84794 packages online
disk/cdrom/BMCDDA_Player.lha |
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Beer Money Compact Disc Digital Audio Player
Version 1.5 ©1997 Byron Montgomerie
KEYWORDS: CD-ROM Changer Support! Doesn't use MUI! Not Crippled or Nagged!
Aspect Ratio Aware! Compatible with the CDID Collection!
What? Another CD Player on aminet? Geez, they are getting as bad as MODs! :)
Well, this one doesn't use MUI so for one thing you get to see something
different looking. :) You can change the entire look of the thing by going
into DPaint or whatever and creating some pics, no special format is required
and it even respects aspect ratios so that what you create will have the same
appearance no matter what screen mode you use. It also supports changers so
those play lists you like actually become useful. :)
The obvious.
AmigaOs 3.x (Isn't it about that time for you to upgrade if you haven't
IDE CD-ROM drive. This program sends out ATAPI commands rather than SCSI
commands. If you have a SCSI CD-ROM drive you can try
it and tell me if it works.
ATAPI driver software. Something like asim_atapi.device or atapi.device.
Installed JFIF datatype. (For the HiresImages cdplayer image or for your
own images) If you design an all iff gui you
don't need it.
NOTE: Set FindBestDisplayMode in the JFIF Prefs if you wish your jpeg images
to have an aspect ratio other than the default. That is, if you use
Aminet: /util/boot/ObtainBtrPens.lha or the equivalent. The gui I made
for the program looks the same in 16 colors as it does in 256,
with a color precision set to EXACT. You can do your own if you
want something fancier, what I came up with took me a few hours
playing with DPaint. (See included Screen Shot)
68030 or better cpu. It uses DataTypes extensively. It'll take longer
for the gui to load on slower cpus. It all depends
on the pics you use for the gui as well or if you
use any at all. It's as fast as gadtools without
loading any pics, looks similar as well.
AGA or a graphics card. Large screen and lots of colors would really get
the most out of the gui.
Changer support.
(Only tested with the nec 4x4, but up to seven-disc changers
should work with it)
Conforms to ATAPI 2.6 specification.
Supports the CDID Collection on aminet!
Totally user configurable.
Aspect ratio aware.
(gui has the same size on 640x512 and 1280x1024)
Font Sensitive.
(Ties in with Aspect ratio awareness)
WB and CLI interfaces with the human at the controls in mind. K.I.S.S.
It's a commodity.
(You can put it in your WBStartup drawer and ignore the existance of
the GUI and still plop CDs out and stick others in and listen to
Separate Volume and Balance Controls.
(Responsive custom BOOPSI gadgets)
AREXX interface. Some feedback on what people want from this would help.
SCSI support. Need a scsi CD-ROM drive first.
BOOPSI list view to replace the gadtools one to correct minor cosmetic aspects.
Locale support.
Handy dandy install script provided, otherwise just move the thing to where it
should go and edit the tooltypes for the paths.
Well, you tell me, that's what your registration fee will go towards. :)
Fixed a few in this version that I came across myself.
This is BEER-WARE folks, the registration fee is the current price of a case
of dozen beer locally. :) Round it up to $15 US. If you enjoy the program,
buy me a case of beer. :)
What you get for your money is the program you already have and my time working
on this program to update it. You also get to tell me what changes you would
like me to make to the program to make it suit you better. :) "The customer
is always right", but you have to be a customer first. :)
EMAIL: byron@nfld.com <Byron Montgomerie>
WWW: HTTP://www.nfld.com/~byron/
PHONE: (709)-738-7659
ADDRESS: Byron Montgomerie
23 Prince of Wales St.
St. John's, NF, Canada
However you wish to pay the registration fee as long as it works out to $15 US
in the end, it's ok with me. Alternatively, if you have a shareware product
of this value you can give me a registered copy.
I will contact you by email to let you know that I received your
registration and to thank you for your support. You will also be put on a
list for future consideration with other programs that I am working on.
Byron Montgomerie.
Contents of disk/cdrom/BMCDDA_Player.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 181 1910 9.5% -lh5- cf02 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/cdplayer
[generic] 865 1594 54.3% -lh5- 97b9 Jun 17 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/display2
[generic] 150 282 53.2% -lh5- ae34 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/dragbar1
[generic] 256 462 55.4% -lh5- 913c Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/next2
[generic] 154 254 60.6% -lh5- 113c Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/power1
[generic] 253 462 54.8% -lh5- 1ada Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/eject1
[generic] 244 462 52.8% -lh5- e9ee Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/eject2
[generic] 163 254 64.2% -lh5- 1c27 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/frontback1
[generic] 167 254 65.7% -lh5- 72e5 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/frontback2
[generic] 153 254 60.2% -lh5- 6870 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/power2
[generic] 146 828 17.6% -lh5- 9710 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/display1
[generic] 241 462 52.2% -lh5- 6ab5 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/pause1
[generic] 234 462 50.6% -lh5- 6bb3 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/pause2
[generic] 271 462 58.7% -lh5- 7842 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/prev1
[generic] 239 462 51.7% -lh5- 0f45 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/stop1
[generic] 231 462 50.0% -lh5- b085 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/stop2
[generic] 156 368 42.4% -lh5- 82b9 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/balance
[generic] 262 462 56.7% -lh5- 4d25 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/prev2
[generic] 280 462 60.6% -lh5- 5dc0 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/rwd1
[generic] 267 462 57.8% -lh5- 1822 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/rwd2
[generic] 280 462 60.6% -lh5- a937 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/skip1
[generic] 270 462 58.4% -lh5- c452 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/skip2
[generic] 284 462 61.5% -lh5- 4b10 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/back1
[generic] 271 462 58.7% -lh5- a9dd Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/back2
[generic] 137 254 53.9% -lh5- 41a7 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/sliderknob1
[generic] 155 254 61.0% -lh5- f376 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/sliderknob2
[generic] 156 368 42.4% -lh5- 82b9 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/volume
[generic] 272 462 58.9% -lh5- 8129 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/ffwd1
[generic] 265 462 57.4% -lh5- b1b8 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/ffwd2
[generic] 269 462 58.2% -lh5- ead0 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/next1
[generic] 259 462 56.1% -lh5- e0a7 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/play1
[generic] 251 462 54.3% -lh5- 5c52 Jun 16 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/4ColourImages/play2
[generic] 459 818 56.1% -lh5- aed5 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/back1
[generic] 469 818 57.3% -lh5- e283 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/back2
[generic] 804 1154 69.7% -lh5- 982e Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/balance
[generic] 16764 18410 91.1% -lh5- 5585 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/cdplayer
[generic] 3153 4308 73.2% -lh5- 8c79 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/display1
[generic] 3919 5126 76.5% -lh5- f7a2 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/display2
[generic] 258 532 48.5% -lh5- 65f8 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/dragbar1
[generic] 425 818 52.0% -lh5- 0623 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/eject1
[generic] 435 818 53.2% -lh5- ceaa Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/eject2
[generic] 451 818 55.1% -lh5- 2a72 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/ffwd1
[generic] 461 818 56.4% -lh5- 2712 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/ffwd2
[generic] 208 274 75.9% -lh5- fca8 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/frontback1
[generic] 203 274 74.1% -lh5- 1c05 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/frontback2
[generic] 449 818 54.9% -lh5- 65ce Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/next1
[generic] 452 818 55.3% -lh5- 4e61 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/next2
[generic] 410 818 50.1% -lh5- 1dc7 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/pause1
[generic] 415 818 50.7% -lh5- 7b99 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/pause2
[generic] 439 818 53.7% -lh5- 2466 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/play1
[generic] 439 818 53.7% -lh5- 1999 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/play2
[generic] 428 818 52.3% -lh5- 357e Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/power1
[generic] 427 818 52.2% -lh5- a8af Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/power2
[generic] 448 818 54.8% -lh5- 81b8 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/prev1
[generic] 454 818 55.5% -lh5- 5d21 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/prev2
[generic] 454 818 55.5% -lh5- 701b Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/rwd1
[generic] 462 818 56.5% -lh5- c6fc Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/rwd2
[generic] 459 818 56.1% -lh5- 4755 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/skip1
[generic] 474 818 57.9% -lh5- 94a9 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/skip2
[generic] 269 298 90.3% -lh5- 30a7 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/sliderknob1
[generic] 281 302 93.0% -lh5- d2c6 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/sliderknob2
[generic] 404 818 49.4% -lh5- 1abd Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/stop1
[generic] 402 818 49.1% -lh5- 8cbd Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/stop2
[generic] 30369 55288 54.9% -lh5- c674 Jun 22 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/BMCDDA_Player
[generic] 1028 1885 54.5% -lh5- 18c1 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/BMCDDA_Player.readme.info
[generic] 28790 43624 66.0% -lh5- 4650 Jun 22 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/BMCDDAsnapshot.iff
[generic] 1105 1766 62.6% -lh5- 3b58 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages.info
[generic] 755 1144 66.0% -lh5- 9003 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/HiresImages/volume
[generic] 1107 1766 62.7% -lh5- efb7 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages.info
[generic] 1352 1974 68.5% -lh5- 9d00 Jun 22 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/BMCDDA_Player.info
[generic] 143 189 75.7% -lh5- 395f Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID120087E60308A1
[generic] 136 173 78.6% -lh5- 59f2 Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID1200895602D163
[generic] 221 360 61.4% -lh5- 28c4 Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID14006D8304181D
[generic] 1736 3700 46.9% -lh5- 953c Jun 22 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/history.txt
[generic] 2687 10079 26.7% -lh5- 97ff Jun 22 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/install
[generic] 156 204 76.5% -lh5- 0b8d Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID10007A710251F7
[generic] 130 156 83.3% -lh5- 2917 Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID1100A2D0032D18
[generic] 186 264 70.5% -lh5- 779b Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID1100B4640372EE
[generic] 158 245 64.5% -lh5- 24d8 Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID13006F4D029C0C
[generic] 147 177 83.1% -lh5- 6502 Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID1400AA550351EC
[generic] 1127 1796 62.8% -lh5- 8d9b Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/BMCDDA_Player.guide.info
[generic] 198 253 78.3% -lh5- 8b23 Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID120091E803CEF3
[generic] 164 230 71.3% -lh5- 7891 Jun 3 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Discs/ID130086560379BF
[generic] 336 676 49.7% -lh5- 209a Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/Install.info
[generic] 351 530 66.2% -lh5- c1c0 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/stop1
[generic] 324 516 62.8% -lh5- 4169 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/stop2
[generic] 369 530 69.6% -lh5- 0bb7 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/rwd1
[generic] 365 516 70.7% -lh5- 25d5 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/rwd2
[generic] 379 530 71.5% -lh5- b491 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/skip1
[generic] 351 516 68.0% -lh5- b8ec Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/skip2
[generic] 220 236 93.2% -lh5- 4345 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/sliderknob1
[generic] 214 236 90.7% -lh5- 2e0e Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/sliderknob2
[generic] 372 530 70.2% -lh5- 71f3 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/play1
[generic] 343 516 66.5% -lh5- 5559 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/play2
[generic] 170 292 58.2% -lh5- 0a2b Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/power1
[generic] 172 292 58.9% -lh5- 82cf Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/power2
[generic] 379 530 71.5% -lh5- 4a80 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/prev1
[generic] 366 516 70.9% -lh5- 6447 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/prev2
[generic] 200 234 85.5% -lh5- 1f71 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/frontback1
[generic] 196 234 83.8% -lh5- 47d9 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/frontback2
[generic] 380 530 71.7% -lh5- 4b81 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/next1
[generic] 369 516 71.5% -lh5- e070 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/next2
[generic] 373 530 70.4% -lh5- 0151 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/pause1
[generic] 342 516 66.3% -lh5- 9b67 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/pause2
[generic] 2218 2774 80.0% -lh5- 8b25 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/display2
[generic] 275 332 82.8% -lh5- 0633 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/dragbar1
[generic] 367 530 69.2% -lh5- 0a59 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/eject1
[generic] 354 516 68.6% -lh5- e1c5 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/eject2
[generic] 371 530 70.0% -lh5- a557 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/ffwd1
[generic] 363 516 70.3% -lh5- 744a Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/ffwd2
[generic] 5697 14885 38.3% -lh5- 5682 Jun 22 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/BMCDDA_Player.guide
[generic] 2497 5149 48.5% -lh5- 33d7 Jun 22 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/BMCDDA_Player.readme
[generic] 375 530 70.8% -lh5- d137 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/back1
[generic] 357 516 69.2% -lh5- 7759 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/back2
[generic] 4702 7728 60.8% -lh5- bb91 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/cdplayer
[generic] 1631 2196 74.3% -lh5- 3f74 Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer/LoresImages/display1
[generic] 713 1352 52.7% -lh5- 4f5a Jun 2 1997 BMCDDAPlayer.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 117 files 141543 237137 59.7% Dec 23 1997
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