84794 packages online
comm/yam/YAMMRexxScript.lha |
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This archive contains 3 rexx scripts that allow you to do
the following:
Script #1:
-- SpellChecker.rexx --
This script allows you to use AlphaSpell within YAM.
You will not be able to highlight a word in YAMs editor and
then send it to AlphaSpell, but the rexx script will open
a window which allows you to spellcheck the document or a
word. And then it will bring the results of the spellcheck
back to YAM, with suggestions if needed. There is a demo
version of AlphaSpell on Aminet, but you will have put up
with nerve requesters until you register.
Script #2:
-- FindAddresses.rexx --
This script will search a selected YAM email and return
a list of all found internet addresses in a window lister.
Which will then allow you to send that address to another
program. That program can be either of the following:
AWeb (http), IBrowse (http), DOpus (ftp) and back to YAM
Those are the only supported programs right now. Any program
that has an arexx port can be used actually. With sending it
back to YAM you can either insert the address into the address
book, or it can be made into a letter with contents optional.
Script #3:
-- Smileys&Acronyms.rexx --
This script will open a window which will show you the
meanings of certain Internet lingo. Smileys are those faces
you see, :-) , :-( , =:^\ , etc... about 200 different ones.
Acronyms are those intials, usually capital, that stand for
something special. BTW, AFAIK, FYI, FUBAR :-), etc...about 30.
All scripts must be in a sub-directory of "Yam:rexx" called
"MUIRexxScripts". Example: "Yam:rexx/MUIRexxScripts/". Inside
this directory will contain all the rexx scripts from this archive.
There will be 6 arexx scripts, plus the 2 words lists. The two
words are optional, since my program will make the word lists
if they are not found.
Next you will have to open YAMs config file and insert the rexx
scripts into YAMs menu. Insert the "Start" rexx scripts, not the
main rexx scripts. MUIrexx scripts will not work if you do not
use the "Start"... scripts.
Example: (Yam ".config" file)
RexxMenu4 = YAM:Rexx/MUIRexxScripts/StartFindAddresses.rexx
RexxMenu5 = YAM:Rexx/MUIRexxScripts/StartSpellChecker.rexx
RexxMenu6 = YAM:Rexx/MUIRexxScripts/StartSmileys&Acronyms.rexx
And of course, you will have to download the AlphaSpell archive
and install that separately.
That's all folks :)
Frank Lahr -- Visual Tnt (VTnt)
email: vtnt@newnorth.net
Contents of comm/yam/YAMMRexxScript.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1305 2967 44.0% -lh5- 6ee0 Sep 30 1997 MuiRexxScripts.readme
[generic] 550 896 61.4% -lh5- c8a7 Jul 15 1997 muirexxscripts/.acronyms
[generic] 2324 5622 41.3% -lh5- 5c28 Jul 15 1997 muirexxscripts/.smileys
[generic] 4853 20310 23.9% -lh5- 57d8 Sep 30 1997 muirexxscripts/FindAddresses.rexx
[generic] 6063 23989 25.3% -lh5- 3623 Sep 30 1997 muirexxscripts/Smileys&Acronyms.rexx
[generic] 3586 15464 23.2% -lh5- 9ed6 Sep 30 1997 muirexxscripts/SpellChecker.rexx
[generic] 257 596 43.1% -lh5- 29bd Sep 30 1997 muirexxscripts/StartFindAddresses.rexx
[generic] 265 602 44.0% -lh5- 47c1 Sep 30 1997 muirexxscripts/StartSmileys&Acronyms.rexx
[generic] 261 597 43.7% -lh5- c15b Sep 30 1997 muirexxscripts/StartSpellChecker.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 19464 71043 27.4% Oct 2 1997
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