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Short:A bunch of Skid Row cracktros, 1oo% fixed and improved
Author: StingRay_DSD at
Uploader:rene wunderlich milaro com
Download:demo/intro/DKG-SRCR.lha - View contents

 \______  \_______  \_______  \__    |  \_______  \__ _________    _____/
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | \___    |    ___)__
  |    |    |   _|    |   _|    |    |    |   _|    |    |    |    |    |
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       `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'

             D A R K A G E      Anno Domini 2oo1 Presents... 

                            Skid Row Cracktros
                1oo% fixed, improved and partly recoded(!)
               done by Old-School lover StingRay as usual :)

Let's turn back the time...
Back to when I was still young, didn't smoke and hated coffee...
Back to the golden days of the early 90's...
But, we're in the year of 2oo1 now, I'm some years older, smoke
my box of cigarettes everyday and coffee is my most loved
drink nowaydays... 
                       but through the eternal night
                        the twinkling of starlight
                             so very far away
                       maybe it's only yesterday...

Well, since I still miss the good ol' days, I decided to
bring you another collection of cracktros, of course
all fixed for 68oxo machines as ever.
Enjoy this bunch of Skid Row cracktros. Some of 'em
required quite a lot of recoding! Sometimes it was
even faster to recode some routines instead of fixing 'em :)
Included is also the intro by Brainwalker, which
wasn't in the Brainwalker collection ("SR16-BlazingThunder.exe")
because it had to be recoded beyond recognition!
But it was worth to fix it, because it is a very nice intro!
Now go and watch these cuddly little intros and remember the
good ol' time!

If you have more Skid Row cracktros or you want to request
some fixes, just start your mailer using the following address:


P.S.: These intros were fixed on and for a REAL Amiga, so don't
      complain, if they refuse to work on (Win)UAE :)

I'm off, watching some demos on the good old C-64 now :)

StingRay, o5-Sep-2oo1

                       .oO OLD-SKOOL NEVER DIES! Oo.

                    ___      ___
   _____/\________/\___)    !  ¬| _____/\__________     _____/\    .____
 _/ ____ /\  __ _  /____ ___:   !/ ____ /\_______ ¬\_  / __._ ¬\___!   ¬!
 \_____\/ ¬\__/ |_/    ¬|  ¬\   /  \._\/ ¬/   ¬:  __/_/  \____  \ ¬:    :
   \_______ //  ! i____ !   \___\_________\____|     /_____!     \   ___·
 --------- \/___:----- \:   | --- [ceA!] ---    \______/ - :      \__! ---
                        ·___! we live, we die, we multiply ·_______\

 .---.----(-(   GiRL POWER? NO WAY!  ONE MAN - ONE ROUTINE   )-)---.---.
 `-./                                                               \.-'

Contents of demo/intro/DKG-SRCR.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1293    3193  40.5% -lh5- c84c Sep  5  2001 SkidRow/DKG-SRCR.readme
[generic]                25768   59952  43.0% -lh5- 662a Sep  2  2001 SkidRow/SR11-Desire.exe
[generic]                22920   61976  37.0% -lh5- 8422 Sep  2  2001 SkidRow/SR22-Oxid.exe
[generic]                14369   34656  41.5% -lh5- 6fe7 Sep  2  2001 SkidRow/SR23-Puggsy.exe
[generic]                34701   51040  68.0% -lh5- 5a03 Sep  2  2001 SkidRow/SR24-StreetRod.exe
[generic]                10307   29636  34.8% -lh5- b954 Sep  1  2001 SkidRow/SR25-Hoi.exe
[generic]                21006   71068  29.6% -lh5- cea0 Sep  1  2001 SkidRow/SR26-WCS.exe
[generic]                17372   34320  50.6% -lh5- a6f9 Aug 31  2001 SkidRow/SR27-EinmalKanzlerSein.exe
[generic]                10815   20080  53.9% -lh5- 2609 Aug 29  2001 SkidRow/SR28-Indy4.exe
[generic]                18653   97420  19.1% -lh5- bc51 Aug 27  2001 SkidRow/SR29-MCGee.exe
[generic]                 8113   20436  39.7% -lh5- 625e Aug 30  2001 SkidRow/SR30-MagicLines.exe
[generic]                15914   35028  45.4% -lh5- 9ed0 Aug 31  2001 SkidRow/SR31-MacDonaldLand.exe
[generic]                45624   74168  61.5% -lh5- b445 Aug 29  2001 SkidRow/SR32-PinballFantasies.exe
[generic]                28199   71132  39.6% -lh5- 99bc Aug 27  2001 SkidRow/SR33-RoadRash.exe
[generic]                 3760    7328  51.3% -lh5- 8f8f Aug 25  2001 SkidRow/SR34-HeartOfChina.exe
[generic]                33882   59544  56.9% -lh5- b59e Aug 24  2001 SkidRow/SR01-Moonfall.exe
[generic]                29082   57816  50.3% -lh5- 17aa Sep  4  2001 SkidRow/SR02-CrimeCity.exe
[generic]                15022   28124  53.4% -lh5- b7d7 Sep  3  2001 SkidRow/SR03-SpecialForces.exe
[generic]                20263   48500  41.8% -lh5- bef0 Aug 30  2001 SkidRow/SR04-Amos3D.exe
[generic]                42414   71268  59.5% -lh5- d16d Aug 31  2001 SkidRow/SR05-BattleChess2.exe
[generic]                15730   50488  31.2% -lh5- 8193 Aug 29  2001 SkidRow/SR12-FinalFight.exe
[generic]                24332   50628  48.1% -lh5- 8a45 Aug 25  2001 SkidRow/SR13-Transworld.exe
[generic]                23328   43128  54.1% -lh5- b1dd Sep  3  2001 SkidRow/SR14-ABCSportsBoxing.exe
[generic]                 4719   12328  38.3% -lh5- 9d21 Sep  3  2001 SkidRow/SR15-BattleCommand.exe
[generic]                17206   34740  49.5% -lh5- 2c93 Sep  3  2001 SkidRow/SR16-BlazingThunder.exe
[generic]                 2461    4664  52.8% -lh5- 5f1c Sep  1  2001 SkidRow/SR17-Corx.exe
[generic]                15772   44152  35.7% -lh5- a0b6 Sep  1  2001 SkidRow/SR19-ComputerDiplomacy.exe
[generic]                15156   67728  22.4% -lh5- d489 Sep  3  2001 SkidRow/SR20-Lemmings.exe
[generic]                20480   48780  42.0% -lh5- 3223 Sep  1  2001 SkidRow/SR21-GearWorks.exe
[generic]                 1293    3193  40.5% -lh5- c84c Sep  5  2001 DKG-SRCR.readme
[generic]                  170     367  46.3% -lh5- 73f9 Sep  5  2001 file_id.diz
[generic]                30296   54396  55.7% -lh5- f4a5 Aug 25  2001 SkidRow/SR06-LethalXcess.exe
[generic]                30307   64664  46.9% -lh5- bdde Aug 31  2001 SkidRow/SR07-SteelEmpire.exe
[generic]                10512   28692  36.6% -lh5- d77d Aug 28  2001 SkidRow/SR08-BeastIII.exe
[generic]                 5394   11520  46.8% -lh5- d51c Aug 31  2001 SkidRow/SR09-AmegaRace.exe
[generic]                25495   98588  25.9% -lh5- 22b2 Aug 26  2001 SkidRow/SR10-AustraloPiticus.exe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        36 files  662128 1554741  42.6%            Sep  9  2001
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