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demo/sound/Void-FB14-AmigaOS4.zip |
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Void presents Feedback 14 - GERP 2023 Special
This music-pack contains most of the entries from the 4-channel
Amiga music competition at GERP 2023, a demo-party arranged in
Sweden in January 2023.
Feedback on AmigaOS 4 was created using the brilliant Hollywood
by Airsoft Softwair on a Sam440 Flex running AmigaOS 4.1 FE Update 2.
It should run on most, if not all, AmigaOS 4 setups.
Coding and Packing by Puni
Intro by Powerslave
Panel by Rahow
Music by various (full list in the production itself)
Sadly, we could not get Morbid's song to work with Hollywood, but
we have included it in the archive, so that you can still listen to it. :-)
Want to contact Void?
Powerslave/Void - nick26cumbria(at)gmail.com
Puni/Void - punivoid(at)protonmail.com
Void WHQ - amigavoid.wordpress.com
Contents of demo/sound/Void-FB14-AmigaOS4.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//demo/sound/Void-FB14-AmigaOS4.zip
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
8180440 Defl:X 4721062 42% 2023-02-05 13:14 4038d355 Void-FB14.exe
63 Defl:X 62 2% 2023-02-05 13:31 1428add0 file_id.diz
789 Defl:X 485 39% 2023-02-05 13:07 11b32754 Void-FB14.readme
0 Stored 0 0% 2023-02-05 13:58 00000000 QuasiOstinato-by-Morbid/
234072 Defl:X 51139 78% 2023-01-30 21:38 7550aa0b QuasiOstinato-by-Morbid/morbid.mod
-------- ------- --- -------
8415364 4772748 43% 5 files
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