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dev/c/RsrcTrackLib.lha |
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One of the major problem when you are developping software for the Amiga is
the lack of some kind of automation to manage ressources. The programmer
must do all the work «manually» and even the smallest error could lead to a
system crash. (In some error condition, you can easily free a memory-block
This project is an attempt to implement ressource tracking on the Amiga.
A stack of ressource tracking records is allocated only once. So
creating a new record is basically only some pointer manipulations...
See the simple benchmarks below. It was one of my main goal not to slow
down the Amiga too much...
Programs becomes shorter:
Because there is no need to free the ressources and the management of
allocations fails becomes really simpler.
Easy to use:
You only need to call one function to create the ressource tracking
stack, and then another one to free all ressources and to delete the
The system calls remain exactly the sames. Only the name is different:
AllocMem becomes rt_AllocMem and has the same parameters.
Suitable even for small projects:
This isen't implemented as a link library like others ressource tracking
systems you can find on Aminet. This is a small (4kb) shared library.
Totally automatic ressource liberation:
At the end of your program you only need to call one function to free all
the ressources that are still allocated.
Custom liberation functions:
You can tell the library to call functions of your program when it's time
to deallocate ressources. This is very similar to ansi c atexit()
function. (It seems to only work with the c language)
If the allocation fails, the ressource won't be deallocated.
You can call the functions to allocate and deallocate the ressource
tracking stack several times. This can greatly simplify the termination
of your program.
Easier shared library management:
To do the allocation and deallocation you only use RessourceTrackingBase.
And if you want to short-circuit the ressource tracking mechanism, you
can find the DosBase, IntuitionBase, ... in RessourceTrackingBase.
Not only for c programmers:
As this is a standard shared library, you have the standard FD file. So
it's very easy to adapt the package to every programming language.
As this package is not terminated at all, only a few exec function are
traced. But there should be no bug.
If you are interested in expanding this package simply get in touch with me.
Most of the work is already done and the remaining is very symetric.
I've done simple benchmarks to see how much the ressource tracking system
slows down the computer.
It consists of an huge number of memory allocation and liberation and a huge
number of library opens and closes. I always have run the benchmark 5 times
and I took the minimal time.
Test conditions:
Amiga 1200, Blizzard 1230/IV, 50 MHz, AmigaOS 3.1.
Test code and library compiled with vbcc 0.6 with all optimisations on.
BenchMark 1: Memory allocation tests:
Test code:
/* Code used to measure the time needed to allocate memory WITHOUT the
** ressourcetracking.library. It means 409600 memory allocations and
** liberations. */
int i, j;
APTR mem[4096];
for (i=0;i<100;i++) { /* do 100 times: */
for (j=0;j<4096;j++)
mem[j]=AllocMem(16,MEMF_ANY); /* do 4096 allocations of 16 bytes */
for (j=4095;j>=0;j--)
if (mem[j]) /* do 4096 pointer tests and */
FreeMem(mem[j],16); /* 4096 liberations */
/* Code used to measure the time needed to allocate memory WITH the
** ressourcetracking.library. It means 409600 memory allocations and
** liberations. */
int i, j;
APTR mem[4096];
for (i=0;i<100;i++) { /* do 100 times: */
for (j=0;j<4096;j++)
mem[j]=rt_AllocMem(16,MEMF_ANY); /* do 4096 allocations of 16 bytes */
rt_UnsetMarker(); /* free all the memory blocks */
| WITH MemPools 1.22, a patch to | |
| optimize memory allocations | WITHOUT MemPools |
| (found on Aminet) | |
| WITH library | WITHOUT library | WITH library | WITHOUT library |
| 00:00:28.72 | 00:00:19.08 | 00:01:59.59 | 00:01:29.41 |
| WITH MemPools 1.22 | WITHOUT MemPools |
| 50.5 % | 33.7 % |
BenchMark 2: Library opening tests:
Test code:
/* Code used to measure the time needed to open the reqtools.library
** WITHOUT the ressourcetracking.library. It means 409600 library
** opens and closes. Note: the library is loaded before the tests is
** started. */
int i, j;
APTR lib[4096];
for (i=0;i<100;i++) { /* do 100 times: */
for (j=0;j<4096;j++) /* open reqtools 4096 times */
lib[j]=OpenLibrary("reqtools.library", 37);
for (j=4095;j>=0;j--)
if (lib[j]) /* do 4096 pointer tests and */
CloseLibrary(lib[j]); /* 4096 library closes */
/* Code used to measure the time needed to open the reqtools.library WITH
** the ressourcetracking.library. It means 409600 library opens and
** closes. Note: the library is loaded before the tests is started. */
int i, j;
APTR mem[4096];
for (i=0;i<100;i++) { /* do 100 times: */
for (j=0;j<4096;j++) /* open reqtools 4096 times */
lib[j]=rt_OpenLibrary("reqtools.library", 37);
rt_UnsetMarker(); /* 4096 library closes */
| WITH library | WITHOUT library |
| 00:00:56.24 | 00:00:44.53 |
| 26.3 % |
Contents of dev/c/RsrcTrackLib.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3208 13213 24.3% -lh5- e9b6 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/docs/Autodocs
[generic] 2335 8302 28.1% -lh5- c576 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/docs/RsrcTrackLib.readme
[generic] 1480 4765 31.1% -lh5- 663c Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/compiler.h
[generic] 334 582 57.4% -lh5- 895d Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/createlib.b
[generic] 285 511 55.8% -lh5- f108 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/fd/ressourcetracking.fd
[generic] 527 1255 42.0% -lh5- 1671 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/include/clib/ressourcetracking_protos.h
[generic] 298 1100 27.1% -lh5- ae53 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/include/pragmas/ressourcetracking_pragmas.h
[generic] 272 511 53.2% -lh5- 2435 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/include/proto/ressourcetracking.h
[generic] 821 2100 39.1% -lh5- 7c32 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/include/ressourcetracking/ressourcetracking.h
[generic] 830 2117 39.2% -lh5- 85fc Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/include/ressourcetracking/ressourcetrackingbase.h
[generic] 2050 6062 33.8% -lh5- fc0a Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/LibInit.c
[generic] 416 722 57.6% -lh5- 7c7c Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/make.b
[generic] 576 1654 34.8% -lh5- 5e9a Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/makefile
[generic] 198 323 61.3% -lh5- aa1b Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/Oberon-A/Oberon-A.readme
[generic] 947 2518 37.6% -lh5- be7c Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/Oberon-A/ressourcetracking.mod
[generic] 411 808 50.9% -lh5- 6fd3 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/Oberon-A/Test.mod
[generic] 2039 3692 55.2% -lh5- 714a Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/ressourcetracking.library
[generic] 4259 15716 27.1% -lh5- defc Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/SampleFuncs.c
[generic] 566 1714 33.0% -lh5- 6133 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/SampleFuncs.h
[generic] 2563 10737 23.9% -lh5- 0ece Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/StartUp.c
[generic] 3935 6576 59.8% -lh5- 6625 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/Test
[generic] 393 944 41.6% -lh5- 3516 Aug 30 1998 RsrcTrackLib/src/Test.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 22 files 28743 85922 33.5% Sep 10 1998
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