/Term.mcc
[generic]                15347   32056  47.9% -lh5- 6501 Feb  7  1999 2.3/MUI/Textinput.mcc
[generic]                 5634   12192  46.2% -lh5- ffb4 Feb  7  1999 2.3/MUI/Textinput.mcp
[generic]                 1431    2276  62.9% -lh5- fce1 Feb  7  1999 2.3/MUI/Textinputscroll.mcc
[generic]                81779   87420  93.5% -lh5- e57e Feb  8  1999 2.3/X-Arc/X-Arc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        28 files  639558 1018039  62.8%            Dec 22  2002
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