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dev/amos/Easylife110_P3.lha |
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Easylife V1.10 Distribution
By Paul Hickman
NOTE: This information is repeated in the
readme.guide file in the first part
Files You Need To Download:
- Easylife110_P1.lha - Unpack to disk
named "Easylife1:" for floppy use,
or any temporary directory for harddisk
- Easylife110_P2.lha - Unpack to disk
named "Easylife2:" for floppy use
or a different temporary directory for
harddisk installation.
- Easylife110_P3.lha - Unpack to any
temporary directory. You may should
install parts 1 & 2 first.
- MUI (Aminet /dev/gui/mui23usr.lha &
/dev/gui/mui23dev.lha - 23 may be replaced
with the latest version number)
- XPK (Aminet /util/pack/xpk25usr.lha -
25 may be replaced with the latest
version number)
Extension Features:
- MUI Interface Creation
- XPK file I/O
- Advanced String Handling & Searching
- Screen Zone Enhancements
- Taglist Support
- Adds struct or RECORD types to AMOSPro
- AmosGuide - An amiga guide file viewer
written in AMOS which runs on the AMOSPro
editor screen, and replaces the help feature.
Allows access to both AMOSPro & Extension
commands when you press the Help key. (And not
just this extension)
- Variable Checker - Finds bugs in your program
that the AMOS 'Test' feature doesn't. New verison
runs faster, and allows you to fix one bug before
displaying the next. Also picks up bad programming
- Editor Enhancer - Improves the AMOSPro editors
pathetic attempt at Search & Replace with something
more useful, and which understands AMOS souce code,
so you can just search code/strings/comments. Also
adds 4 extra featues Enter AscII, Enter Scancode,
Enter Filename & Unflip Bobs.
- Zone Editor - Allows you to draw your screen zones.
Version 3.0 is an update to use now new easylife
- Taglist editor - Not quite muibuilder for AMOS, but
it allows you to precompile MUI taglists to a bank.
- Structures Compiler - Allows you to define your
struct/RECORD type variables as comments in your
source code, then run this accessory to compile them
into a bank for use.
Other Features:
- Complete Amigaguide Documentation for Easylife & AMOSPro
- Replacement MagicWB style icons for AMOSPro
- Tutorials on using structured variables
- Useful AMOS Procedures
- Assembler include files for advanced programming
- Warped sense of humour in documentation
Contents of dev/amos/Easylife110_P3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 111380 459510 24.2% -lh5- e89b Mar 18 1995 AMOSPro_Help.diffs
[generic] 6993 17982 38.9% -lh5- dc3e Dec 11 1994 copying
[generic] 541 1431 37.8% -lh5- 9fa4 Mar 30 1995 COPYING.info
[generic] 9285 25265 36.8% -lh5- 56b8 Dec 11 1994 copying.lib
[generic] 542 1431 37.9% -lh5- b648 Mar 30 1995 COPYING.LIB.info
[generic] 1733 4581 37.8% -lh5- a88d Mar 30 1995 Disk.info
[generic] 65291 120672 54.1% -lh5- c549 Sep 3 1994 ixemul.library
[generic] 21826 42588 51.2% -lh5- 292f Nov 11 1994 patch
[generic] 719 1495 48.1% -lh5- c5e9 Mar 30 1995 Readme_P3.Doc
[generic] 542 1431 37.9% -lh5- 4fdc Mar 30 1995 Readme_P3.Doc.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 218852 676386 32.4% Mar 31 1995
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