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comm/yam/YAMscripts.lha |
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This archive contains several AREXX-scripts I've written for Marcel Becks's
(mbeck@access.ch) great mail program YAM. They were written for version
1.3.4 and might not work with older versions. Many of them require reqtools
and rexxreqtools libraries.
If you have any questions, comments or bugs to report, send mail to knikulai@utu.fi
These and other scripts can also be found on my ARexx page at
Some of the scripts in this archive are:
This script will change the selected message in the Outgoing folder
so that it will be sent via a remailer.
Reads a file and adds the contents to the headers of all messages in
the outgoing folder. Not very useful in my opinion, but several people
requested for it, so here it is :-)
Scans all your folders and displays which of them have new or unread
messages in them. Very useful, if you have lots of folders; just let
the script scan your messages and select the folder you want to read
next from a requester. The script is pretty fast compared to earlier
Removes old messages from the folder automatically.
This script changes quote marks which aren't supported by all fonts
to ordinary quotes. No more annoying squares in the messages...
You can create an automated filearchive with this script. Others can
get files from it by sending a request in e-mail. The script will reply
and attach the required file in the reply. It can also send a helpfile
or a current index of the archive. This version is much more versatile
than the old script, it can for example display contents of archived
Scans all messages in the current folder for e-mail addresses and
displays them in a requester. From that requester addresses can be
added to the YAM addresbook.
Scans the selected message and displays all http: and ftp: references
in a requester. You can select one of them and send it to your browser.
Currently supported browsers are AWeb, IBrowse and Voyager.
GrabAllURLs.rexx & MakeHotlist.rexx
These scripts scan all _read_ messages in the current folder for http:
and ftp: references like the above script. The first then displays a
requester and second creates a HTML-file and sends it to your browser.
Joins and uudecodes multipart messages. Can be used with for example
many ftp-mailers and SplitNMail.rexx.
PGPRead.rexx & PGPWrite.rexx
These scripts try to make usng PGP a bit simpler and quicker.
Search current folder for a word.
This script will split a long file into several posts and mail them.
This is useful for posting long files to many mailing lists and newsgroups.
Changes the editor button to 'add tagline' -button . Supports multiple
tagfiles and multi-line tags.
Simpy marks the current message as unread.
Combines multipart messages. I use this script to join X-Files fanfic
mailings into a single file.
Use YAM to send mail from AWeb. Asks, if you want to include the current
page. This version can get the subject from the URL. I'm not sure how
it will work with the commercial version, since I only have the old demo.
What to do, when the scripts will not work?
First of all you need to check a few things:
- Do you have YAM running? The scripts can be started from shell or
whatever program you are using, but they need to have YAM running first.
- Do you have ARexx running? If not, you might want to add line
'run <>nil: RexxMast' to your startup-sequence
- Do you have rx-command in sys:rexxc, where YAM looks for it?
- Do you have all the required libraries?
- Did you configure the script correctly? This means editing path and
filenames in the script and setting the correct path & command in
If you still have problems, keep YAM running in the background and execute
the script from shell by typing 'rx yam:rexx/scriptname'. That way you
will see the error message which usually is 'Missing quote' or 'Unfinished
comment' which are both really easy to correct.
If you still can't get a script work, execute it from shell by typing
'rx >ram:error yam:rexx/scriptname' and send the created file ram:error
to kajun@sci.fi and I'll try to fix the problem.
Have fun!
Listing of archive 'YAMscripts.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2118 1032 51.2% 14-Apr-97 17:06:02 AddXheader.rexx
: Copies X-Headers from a file to all messages in Outgoing folder v1.1
1478 800 45.8% 16-May-97 14:50:28 ChangeConfig.rexx
: Select new configuration from several available ones v1.0
976 558 42.8% 16-May-97 14:57:14 LoadConfig.rexx
: Load a new configuration v1.0
3061 1332 56.4% 04-Jan-97 17:14:34 Tagline2.rexx
: Changes the 'Editor' button to 'Add a random tagline' button. V1.0
3427 1601 53.2% 24-Jun-97 20:22:56 ArchiveFolder.rexx
: Renames messages to their subject and archives all messages in a folder v1.1
3316 1562 52.8% 24-Jun-97 20:25:02 ArchiveMsgs.rexx
: Use string pattern to decide which msgs are moved to a .lha archive v1.1
2116 1094 48.2% 25-Jun-97 19:20:22 CountryCode.rexx
: Sends addresses from a message to CountryCodes. v1.0
1587 827 47.8% 07-Jul-97 19:46:28 DecodeFolder.rexx
: Decodes all messages in the folder with munpack
660 393 40.4% 17-Feb-97 16:49:36 DeleteFolder.rexx
: Quickly deletes all messages in a folder v1.0
581 338 41.8% 04-Dec-96 11:50:46 DeleteRead.rexx
: Deletes read messages from current folder
996 490 50.8% 02-Apr-97 17:19:48 DispHTML.rexx
: Display a message with a WWW-browser v1.0
363 233 35.8% 10-Apr-97 17:23:52 Edit.rexx
: Quickly edits a message in any folder v1.0
11667 4161 64.3% 27-Jun-97 13:56:06 Fileserver2.rexx
: Better, improved Fileserver. v2.2
1061 524 50.6% 21-Apr-97 13:39:34 GEOhide.rexx
: Hides the HTML code from YAM in Geocities mails and replies v 1.0
1261 596 52.7% 21-Apr-97 13:26:46 GEOreply.rexx
: Replies the message instead of the HTML code in Geocities mails v 1.0
2816 1272 54.8% 27-May-97 12:27:20 PGPread.rexx
: Read and reply PGP encoded messages with YAM v 1.1
1326 739 44.2% 27-May-97 12:26:24 PGPwrite.rexx
: Write a PGP encoded message v 1.1
1050 500 52.3% 29-May-97 15:21:32 RandomSample.rexx
: Plays a random sample when mail arrives v1.0
3054 1324 56.6% 24-Jun-97 20:29:52 search.rexx
: Search current folder for a word v1.1
1230 671 45.4% 24-Jun-97 20:34:04 ShowSubjects.rexx
: Copy message subject to filenote. Makes identifying files in shell easier v1.1
3364 1432 57.4% 24-Jun-97 20:48:10 SplitNMail.rexx
: YAM script to split a long file into several posts 1.2
4788 1931 59.6% 09-Jun-97 13:01:08 tagline.rexx
: Append random taglines to outgoing mail. Now with multiple tagfiles! v1.4
316 225 28.7% 17-Dec-96 01:07:44 Unread.rexx
: Marks the current message as unread and updates folder index v1.1
1380 661 52.1% 22-Oct-97 23:37:54 Anonymize.rexx
: Use an anonymous remailer to send a message v1.0
1171 661 43.5% 01-Sep-97 19:28:22 ChangeSubject.rexx
: Displays a string requester and allows you to change the subject v 1.0
4345 1870 56.9% 09-Jul-97 11:25:30 CheckNewMail.rexx
: Checks YAM for new/unread mail and displays a 'select folder'-requester (v1.6)
1456 760 47.8% 11-Sep-97 20:48:22 DeleteOld.rexx
: Remove old messages from current folder v1.0
1859 909 51.1% 24-Sep-97 20:32:24 FixQuotes.rexx
: Changes special quotes to ordinary ones 1.1
4077 1722 57.7% 24-Sep-97 09:54:10 GetAddresses.rexx
: Scan folder for e-mail addresses v1.2
6304 2208 64.9% 20-Jul-97 12:48:38 GrabAllURLs.rexx
: Grabs URLs from all read messages in the folder V1.3
4909 2007 59.1% 20-Jul-97 12:48:16 GrabURL.rexx
: Grabs URLs from a message, displays them and sends one to your browser V1.5
5989 2465 58.8% 17-Oct-97 12:38:20 Join.rexx
: Join and uudecode a multipart posting. V1.3
7778 3149 59.5% 07-Sep-97 11:23:22 MakeDigest.rexx
: Joins several messages into one message v 1.2
5122 2075 59.4% 18-Jul-97 20:25:56 MakeHotlist.rexx
: Grabs URLs from messages, creates a hotlist and sends it to a browser v1.2
1803 861 52.2% 15-Jul-97 20:47:22 RemDupl.rexx
: Remove duplicate messages from folder v 1.3
2766 1214 56.1% 20-Jul-97 10:01:04 SigReply.rexx
: Domain dependent signatures! v1.1
7046 2805 60.1% 11-Sep-97 22:04:36 WholeStory.rexx
: Combine several messages into one story v1.6
2330 1140 51.0% 12-Oct-97 18:37:42 Find.rexx
: Searches Subject: and From: headers v1.0
937 529 43.5% 27-Jun-97 19:18:16 YAMmail.rexx
: Send mail from a browser with YAM
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
111884 48671 56.4% 23-Oct-97 21:06:18 39 files
Contents of comm/yam/YAMscripts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1032 2118 48.7% -lh5- a2b4 Apr 14 1997 AddXheader.rexx
[generic] 800 1478 54.1% -lh5- feb9 May 16 1997 ChangeConfig.rexx
[generic] 558 976 57.2% -lh5- 5c9d May 16 1997 LoadConfig.rexx
[generic] 1332 3061 43.5% -lh5- dcf6 Jan 4 1997 Tagline2.rexx
[generic] 1601 3427 46.7% -lh5- aa16 Jun 24 1997 ArchiveFolder.rexx
[generic] 1562 3316 47.1% -lh5- dca9 Jun 24 1997 ArchiveMsgs.rexx
[generic] 1094 2116 51.7% -lh5- 1717 Jun 25 1997 CountryCode.rexx
[generic] 827 1587 52.1% -lh5- f0d4 Jul 7 1997 DecodeFolder.rexx
[generic] 393 660 59.5% -lh5- 605f Feb 17 1997 DeleteFolder.rexx
[generic] 338 581 58.2% -lh5- b5e9 Dec 4 1996 DeleteRead.rexx
[generic] 490 996 49.2% -lh5- 3248 Apr 2 1997 DispHTML.rexx
[generic] 233 363 64.2% -lh5- 858c Apr 10 1997 Edit.rexx
[generic] 4161 11667 35.7% -lh5- 9e55 Jun 27 1997 Fileserver2.rexx
[generic] 524 1061 49.4% -lh5- 5856 Apr 21 1997 GEOhide.rexx
[generic] 596 1261 47.3% -lh5- a6f7 Apr 21 1997 GEOreply.rexx
[generic] 1272 2816 45.2% -lh5- 7efe May 27 1997 PGPread.rexx
[generic] 739 1326 55.7% -lh5- fe4b May 27 1997 PGPwrite.rexx
[generic] 500 1050 47.6% -lh5- 3019 May 29 1997 RandomSample.rexx
[generic] 1324 3054 43.4% -lh5- 2965 Jun 24 1997 search.rexx
[generic] 671 1230 54.6% -lh5- 929a Jun 24 1997 ShowSubjects.rexx
[generic] 1432 3364 42.6% -lh5- d282 Jun 24 1997 SplitNMail.rexx
[generic] 1931 4788 40.3% -lh5- cf03 Jun 9 1997 tagline.rexx
[generic] 225 316 71.2% -lh5- c558 Dec 17 1996 Unread.rexx
[generic] 661 1380 47.9% -lh5- 1674 Oct 22 1997 Anonymize.rexx
[generic] 661 1171 56.4% -lh5- 05bf Sep 1 1997 ChangeSubject.rexx
[generic] 1870 4345 43.0% -lh5- e6b5 Jul 9 1997 CheckNewMail.rexx
[generic] 760 1456 52.2% -lh5- 41ce Sep 11 1997 DeleteOld.rexx
[generic] 909 1859 48.9% -lh5- f5e8 Sep 24 1997 FixQuotes.rexx
[generic] 1722 4077 42.2% -lh5- 03e5 Sep 24 1997 GetAddresses.rexx
[generic] 2208 6304 35.0% -lh5- daa4 Jul 20 1997 GrabAllURLs.rexx
[generic] 2007 4909 40.9% -lh5- eade Jul 20 1997 GrabURL.rexx
[generic] 2465 5989 41.2% -lh5- e5e0 Oct 17 1997 Join.rexx
[generic] 3149 7778 40.5% -lh5- 2baa Sep 7 1997 MakeDigest.rexx
[generic] 2075 5122 40.5% -lh5- 47d0 Jul 18 1997 MakeHotlist.rexx
[generic] 861 1803 47.8% -lh5- 6365 Jul 15 1997 RemDupl.rexx
[generic] 1214 2766 43.9% -lh5- ba0f Jul 20 1997 SigReply.rexx
[generic] 2805 7046 39.8% -lh5- c7a6 Sep 11 1997 WholeStory.rexx
[generic] 1140 2330 48.9% -lh5- 9675 Oct 12 1997 Find.rexx
[generic] 529 937 56.5% -lh5- eaad Jun 27 1997 YAMmail.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 39 files 48671 111884 43.5% Oct 25 1997
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