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Short: | V1.00 Create HTML page for dir+sub contents +src |
Author: | mark kontumnam.freeserve.co.uk (Mark Weller) |
Uploader: | mark kontumnam freeserve co uk (Mark Weller) |
Type: | comm/www |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2000-02-04 |
Download: | comm/www/LdirHTML.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/www/LdirHTML.readme |
Downloads: | 749 |
This simple program searches a given directory and creates a HTML file
'dir.html' in the given directory - containing a table with file contents
and file size.
Depending on filetype, the file can be downloaded, viewed .........
The program puts the Date the file was created at the top of the
HTML page (dd/mm/yyyy).
This is all I wanted for myself - but I have added the following to make
the program a bit more useful.
The program also creates a HTML file 'sub.html' in the given directory -
containing a table of all the subdirectorys. (There is a link inside
'dir.html' to this file) The subdirectory names in the table link to
thier own 'dir.html' and so on - creating a tree like effect.
-*-Note-*- you have to create the HTML file (using this program) for
each directory & subdirectory seperate. You could easy change
the source code do a whole harddrive or partition.
This is a cli program or like me set up a button or menu option in
Dopus/DirWork (any version) passing the directory name.
LdirHTML <-vb> [directoryname] <table border size>
<-vb> Options -
v : Verbose - List files (sub dir) being processed.
b : use chosen table border size
(default size is 0 - no border).
<directoryname> - directory to be processed.
LdirHTML -vb Work: 2
This will create HTML page 'dir.html' with a table of 'Work:' files
contents with file size's & create HTML page 'sub.html' with a table
of 'Work:' subdirectorys - the tables border size will be set to '2'.
Files being processed will be displayed on console.
LdirHTML Work:
Same as above but no table border & no output display to console.
I have included the source code with this program - I used Dice to
compile it, but should compile using any compiler with some simple
changes marked (amiga) .
If you find this program or source code useful please e-mail me
if not - sorry for wasting your time!
-*- Mark Weller -*-
Contents of comm/www/LdirHTML.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 856 1636 52.3% -lh5- 1763 Feb 3 2000 LdirHTML.info
[generic] 1017 3093 32.9% -lh5- 3da4 Jan 27 1980 LdirHTML/date.c
[generic] 990 1880 52.7% -lh5- 18d5 Jan 27 1980 LdirHTML/date.o
[generic] 7940 13856 57.3% -lh5- 565e Feb 3 2000 LdirHTML/LdirHTML
[generic] 2361 9627 24.5% -lh5- a849 Feb 3 2000 LdirHTML/LdirHTML.c
[generic] 1046 2363 44.3% -lh5- 45a2 Feb 3 2000 LdirHTML/LdirHTML.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 14210 32455 43.8% Feb 4 2000
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