84782 packages online
dev/src/stormgcc_cvs.lha |
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This is an multi-archive upload of the GPL part of StormC++ V4
compiler. This is taken from the StormC V4 Professional distribution
CD dated December 2000.
The directory GNU_Sources of this CD contains following directories:
binutils <dir> 27068043
cvs <dir> 8202192
gcc <dir> 63100076
Readme 138
Readme.info 2792
The text of Readme-file is:
| This drawer contains the modified GNU sources for GCC and CVS.
| Dieses Verzeichnis enthält die veränderten GNU Quelltexte für GCC und
| CVS.
I splitted the whole stuff into 3 tar.bz2 archives:
stormgcc_binutils.tar.bz2 <main dir binutils> 5451534
stormgcc_cvs.tar.bz2 <main dir cvs> 1830170
stormgcc_gcc.tar.bz2 <main dir gcc> 11456201
The lha-Files include these archives together with the GPL license,
the Readme files and this text. This is to ensure every archive
contains complete information. Don't ask me what to do with this stuff
or blame me if anything is missing. I only copied it as is.
The 3 lha archives have the names stormgcc_binut.lha, stormgcc_cvs.lha,
The decision to make all tar.bz2 is mainly because of size reasons.
Also all the archives are signed with my PGP key, as well as the outer
Aminet readmes contain a signature for the lha archives.
I will not do any support for these files, but anyway here is my
contact address:
* snail-mail: * e-mail: *
* Dirk Stoecker * stoecker@epost.de *
* Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 * dirk@dstoecker.de *
* 01877 Bischofswerda * world wide web: *
* GERMANY * http://www.dstoecker.de/ *
* phone: * pgp key: *
* GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 * get from WWW pages or keyservers *
Following is my PGP signature for the corresponding LhA-File.
Use ' pgpv stormgcc_cvs.readme -o stormgcc_cvs.lha ' to check it.
Key fingerprint: B9 F2 3A 1A 29 02 75 16 6A C6 5B 7D 5E F6 16 CF.
All my releases after April 2001 have a PGP signature with this key.
Be alarmed if signature is missing or wrong.
Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: PzhlGEpqeWYLW0KBs5y6ZX/4qaCegP4B
Contents of dev/src/stormgcc_cvs.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4982 12559 39.7% -lh5- 293b Jun 9 2001 copying
[generic] 9300 25337 36.7% -lh5- 903f Jun 9 2001 copying.lib
[generic] 998 2202 45.3% -lh5- c701 Jun 9 2001 stormgcc.readme
[generic] 1830170 1830170 100.0% -lh0- 30a0 Jun 9 2001 stormgcc_cvs.tar.bz2
[generic] 293 366 80.1% -lh5- 7493 Jun 9 2001 stormgcc_cvs.tar.bz2.asc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 1845743 1870634 98.7% Jun 12 2001
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