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Short:Musicdisk from Datastorm 2019
Uploader:Puni/Void (punivoid protonmail com)
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             P R E S E N T S

              Time Will Tel

               a Nah-Kolor
         (We Challenge Technology)

              Datastorm 2019

                 Amiga 500
              (512kb + 512kb)

            (on 4 floppy disks)

Credits for your desire:

- Code: Deetsay and Bonefish
- Music: Jeroen Tel
- Gfx: Alien and TM_Dag
- Font: Facet
- A500 testing, organizing and support: Magic
- Moral Support: Magnar
- Observer: Hedgehog

Background information

During 2017 the idea came along to do a musicdisk after Jeroen was so kind to send all his unreleased modules (he did in 90's) to
the Nah-Kolor HQ. Deetsay did a pre-selection of the best JT modules to fill up four floppy's.

Than Alien/Pdx+Titan and TM_Dag of Nah-Kolor were so kind to pixel the graphics presented in this musicdisk.
In the course of time other Nah-Kolor productions on Amiga and Commodore 64 followed. Untill the summer of 2019.

The timing was right for the Time Will Tel musicdisk. To continue on this project. Assembly or
Datastorm would be a nice occassion for a release. Magic quickly bought an Amiga 500 as the
official Nah-Kolor testing machine for this project! And one thing let to another and here we are.

Time has told this story now! Enjoy the music by Jeroen Tel. Ofcourse not on the Commodore 64 but on the Amiga 500 !
We will later donate all rest of his modules to Amiga Module Preservation website at
A harddisk version that supports AGA is planned later.

A 512kb memory expansion on A500 is required, but with that you can play all the modules, even the 700k ones from
virtual chip swap RAM (pat.pend.)! The song menu can be controlled with the keyboard or mouse. Click on the disk
number or use the arrow keys to browse the songs on the disks.

We Love:

Anadune, Lemon. , Struts, Offence, Loonies,
The Black Lotus, Tulou, Censor Design,
Fairlight, Hokuto Force, Insane, Mad Wizards,
Bonzai, Desire, Scoopex, Genesis Projects,
Elude, Oxyron, Depth, Appendix, Da Jormas! ,
Ram Jam, Noice, Ghostown, Crest, Dekadence, Fossil,
Spaceballs, Multistyle Labs, Skarla, Floppy
Addict Labs, Samar Productions, Haujobb, Up Rough,
TRSI, Booze Design, Onslaught, Resistance, Vision,
Unique, Chorus, The Deadliners, Void, Focus Design,
Shape, Cocoon, Altair, Alcatraz, Rebels and everybody
we have forgotten! (you know who you are)

...with special thanks to Blueberry!

See Nah! Mail Nah! Watch Nah! Re-Live Nah!

Live video's:

Captured videos (Nah YT WHQ)

Contact Nah-Kolor for whatever reason:

Pouet product listing:

See Nah! Mail Nah! Watch Nah! Re-Live Nah!

Contents of demo/sound/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//demo/sound/
      __/\   ___   ___   ___   ___
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        s c e n e . o r g     \// ~\___/~\/   ~\_  /
                                                \_/ - 'elektronik free art' since 11 March 1996
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
  901120  Defl:N   681114  24% 2019-08-02 13:09 221456b7  TwT-disk1.adf
  901120  Defl:N   827289   8% 2019-08-02 13:09 bf96462b  TwT-disk2.adf
  901120  Defl:N   842272   7% 2019-08-02 13:09 70a6ee83  TwT-disk3.adf
  901120  Defl:N   682641  24% 2019-08-02 13:09 ca0d2791  TwT-disk4.adf
    3578  Defl:N     1675  53% 2019-08-02 13:16 0e531e11  README.TXT
    3369  Defl:N     1287  62% 2019-08-05 01:14 cdc3e155
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 3611427          3036278  16%                            6 files
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