e- electrons at work
the electronic knights
released at the ms '98
wE aRe FaMiLy!
code and design bifat
music banana
title anim cybin
how to get started
1. insert an amiga-formatted DD disk into df0:
if the disk was previosly formatted in msdos mode or
other alien formats, you must format it first.
2. use the trackdisk installer included to the archive
to install the disk image:
tracksave electrons 0
3. if no errors occured, shut down applications and press
ctrl-amiga-amiga to run
it is not allowed to upload dms archives to aminet, even
though this is the one and only useful format for trackmos
i tried to fool the aminet administrators, but the archives
are being checked, and so you have to use the trackdisk
installer included.
known problems
requires an amiga custom chip set, i.e. won't work on
Draco systems, for instance. some parts might flicker on
amigas with a crappy memory architecture, e.g.
a4000/040/25, a500/M-Tec/030.
warning: TEK trackmos are known to crash UAE so badly
that you have to reboot windows 95. do not watch demos on
emulators, get an amiga instead.
copyright notes
copyright © 1998 by the electronic knights. no fees may be
charged for distribution. legal distributors of the aminet
software library are excluded from this limitation.
have fun