AmiTCP modules for Amiga E
This is pretty much a beta release of these modules, since I've had no
bug reports on the last version (which was some time ago). I'm still
in the rather poor position of not actually running AmiTCP myself, so
I am reliant on those who are...
The sources are included but, as ever, they are just for reference.
In particular, you shouldn't try compiling the sources as some of the
modules have had to be fiddled with to get unions etc. (and this will
affect not just the module with the fiddle in it, but all those that
use it).
The big difference over the last version is that one of the bitfield
operations has been corrected (Wouter's documentation mislead me, but
there's no real excuse for me not testing that bit!), and there is now
some initialisation code. This was present in the net.lib link
library of the SAS/C version, so I guess it might be pretty important.
The rest of net.lib has not yet been ported to E (unless someone knows
different...). I may start working on it but, again, I'm hardly the
best person to do this, not having AmiTCP running on my Amiga!
To use the initialisation do something like this:
MODULE 'amitcp/init/amitcp_init'
-> AmiTCP: initialise everything
-> Your code
-> Your cleanup code
-> AmiTCP: cleanup everything
The initialisation code opens the 'bsdsocket' and 'usergroup'
libraries, initialises I/O variables and opens a timer. It also sets
up various other arrays. If you want your can just use the bits you
need from the 'amitcp/init' directory. It should be fairly
Anyway, the key thing is this: if you use one of the init routines
(e.g., amitcp_init() for the whole lot), then you must make sure you
match it with the corresponding cleanup call (amitcp_cleanup() for
amitcp_init()). I'd advise that you use the exception handling method
shown above. Also, your program should *NEVER* use E's CleanUp()
function, as this terminates your program immediately and gives it no
chance to perform its own cleanup.
Have fun!
Jason (