NetBar 6.0 is the all in one Internet survival kit. It consists of a
central button bar for launching your Net app`s and can also start
your dialler scripts etc and more.
**NOTE fixed three bugs: base64 now autonames if no filename found
UUencoded files now work in ConView menu
NetBar help now works if not used installer
NetBar can also:-
Auto detect common filetypes and launch corresponding program *
Extract/decode most archive/encoding formats (PC & Amiga) *
Play most common animation/movie formats *
Display most common picture formats *
Encode files with either UU or Mime for Usenet/E-mail etc *
Archive files (with lha) for Aminet etc *
NetBar is fully configurable (read guide file for more)
* uses external helper programs (lha etc see guide for more)
Gui4Cli v2.2 or above installed and running (aminet/dev/gui/gui4cli.lha)
OS 2.04 or above
asl.library (in libs)
8 colour (or more) WorkBench palette (preferably MWB)
times.font (WorkBench one or Topaz will be used EERRR!)
Only required if file viewer/player/extractor etc is to be used:
Various helper programs (lha, play16 etc see guide for more)
Thats all I`am afraid, but it`s a start.