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Short:Sanity Operation System (demo coding)
Author:SANITY/Chaos aka Dierk Ohlerich
Uploader:aminet aminet net
Download:dev/asm/SanityOperationSystem.lha - View contents

SOS - Sanity Operating System Version 2.6 (1994)

SOS  is  an  operating  system  for  demo  coders that want to hit the
hardware  as  directly  as  possible without loosing a microsecond for
system overhead, but still try to be as compatible as possible.

SOS  is not public domain.  See all details about my conditions in the
file  docs/sos.copyright.   You  should  register  because I will only
release  important updates if I get a good response.

SOS  tries  very  hard  to  be as compatible as possible, but it still
gives  you  full  access  to the hardware.

It  was  used in well known demos from Sanity like Yesterday, World of
Commodore,  Arte  and Roots.  It has proven a high compatibility rate,
and  it  is even more compatible now because of a few, small bugfixes.
You woun't have an easy job if you try to write something like this by

SOS  features  some  very  powerfull  debugging features, like testing
trackmos  from  harddisk and the complete monitor/debugger "MOD3" that
comes with some features you have never seen before.

After  I told you how great this system is in my eyes you should check
for  yourself.   There  are a few important things SOS can't do yet or
will never to do, but apart from these limitations it's quite complete
and  well  tested.  More then 3 years of development and many high end
productions made using this system proove how well tested it is.  Many
big  changes  lie between my first try and this Version 2.6, more then
once I completely rewrote important parts and gave up all compatiblity
to  older  versions  (which  woun't happen any more).  The result is a
small and handy system without too much ballast.

SOS  supports  only  one  disk trackmos and simple Filedemos.  But the
system   is   prepared   for  multi  disk  trackmos  as  well  as  for
HD-installable  Demos.  All in all this limitation is the reason why I
held  back this System for such a long time, I thought it would not be
up  to date.  But some people convinced me that there is still lots of
use for systems like this, and therefore I release it anyway.

SOS can

- handle all CPU's from 68000 to 68040 correctly
- find all autoconfig memory expansions
- handle Genlocks correctly (with a little help from the application
- debug trackmos from harddisk
- write trackmos to disk in a very comfortable way
- write filedemos with simplified Memory managment
- help you debugging A LOT
- memory managment that allows to allocate 64k blocks in 64k
- Very usefull memory managment for background effect loading
  and initialisation
- avoid memory fragmentation totally
- kill and restore the operating system totally
- handle chip and fastmemory correctly
- load and relocate segments with respect to chip and fast memory
- support different crunchers
- can load and relocate crunched segments without memory overhead
- longtack support for games (contact me)
- supply an optional system that helps creating a complex trackmo
  from normed components. (Environment System)
- very easy to join effect to a trackmo
- automatic disk caching and prefetching (as Jesterday Musicdisk)
- a fast and awfull replay (in the environment handler example)
- the final demo will run with any operating system version.
- In some cases possible incompatibilities that are my fault can
  be fixed by an SOS-update that is easy to apply to the final demo.


- can't be bugfree
- can't handle pathnames
- can't work with absolute adresses (useless anyway)
- developers need Kickstart 2.0
- might be SLIGHTLY incompatible to old versions when updates come
- can't be frendly to the operating system and respect RTG
- can't make multi disk trackmos (planned)
- has limited memory managment for Filedemos. (better systen planned)
- doesn't yet support 68060 CPU's (give me a chance to test it and
  you get it!)


Message to all fans of the Amiga Operating System:

I  guess  most "OSlamic fundamentalists" will cry if they see this:  A
system  that  totally knoks out Kickstart.  No way to be compatible to
RTG, no way of harddisk instalation, no way to multitask.

SOS  was  created  to  pull the last out of an A500 with 512K ram.  On
such  a system killing Kickstart is the only way.  Today we can assume
the  68020 with 2MB RAM as a minimal configuration for high end demos.
On  such systems it is possible to write demos that keep the Kickstart
living,  but Multitasking, Intuition or even RTG are far away.  So the
only problem of SOS is that you can't install it on harddisk.  Perhaps
the next release of this system can be harddisk installed.

Well,  some  of  you  prefer  the  Commodore  WB 1.2 demos before Arte
because  they run in a window.  But I guess some of you lost any sence
for proportions.

SOS  woun't  run  together  with  the  enforcer.  It does a lot of low
memory  accesses.   Please  note that all low memory accesses are done
while  SOS is running.  SOS is a complete operating system that ALLOWS
low  memory  accesses.   Therefore  there  is nothing wrong with them.
While  switching  from  Kickstart  to  SOS, the VBR is changed and the
complete  low  memory area is saved.  When switching back, the VBR and
the  low  memory  area  are  restored.  I call this compatible coding,
because  it  is.  I wrote my own operating system, therefore I can set
my own rules.

I would really like to code a demo running in an intuition screen, but
it  is impossible.  I would need Kickstart 3.1 as minimum, and that is
not  possible  today  because most A1200 computers have only Kickstart
3.0.  Under Kickstart 3.1, commodore has introduces many changes (like
an optimised blitter queue) that make OS friendly demos possible.  But
before  Kickstart  3.1  it is very hard and before Kickstart 3.0 it is
allmost impossible.  Please not that it is almost impossible to create
a  good  looking  design  even with Kickstart 3.1.  I don't care a lot
about  this,  but  I  want  my  demos  to  be successfull, and that is
impossible  without  a  good design.  Please note that Amiga demos are
more then simple texture and vector demos.  Demos like you see them on
PC  (mostly  vector and texture stuff without any design) are possible
on an intuition screen with Kickstart 1.2.


must  go  to  Mr.  Pet/Sanity and McDeal because they used this system
quite  a  lot  and  helped  me  finding  many program and design bugs.
Without  Mr.   Pet's constant critic, this system would not be half as
usefull as it is now.


Installation Problems:

Before you start crying: If SOS woun't run, check if 

- s:sosdirs is present (If not -> crash!)
- sosbin: contains all libraries and kernal-files
- libs: contains the sos.library

If  there are still problems, you may curse me.  But usually it's only
a missing assign or file.

All  these  problems  apply  for the SOS development system, the final
demo will not need any assigns, libs or special files.

|   __ _ _ __    ___      R                                          |
|  /_//_/// //\ /__/      T If you can't do it better why do it?     |
| // /_ //O//O/_\\        F                                          |
| _//////// \//__/        M                             Demo or die! |
|                         !                                          |

Contents of dev/asm/SanityOperationSystem.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                  894    2250  39.7% -lh5- 8da4 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/examples/sloadhyb.asm
[unknown]                 2396    7239  33.1% -lh5- 1d9d May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/examples/startup.asm
[unknown]                 1991    5804  34.3% -lh5- 627d May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/examples/timer.asm
[unknown]                 3183   10015  31.8% -lh5- f9e1 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/examples/DBUG.soslibrary.asm
[unknown]                  785    1897  41.4% -lh5- 2796 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/examples/sload.asm
[unknown]                  444    1106  40.1% -lh5- 74fb May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/examples/XXXX.soslibrary.asm
[unknown]                  462     733  63.0% -lh5- af04 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/docs/sos.bugs
[unknown]                14261   48723  29.3% -lh5- c9fd May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/docs/sos.includes
[unknown]                15072   37340  40.4% -lh5- b647 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/docs/sos.maindoc
[unknown]                 2791    6129  45.5% -lh5- 9232 Mar 14  1994 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/docs/readiff.doc
[unknown]                26968  103831  26.0% -lh5- 0e08 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/docs/sos.autodoc
[unknown]                 3279    7665  42.8% -lh5- 3da3 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sos.readme
[unknown]                  733    1294  56.6% -lh5- 6bd2 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sos.copyright
[unknown]                  300     452  66.4% -lh5- 08a4 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/tools/sloadhyb
[unknown]                10857   17148  63.3% -lh5- 527b May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/tools/soscon
[unknown]                 8009   12500  64.1% -lh5- 3f8f May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/tools/sosram
[unknown]                 8105   13740  59.0% -lh5- 3ee3 Jan 29  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/tools/readiff
[unknown]                 1862    2920  63.8% -lh5- c074 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/tools/segcrunch
[unknown]                  249     376  66.2% -lh5- d41b May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/tools/sload
[unknown]                 7013   12308  57.0% -lh5- d9ed May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/SOS_RAM3MB
[unknown]                 7595   11016  68.9% -lh5- 1cee May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/SOS_RUN
[unknown]                  553     564  98.0% -lh5- ef44 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/TEXT.soslibrary
[unknown]                 7509   14292  52.5% -lh5- 0149 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/SOS_DEV
[unknown]                 7986   13740  58.1% -lh5- d6a0 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/SOS_HYB
[unknown]                 6576   11272  58.3% -lh5- d75d May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/SOS_RAM2MB
[unknown]                 1133    1168  97.0% -lh5- c811 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/DBUG.soslibrary
[unknown]                21078   21920  96.2% -lh5- 6895 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/mod3_sos
[unknown]                 1060    1060 100.0% -lh0- 5037 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/SINE.soslibrary
[unknown]                 7720   14648  52.7% -lh5- 287f May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/libs/sos.library
[unknown]                   12      12 100.0% -lh0- c6f8 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/s/sosdirs
[unknown]                  517     540  95.7% -lh5- 7bd4 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/sosbin/AGAC.soslibrary
[unknown]                  368    1038  35.5% -lh5- e0dc May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/include/sos/DBUG.i
[unknown]                  269    1117  24.1% -lh5- aebf May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/include/sos/SINE.i
[unknown]                  179     447  40.0% -lh5- 5f40 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/include/sos/TEXT.i
[unknown]                 1685    6752  25.0% -lh5- 37c3 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/include/sos/AGAC.i
[unknown]                 4693   12801  36.7% -lh5- dfd4 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/include/sos/sos.i
[unknown]                 7230   22168  32.6% -lh5- df52 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/include/sos/sosmacros.i
[unknown]                11398   20834  54.7% -lh5- b5f4 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/pray/pic.iff
[unknown]                 2937    9713  30.2% -lh5- 6525 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/pray/pray.asm
[unknown]                  247     520  47.5% -lh5- 9494 Jan 29  1980 SanityOperationSystem/FILE_ID.DIZ
[unknown]                 1458    5562  26.2% -lh5- def4 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/sos_distribution/include/sos/soshardware.i
[unknown]                 3224    8008  40.3% -lh5- 3b5f Apr 29  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/_pic3.iff
[unknown]                  107     123  87.0% -lh5- db25 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/_spruch2.i
[unknown]                 9135   20172  45.3% -lh5- a613 May  8  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/_spruch2.iff
[unknown]                   67      84  79.8% -lh5- 9ed4 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/pray/conv.x
[unknown]                 3037    9206  33.0% -lh5- 9589 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/gfx.asm
[unknown]                  105     121  86.8% -lh5- 9b86 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/_cred1.i
[unknown]                 7439   13838  53.8% -lh5- 58ba May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/_cred1.iff
[unknown]                   94     104  90.4% -lh5- 2687 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/_pic3.i
[unknown]                  608    4012  15.2% -lh5- 6da7 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/escher/pattern1.iff
[unknown]                  615    4020  15.3% -lh5- 4229 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/escher/pattern4.iff
[unknown]                  247    1315  18.8% -lh5- 7557 May 19  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/conv.x
[unknown]                  410     620  66.1% -lh5- 378c Dec 22  1994 SanityOperationSystem/example/gfx/delta
[unknown]                 3434    4408  77.9% -lh5- 81eb May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/_pic3.scr
[unknown]                 8966    9856  91.0% -lh5- a944 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/_spruch2.scr
[unknown]                   87     303  28.7% -lh5- 2702 May 19  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/escher/conv.x
[unknown]                 3772   12201  30.9% -lh5- a138 May  8  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/escher/escher.asm
[unknown]                 5829    6616  88.1% -lh5- ef62 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/_cred1.scr
[unknown]                 6548    7316  89.5% -lh5- 3362 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/_cred2.scr
[unknown]                 9088    9884  91.9% -lh5- 2039 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/_cred3.scr
[unknown]                 9399   10248  91.7% -lh5- df10 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/_cred4.scr
[unknown]                13050   14052  92.9% -lh5- 4802 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/pray.scr
[unknown]                 5372   17662  30.4% -lh5- 9b63 Dec  7  1994 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/replay.asm
[unknown]               400300  467428  85.6% -lh5- f155 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/scalaanim.scr
[unknown]                 9558   11244  85.0% -lh5- 6106 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/webuyit.scr
[unknown]                 3322    5928  56.0% -lh5- 902d May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/loader
[unknown]                 3492   12494  27.9% -lh5- 8328 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/loader.asm
[unknown]               111212  111212 100.0% -lh0- e86c May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/mod1
[unknown]                39682   51844  76.5% -lh5- e321 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/plasma256.scr
[unknown]                 2981    3332  89.5% -lh5- cffe May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/feedback.scr
[unknown]                  148     270  54.8% -lh5- a0a3 May 19  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/files
[unknown]                47570   55356  85.9% -lh5- 8d12 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/hidden.scr
[unknown]                59478   62112  95.8% -lh5- d995 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/intro.scr
[unknown]                 2582    3348  77.1% -lh5- 8bfc May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/escher.scr
[unknown]                  177     400  44.2% -lh5- 8063 May  1  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/sosscript
[unknown]                 2993    3248  92.1% -lh5- b2ca May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/stripe3d.scr
[unknown]                 7594    8604  88.3% -lh5- e204 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/_spruch1.scr
[unknown]                 3396    7884  43.1% -lh5- adc5 May 22 01:48 SanityOperationSystem.readme
[unknown]                 9958   10544  94.4% -lh5- ab33 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/all/scalabox.scr
[unknown]                 1672    4062  41.2% -lh5- 29e3 May 21  1995 SanityOperationSystem/example/example.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        80 files  998605 1438133  69.4%            Jul 10 08:58
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